The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 56

After breakfast, Zhou Yi arranged for a carriage to take Liu Ming'an home. The three parted ways at the entrance of Hong's residence.

"I had hoped you could stay a few more days, at least until after my uncle's birthday celebration. But I know you must be eager to return home," Zhou Yi said meaningfully, then chuckled and continued, "Brother Liu, I won't keep you any longer. Let's meet again on the fifth day of next month, at our usual spot by the bridge."

Zhang Shun thought for a moment and said, "The results of the local scholar examination will be announced in four days. Liu, you're sure to pass, so the next time we meet, you'll be Scholar Liu."

"Brother Zhang, stop teasing me," Liu Ming'an said with an embarrassed smile. He then bowed to the two of them and said, "I'll be off now. Farewell."

After watching Liu Ming'an's carriage leave, Zhou Yi opened his folding fan with a flourish and walked back with a broad smile on his face.

"Zhang Shun, this younger brother of ours is truly talented and interesting. He's absolutely adorable!" Zhou Yi exclaimed.

Zhang Shun nodded in agreement, "It's rare to find such a delightful person in a small place like Lingshan Town!"

"Don't worry, Lingshan Town won't be able to keep him. You can tell he has an air of nobility about him," Zhou Yi said with an air of certainty.

"Since when did you become a fortune-teller? Air of nobility? You're talking nonsense..."

The two continued their discussion as they returned to the courtyard.

Meanwhile, the subject of their conversation, Liu Ming'an, sat motionless in the carriage, lost in thought as he gazed at the portrait he had drawn. He had spoken with such conviction to Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun about seeing Jiang Ning as a sister, but he clearly remembered the emotions that had stirred within him as he drew this picture the night before.

Liu Ming'an might be able to deceive others, but he couldn't fool his own heart. He had indeed developed some improper feelings for Jiang Ning. He hadn't noticed anything during their daily interactions, but the brief separation yesterday had made him realize his true feelings when longing filled his heart.

"I... like... Jiang Ning!"

Liu Ming'an whispered each word, his voice barely audible, but his heartbeat was deafening.

Once he acknowledged this fact, joy and sorrow flooded his heart simultaneously.

The "Jiang Ning" on paper gazed back at him silently. Liu Ming'an instinctively reached out, wanting to touch the face in the drawing, but withdrew his hand just before making contact.

From love comes anxiety, from love comes fear.

Liu Ming'an sighed, pressing the drawing against his beating heart.

"Young master, we've arrived at Lotus Flower Village. Which way to your house?" the carriage driver suddenly called out.

Liu Ming'an snapped out of his tumultuous thoughts and lifted the curtain to look outside. They had indeed arrived at Lotus Flower Village; he hadn't expected the journey to be so quick.

"Thank you for your trouble. You can stop here," Liu Ming'an politely told the driver.

"Here? But Young Master Zhou instructed me to take you to your doorstep," the driver, an honest fellow, said with some confusion as he scratched his head.

"It's alright, here is fine. It's just a few steps away," Liu Ming'an said gently to the driver.

"Alright then!" The driver stopped the carriage, waited for Liu Ming'an to get off, and then said, "Take care, young master," before turning the carriage around and heading back to town.

It was just past nine in the morning, and most villagers had already finished breakfast and gone to work in the fields. Liu Ming'an didn't encounter many people on his way home. But the closer he got to his house, the slower he walked, and the faster his heart beat, like a long-absent traveler hesitant to return home.

Finally standing at his doorstep, Liu Ming'an paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and felt his heartbeat slow down a bit.

Just as he raised his hand to push open the door, it suddenly swung open from the inside, and Jiang Ning's face appeared before him, causing Liu Ming'an's breath to catch in his throat.

"You're back, why are you just standing out here?"

Jiang Ning's cool, clear voice rang in his ears, and Liu Ming'an's heart suddenly began to race. He quickly covered up his reaction, saying, "I was afraid you might still be asleep and didn't want to disturb you."

Jiang Ning raised an eyebrow slightly, looking at Liu Ming'an with a hint of confusion.

Liu Ming'an nervously averted his gaze, not daring to meet Jiang Ning's eyes. He sidled into the house and sat down at the table to calm his nerves.

Jiang Ning vaguely sensed that Liu Ming'an was acting strangely, but couldn't quite put her finger on it. Moreover, she had been up all night and wasn't thinking clearly, so she didn't dwell on it.

Jiang Ning followed him inside and picked up her copy of "Ten Great Cases of Liang Kingdom" to continue reading. Now that Liu Ming'an was back, she could finally focus on her book.

Liu Ming'an secretly observed Jiang Ning's actions. Seeing her engrossed in her book, he breathed a sigh of relief and discreetly got up to flatten out the portrait and poem he had drawn, placing them at the very bottom of a chest.

But this careful movement didn't escape Jiang Ning's notice.

Seeing Liu Ming'an being so secretive around her, Jiang Ning couldn't help but feel a bit of a headache coming on.

Liu Ming'an had a secret, and he wasn't telling her.

As this thought occurred to Jiang Ning, she suddenly felt a pang of sadness, as if realizing that "the child has grown up and no longer needs his mother."

Believing he had successfully hidden his treasures without anyone noticing, Liu Ming'an felt completely at ease. He took out his books, paper, and writing brush, and began studying as he usually did.

A little while later, the meat they had bought at yesterday's market fair was delivered to their home. Liu Ming'an went out to carry it in and was spotted by some villagers who addressed him with a mix of envy and mockery: "Liu Ming'an, how come your family eats meat every day? You're living like a young master now. Why are you still staying in Lotus Flower Village? Why don't you move to town?"

Liu Ming'an simply smiled without responding, but Jiang Ning, who overheard this from inside, became lost in thought.

As time passed and it grew late in the morning, Jiang Ning put down her book and headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Oh, and if you're not busy, go feed the rabbits," Jiang Ning suddenly turned back and said to Liu Ming'an.

"Rabbits?" Liu Ming'an asked in surprise. He got up and looked towards the door of the storage room, where indeed there was a cage with two large gray rabbits, their fluffy ears perked up as they nibbled on a vegetable stalk.

"Jiang Ning, did you go up the mountain again?" Liu Ming'an rushed into the kitchen and asked anxiously.

Jiang Ning, holding a chicken in her hands, merely responded with a "Yes."

"Jiang Ning, didn't I tell you last time not to go up the mountain? No one has been there for a long time, there might be wild beasts. It's dangerous for a girl to go up there alone..."

As Jiang Ning listened to these words, she looked up and clearly saw the concern in Liu Ming'an's eyes. She remembered what Old Aunt San had told her, and though she had initially wanted to tell Liu Ming'an to shut up and stop nagging, she held her tongue.

Forget it, Jiang Ning told herself silently. The money from selling rabbits wasn't worth as much as placing a few bets anyway.

"I promise I won't go again, alright?" she said after a moment.

For a moment, Liu Ming'an couldn't believe his ears.

Jiang Ning had actually compromised?

Liu Ming'an stood there, dumbfounded, until Jiang Ning asked again, "I've already promised you. Is there anything else you want to say?"

For some reason, Liu Ming'an thought he detected a hint of coquettishness and submission in her tone. His face and neck instantly turned red, and his heart started pounding wildly again. Unable to respond, he turned and fled from the kitchen.

Jiang Ning watched the direction Liu Ming'an had gone, furrowing her brow. The phrase "fleeing in panic" inexplicably came to her mind.