The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 63

Zhao Qiang ran deep into the forest. He thought he could shake off Jiang Ning, but in reality, she was getting closer and closer.

"Huff... huff..."

Zhao Qiang panted heavily, his forehead drenched in sweat, cursing inwardly.

Is this damned woman really a woman? How come she doesn't seem tired at all?

Zhao Qiang didn't dare to pause for a moment, running forward frantically without looking back.

However, on this dark and windy night, the forest was even more gloomy. Zhao Qiang stepped on piles of leaves, unable to see the path beneath his feet clearly.

Suddenly, his foot caught on a protruding tree root. Zhao Qiang's body lurched forward uncontrollably. Although he quickly regained his balance, this momentary delay was enough for Jiang Ning.

In that split second, Jiang Ning seized the opportunity, her left hand gripping a knife as she thrust it towards Zhao Qiang's temple with all her might.

If this strike landed, Zhao Qiang would surely die on the spot.

Zhao Qiang was well aware of this. Jiang Ning had caught up with him, and he couldn't run anymore. He might as well face her head-on – the outcome was still uncertain.

Having made up his mind, Zhao Qiang spun around on the spot, his body twisting sharply to the side, narrowly dodging the fatal blow.

Just as he prepared to counterattack, a sharp pain shot through his left knee. Zhao Qiang instantly lost his strength and fell to his knees. Then he felt a cold sensation on his neck as an icy dagger pressed against his throat.

"Still want to run?" Zhao Qiang heard the woman ask coldly.

"Spare me! I won't run anymore, please spare my life, noble lady!" Zhao Qiang's panicked voice rang out. He seemed truly afraid of death, his entire body shaking like a sieve.

Out of Jiang Ning's sight, there wasn't a trace of fear in Zhao Qiang's eyes. Instead, the hand hanging by his side grabbed a handful of dirt mixed with sand and rotting leaves.

"Please spare me, spare my life! I'll never dare to do it again, never again..." Zhao Qiang continued to plead theatrically, his eyes darting about, quietly waiting for a chance to strike.

"What exactly was your purpose?" Jiang Ning asked.

"I-I was just greedy. I heard someone say you won over a hundred taels of silver at the Gold Jade Hall. I had evil intentions... I-I was wrong. I'll never dare to do it again. Please be merciful and let me go..." Zhao Qiang said, half-truthfully and half-falsely, his tone of supplication very sincere.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning said nothing, holding the dagger steady as she pondered the credibility of his words.


Knowing this was his chance, Zhao Qiang flung the handful of dirt and sand at Jiang Ning's face.

Jiang Ning sensed his movement the instant Zhao Qiang raised his hand. She immediately stepped back half a pace, turning her face to avoid getting sand in her eyes.

Zhao Qiang seized the opportunity to stand up, clenching his fist and swinging it viciously towards Jiang Ning's face.


Jiang Ning scoffed lightly, her right hand directly intercepting Zhao Qiang's fist. She stepped back, using his force against him to neutralize his entire attack. Then she raised her knee, forcefully thrusting upward to strike Zhao Qiang's abdomen.

Still not giving up, Zhao Qiang swung another punch with his left hand as Jiang Ning held his right.

Jiang Ning had lost patience with his persistence. She twisted the blade in her hand, and with a "swish," the sound of cloth tearing filled the air. Zhao Qiang let out a pained groan, clutching his wounded arm.

As soon as Zhao Qiang withdrew his hand, Jiang Ning didn't hesitate. She grabbed his arm, applying force. Two clear "crack" sounds of bones colliding reached both their ears as Jiang Ning dislocated both of Zhao Qiang's arms, leaving him with no chance to struggle.

The dagger was once again at his throat, and Jiang Ning's voice was even colder than before: "Still want to run?"

Zhao Qiang closed his eyes briefly, resigned to his fate. "I won't run. If you want to kill me, just do it. A quick death would be merciful."

Jiang Ning slowly curled her lips into a smile. Before figuring out Zhao Qiang's motives, she hadn't planned on killing him.

Jiang Ning knew Zhao Qiang had some fighting skills, so her initial knife strike had been a feint, designed to draw his attention. The real attack was at his feet, catching him off guard and destroying his foundation. This way, Zhao Qiang would have no chance to retaliate.

Still, this man did have some skill, to be able to struggle with her for so long, Jiang Ning thought.

Zhao Qiang anxiously waited for Jiang Ning's next move. After a long while with no action from her, he had just opened his eyes to ask what she intended when a heavy blow struck the back of his neck, instantly knocking him unconscious.

Jiang Ning tossed Zhao Qiang into her space and turned to head back home. Killing him outright could bring unnecessary trouble, especially since Zhao Qiang's uncle was an official in the local government. In this era where "civilians don't fight against officials," Liu Ming'an would likely be more adept at handling this situation than her.

Jiang Ning planned to wake Liu Ming'an when she got home. However, as she emerged from the forest, still half a mile from home, she saw a blaze of fire in the distance.

Liu Ming'an's house was on fire!

The fire was fierce. Jiang Ning stared blankly at the flames roaring in the night sky, illuminating the surrounding area.

A dog was barking furiously somewhere – perhaps it was this barking that had awakened the sleeping villagers. Several people stood in front of Liu Ming'an's house, discussing something in a flurry of voices, with the sound of crying mixed in.

Someone must have entered the house after she and Zhao Qiang left and set it on fire!

Fortunately, fortunately! Thank goodness she had put Liu Ming'an in her space beforehand.

Jiang Ning felt a wave of fear wash over her, and the arm holding the dagger began to tremble slightly.

When Liu Ming'an woke up, he found himself leaning against a tree, with Jiang Ning crouching in front of him, her face grim.

"Jiang Ning, why am I sleeping here?"

Liu Ming'an sat up, trying hard to recall what had happened earlier. He remembered he was about to teach Jiang Ning how to do her hair, but after that? He couldn't remember anything.

After bringing Liu Ming'an out of her space, Jiang Ning had given him some spirit spring water. In less than half a minute, he had slowly regained consciousness.

"Liu Ming'an, listen to me carefully," Jiang Ning said with a serious expression. "Instructor Zhao coveted the hundred taels of silver we had. During the day, while you weren't paying attention, he put a sleeping drug in the water vat, which is why you passed out. I was alert for certain reasons and planned to catch him in the act. Fearing you might get hurt, I carried you out in advance. That's why you're sleeping here now."

Liu Ming'an listened in shock as Jiang Ning continued, "I confronted Instructor Zhao inside the house. I wanted to capture him, but he managed to escape. After I chased him down and subdued him, I returned here to find that someone had set the house on fire. Look..."

As Jiang Ning spoke, her eyes were filled with a dark, troubled look.

Liu Ming'an followed the direction of Jiang Ning's finger and saw only a sea of roaring flames – it was his home!

Liu Ming'an sprang to his feet, no longer paying attention to Jiang Ning, and ran straight towards the nearly burned-out house.

There wasn't much of value in the house, but it contained his parents' mementos and the witnesses to his budding feelings. To Liu Ming'an, these were worth more than gold.

Jiang Ning watched Liu Ming'an's retreating figure and lowered her eyes.

In the end, she had still brought disaster upon Liu Ming'an.