The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress

Chapter 268

That's why her side effects were so minimal; if she wanted to tough it out, she basically could.

Chloe felt a bit irritated.

What was the Viper Group's purpose in doing this? Just to randomly find someone to be an animal trainer?

Recalling Xavier and the others' anxious attitudes, Chloe felt that this drug might not be as simple as she thought.

After all, if there were really only such minor side effects, why would Xavier, those doctors, and the researchers Ren Yunying found be so concerned about her health all the time?

As if she might die at any moment if they weren't careful.

It was very strange.

Chloe patted Wang's head, feeling that no matter what, she needed to verify this herself.

So, she turned on her heel and walked directly towards the Black Robed Man's tent.

The Black Robed Man's setup was as grand as ever, with luxurious decorations in his tent, showing no signs of poverty.

Come to think of it, the Viper Group wasn't exactly poor.

Although she didn't know what exact position this guy held in the Viper Group, his rank certainly wouldn't be too low.

Otherwise, just looking at the Black Robed Man's show-off style, you'd know he wouldn't have an easy time in the group.

Just as she was thinking this, the Black Robed Man noticed Chloe's presence.

He sat in the main seat, surrounded by several subordinates who had come to discuss business with him.

Seeing Chloe, the Black Robed Man waved his hand to dismiss them all, his eyes, completely hidden by his hood, focused intently on Chloe:

"My dear, what brings you here?"

As he spoke, his gaze fell on Wang behind her, with an infatuation in his eyes that was almost overflowing.

Such a brave and fierce beast would undoubtedly be a glorious presence in the arena.

Just thinking about it, one could imagine how much money it would make for the Viper Group.

Provided it was obedient.

Thinking of this, the Black Robed Man's attitude towards Chloe became even friendlier. He invited her to sit next to him and said amiably:

"Have you encountered any problems in the process of training the beast? If you need anything, as long as I have it, I can get it for you."

Chloe didn't like this kind of oily way of speaking. The last person who spoke like this was Hurst, who ran the arena on the Barren Planet.

Although the two men were very different in both build and voice, their manner of speaking was exactly the same.

Equally nauseating.

Although Chloe herself occasionally spoke this way, it wasn't the same when she did it versus when others did. It just wasn't.

Chloe couldn't be bothered to waste words with the Black Robed Man, so she got straight to the point:

"I just came to ask, what you said before, about the gene modification drug you injected me with, what exactly are its effects?"

As her words fell, the tent fell into silence.

After a long while, the Black Robed Man laughed:

"My dear little miss, although I knew you would notice something, I didn't expect you to come find me so quickly."

Chloe frowned impatiently: "Cut the crap, I want to hear the truth."

"The truth is," the Black Robed Man spread his hands, "the truth is, I don't know either~"

Chloe: "..."

"Are you disgusting or what? Speak properly."

After a slight pause, she continued: "Besides, I don't believe a single word of what you just said."

Hearing this, the Black Robed Man raised his eyebrows slightly.

He rested his chin on his hand, looking at Chloe leisurely for a long time before slowly saying: "Why don't you believe me? I'm just a lowly grunt after all."

Chloe: "..."

She said with disdain: "Can't you be normal?"

Black Robed Man: "I'm already being very normal. Everything I said is true."

Chloe fell silent.

The two stared at each other for a long time. Just as the Black Robed Man was pondering what else to say, a silver flash appeared before his eyes.

The next moment, a sharp dagger was pressed against his neck, the blade breaking through the surface of his skin, drawing a spot of bright red blood.

It trickled onto the blade, then slowly dripped to the ground.

No one saw how Chloe made her move. In the blink of an eye, she was already in front of the Black Robed Man, gripping the dagger.

It took about two seconds for the change to occur, and only then did the soldiers who were secretly protecting him rush out, pointing guns and weapons at Chloe, their expressions tense.

Chloe looked at the Black Robed Man under her hand, then at the guys who suddenly appeared opposite her, presumably personal guards, and immediately laughed.

Her lips curved into a slight smile as she leaned towards the Black Robed Man's side and said in a low voice:

"Why don't you find an opportunity to fire them all? Their skills are lacking. With reaction speeds like that, they'd probably only manage to jump out to collect your corpse after you're dead."

The Black Robed Man said with a half-smile: "The little miss has a point."

As he spoke, he tried to push Chloe's dagger away.

However, Chloe was naturally blessed with superhuman strength, so pushing it away was impossible. After several failed attempts, the Black Robed Man promptly gave up.

From a distance, the personal guards' voices were very stern:

"Let go of our boss!"

Chloe: "You want me to let him go? Sure, but the question is whether your boss is willing to behave and listen."

As she spoke, she lifted the tip of the dagger, raising the Black Robed Man's chin.

From this angle, one could finally see a bit of his facial features.

Of course, limited to his chin.

The Black Robed Man's voice carried a hint of amusement: "Alright, alright, in that case, I might as well tell you."

"Have them stand down. Pointing guns at people, what kind of hospitality is that?"

The Black Robed Man glanced at the dagger still pressed against his neck, but ultimately said nothing.

He waved his hand and said: "You all, go away."

The personal guards looked at the dagger in Chloe's hand, hesitating for a moment.

The Black Robed Man's voice immediately became impatient: "When I tell you to scram, just scram. What's with all this nonsense?"

At this, the personal guards immediately ran off.

The Black Robed Man looked at Chloe: "So, can you let me go now?"

Chloe thought to herself that these people only respond to force, not kindness. She steeled her resolve and said:

"You talk first. After you're done, I'll consider whether to let go or not."

The Black Robed Man smiled and finally spoke slowly:

"The gene modification drug in your body is indeed different from ordinary modification drugs."

"If you could say that the other drugs we developed were simply to enhance physical qualities, then what was injected into you was to enhance mental power."

The Black Robed Man thought for a moment: "Of course, if we use the terminology of you Vampires, it would be called perception."

"Our modification drug has given you mental powers a hundred times more acute and powerful than those of ordinary Vampires. At the same time, your genetic sequence will be rewritten."

"You are still the noble young lady of the Vampires, but the genetic modification drug we injected you with contains genes extracted from thousands of the most powerful beasts."

"The addition of these genes will cause you to emit an extremely potent scent and aura when in the presence of fierce beasts. For their own safety, they will instinctively approach you, submit to you, and thus accept your command."

At this point, the Black Robed Man paused briefly:

"Of course, successfully creating this modification drug was very difficult. We sacrificed nearly hundreds of children."

"And you, my dear Lady Chloe."

"You are the only survivor."