The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 6

"The Blood Lotus Seed, a national treasure? Sounds interesting. N, go fetch it for me," said the woman who had adopted Jiang Ning. She curved her vibrant lips, gently swirling her wine glass before taking an elegant sip after issuing her command.

"So this is the infamous assassin N, feared in both the underworld and legitimate circles? Not so impressive after all." A row of black gun barrels pointed at Jiang Ning. She knew there was no escape.

"Hand over the national treasure, and I'll leave your corpse intact."

But Jiang Ning was far too proud to die on her knees. She swallowed the so-called treasure, the Blood Lotus Seed, then detonated the bomb, reducing herself and her attackers to ashes.

In her final moment, Jiang Ning thought she saw huge blood-red lotus flowers blooming before her eyes. She paid it no mind, assuming it was merely a dying hallucination.

Now, as Jiang Ning gazed at the identical blood-red lotus flowers covering the sky, she finally understood the mystery behind her resurrection.

This was no dream – it was a space created by the Blood Lotus Seed!

Jiang Ning quickly composed herself and stepped out of the bamboo house onto a gravel path, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings. If this national treasure could transfer her soul into this body, perhaps it held other wonders as well.

Jiang Ning walked to the boundary of the space, observing the swirling air currents. She slowly pressed her hand against it. The moment she made contact, she felt an enormous resistance. Even using all her strength, she couldn't push her hand forward a single inch. She tried at different locations, but the result was the same.

Giving up, Jiang Ning turned to search for other clues.

As soon as she rounded the bamboo house, she spotted a small spring bubbling up from the gravel. The spring's eye was gently releasing water, forming a pool about a meter in diameter. The water was clean, crystal clear, and free of impurities. The stones at the bottom were spotless, and the water's surface perfectly reflected the red sky above. It seemed oddly out of place in this strange realm, yet somehow harmonious in a way she couldn't quite explain.

Jiang Ning stared at the small spring for a moment, then circled the bamboo house to confirm this was the only unusual feature in the space before returning to the spring's edge.

"Cough, cough!" A sudden coughing sound startled Jiang Ning. She looked around, but she was alone! Then, remembering yesterday's rooster crow, she realized it was Liu Ming'an coughing.

The moment this thought occurred to her, Jiang Ning opened her eyes in darkness, back in Liu Ming'an's room, once again an immobile injured person.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Jiang Ning turned her head towards the sound. In the faint moonlight filtering through the window, she saw Liu Ming'an hunched over the table, wrapped in a coat. The grown man had curled up against the night chill.

He's not catching a cold, is he? Jiang Ning wondered.

This Liu Ming'an was a rare kind soul, spending money and effort on a stranger like her, even giving up the only bed in his home for her. Jiang Ning knew that without him, she might have suffered a much worse fate.

She watched him for a while, noting how he pulled his coat tighter before falling into a quiet sleep, no longer coughing. Only then did she look away.

Wide awake, Jiang Ning lay in the darkness, her thoughts drifting back to the Blood Lotus Space. Both times she had entered, it was passively while asleep, and she'd return automatically when disturbed by outside noises. She wondered if she could enter at will.

The moment this question crossed her mind, Jiang Ning found her answer. The darkness before her eyes receded, and she was back on the bamboo bed.

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes and mentally commanded, "Exit." She found herself lying in Liu Ming'an's room, darkness enveloping her once more.

"Enter the space." The wooden bed beneath her transformed into bamboo.

After several attempts, Jiang Ning understood – this space appeared or disappeared according to her will.

Back in the space again, Jiang Ning left the bed and approached the small spring behind the bamboo house. Given how extraordinary this space was, surely the spring water was no ordinary liquid.

Jiang Ning crouched by the spring, hesitated for half a minute, then scooped up a handful of water and drank it. The spring water was sweet and slightly cool. As soon as she swallowed, Jiang Ning sensed a change. She felt a deeper connection to the space, as if she could sense it within her very being.

Not only that, but Jiang Ning discovered that the boundary between the space and the outside world had blurred. She could now see through it, observing Liu Ming'an sleeping at the table. This ability opened up countless possibilities – secret observation, deception, all within her grasp.

However, Jiang Ning quickly lost the capacity to consider these options as her body, especially where her bones had been broken, began to throb with intense pain.

How could this be? Her body in the space was uninjured, so why did it hurt?

Jiang Ning gritted her teeth and left the space. Liu Ming'an slept nearby as she silently endured the excruciating pain in the darkness.

It seemed all her injuries were reacting. Her cheek began to ache, though bearably so, but where her bones had been broken felt as if someone were sawing through her flesh.

Was it because of the spring water? Jiang Ning speculated.

She remained silent, allowing waves of pain to wash over her body as cold sweat soaked her hair.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain gradually subsided. Jiang Ning had weathered this torture-like ordeal and let out a long breath. She turned to look out the window; the dark sky's waning moon was setting in the west, and a sliver of dawn light appeared on the horizon.

The pain had been worth it – all of Jiang Ning's injuries had healed.

With her limbs still bound in splints and bandages, Jiang Ning used her shoulder to prop herself up against the headboard. She raised her stiff arm and used her teeth to undo the bandage knot, freeing her right hand. She flexed her fingers, feeling no discomfort. Even the whip marks on the back of her hand had vanished without a trace.

It seemed the spring possessed healing properties.

She proceeded to free her left hand, then threw back the covers and bent down to remove the splints from her legs. Feeling completely refreshed, Jiang Ning quietly left the bed she had occupied for two days.

Jiang Ning stood by the table, silently watching Liu Ming'an. She no longer needed him; with her skills and the space, she was confident she could thrive in this unfamiliar era.

Should she leave? Jiang Ning asked herself.

Time ticked by as Jiang Ning stood motionless, her gaze fixed on Liu Ming'an, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The person sleeping on the table started coughing again. His body shook with each cough, causing the coat draped over him as a makeshift blanket to slip onto the floor. Jiang Ning watched for a few seconds, then quietly stepped forward and gently tucked the coat back around him.

Liu Ming'an's brows furrowed, seemingly unsettled in his sleep. His shoulders unconsciously hunched inward.

Jiang Ning silently let out a sigh. Well, this scholar was neither family nor friend, but he had spent quite a bit of money on her behalf. At the very least, she ought to repay this debt of gratitude.