The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 49

Zhao Qiang, familiar with every nook and cranny, led Houzi into the Gold Jade Hall. Despite his unsteady gait from drinking, he knew this place like the back of his hand and could find his way blindfolded.

The gambling hall was already lit up. As soon as Zhao Qiang entered, he called out to Old Yu standing by the gambling table, "I'm Houzi's friend, I'm here to play a few rounds."

"Oh, so Instructor Zhao is Houzi's friend? Please, come in!" Old Yu said with a smile, gesturing welcomingly.

As Zhao Qiang approached the table, Old Yu continued, "Our Sixth Master has a rule: for friends, the first five rounds are on the house. If you win, it's yours to keep. If you lose, you only pay back the principal. The rest is on us. Which game would you like to play, Instructor Zhao?"

"Dice! Highest roll wins!" Zhao Qiang answered without hesitation.

Usually, Zhao Qiang had little money and could only afford to play low-stakes games like betting on big or small, just to stretch out his playtime. But now, with the house covering potential losses, it was a no-risk proposition. Naturally, he wanted to play something bigger and more thrilling.

"Excellent!" Old Yu didn't hesitate, immediately calling for someone to bring the dice cups and inviting Zhao Qiang to an empty table.

The gamblers in the hall loved nothing more than watching dice games. The back-and-forth, the intense rivalry, the unpredictable process, and the often surprising outcomes never failed to ignite the wild passion in a gambler's blood.

Since he didn't have to worry about the consequences of losing, Zhao Qiang was completely at ease. He placed the half tael of silver Houzi had given him earlier as a bet. Without waiting for Old Yu to say anything, he picked up the dice cup and started shaking.

Observing Zhao Qiang's actions, Old Yu began shaking his own cup. They revealed their dice almost simultaneously. One side showed "one, one, three," while the other revealed "three, three, four." Zhao Qiang clapped his hands excitedly and shouted, "I won! Let's go again! Keep track of my winnings, I'll keep playing with this half tael of silver."

Zhao Qiang had a little strategy in mind. He had good luck on this roll, winning two and a half taels of silver at five-to-one odds. If he bet it all, he might lose everything on the next roll. Keeping two taels in reserve would allow him to play for quite a while longer.

In the second round, Old Yu rolled "one, two, two," while Zhao Qiang got "four, four, six," adding another two taels of silver to his account.

"Again! Again!" Zhao Qiang exclaimed, exhilarated.

In the third round, Old Yu rolled "two, three, three," while Zhao Qiang got "three, four, six," winning once more.

"Wow! What incredible luck!" The spectators began to chatter.

"It's just like that girl from a few days ago, winning three rounds in a row..."

"Too bad he's betting so little. If he had bet all his previous winnings, wouldn't he have won dozens of taels by now?"

Listening to the crowd's comments, Zhao Qiang felt tempted. He now had six taels of silver, more money than he had held in a long time. He wanted to bet it all on the next roll, but feared losing everything in one go. After a moment's hesitation, Zhao Qiang chose a middle ground, betting two taels of silver.


The dice cups were lifted, and Zhao Qiang felt both excited and nervous. If he won this round, it would mean luck was truly on his side, and he should keep gambling. If he lost, he'd take his winnings and leave.

Once again, Zhao Qiang won. As ten taels of silver were handed to him, he stared in disbelief.

"My, my! Instructor Zhao, your gambling skills are truly impressive. I'm in awe!" Old Yu stroked his beard, putting on an act. No one noticed the dark look in his eyes.

He won again? He actually won again?

Zhao Qiang's heart was racing as he touched the silver, his face flushed red. He stammered, "A-again! Let's go again!"

With sixteen taels of silver in hand, Zhao Qiang was torn. He was dying to bet it all for a big win, but a shred of reason held him back. He ended up betting ten taels.

He won again!

When he heard the crowd's cheers, Zhao Qiang's hands shook with excitement, his eyes reddened by the thrill.

He had just won fifty taels of silver in one go! Fifty taels!

"Who would have thought Instructor Zhao was such a hidden master!" Old Yu exclaimed. "You used to come to our Gold Jade Hall and play big or small with a few copper coins. Why bother? If you had shown this talent earlier, wouldn't you be rolling in wealth by now?"

"We told you to bet it all, but you insisted on holding some back. You've missed out on dozens of taels of silver!" someone in the crowd shouted at Zhao Qiang, sounding as heartbroken as if it were his own money.

Zhao Qiang's breathing quickened. The effects of alcohol had already dulled his senses, and now, after winning five consecutive rounds, his head was spinning even more. He felt as if he were walking on clouds, completely detached from reality.

"Clink, clink, clink~"

The crowd watched as a pile of cold, gleaming silver was pushed onto the table. Zhao Qiang, breathing heavily, shouted, "Again!"

Old Yu, sitting across the gambling table, glanced coolly at the pile of silver before looking directly at Zhao Qiang. "Instructor Zhao, you'll have to bear the consequences of winning or losing this round yourself."

"I'll bear it myself! I can handle it!" Zhao Qiang replied without hesitation.

"Hahaha... Good! Good! Good!" Old Yu laughed like an old fox, his eyes carrying a hint of pity that Zhao Qiang failed to notice.

At the back of the crowd, Houzi watched the man who had lost himself in the thrill of gambling. A corner of his mouth slowly curled up, his narrow, shrewd eyes filled with mockery.

This is what uncle called "greed," he thought. It really does kill people.

With this thought, Houzi unconsciously looked up towards the upper floor. Old Six Hu was leaning against the railing, holding a cup of tea, his gaze fixed intently on Zhao Qiang at the gambling table.

"Rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle~" Zhao Qiang had already started shaking the dice cup. This time was different from before; his expression was particularly focused, and he shook the cup with extra force. Old Yu waited calmly for him to set down the cup before casually shaking his own a couple of times.

"Instructor Zhao, you go first!" Old Yu said.

Zhao Qiang didn't need to be told; his hand was already on the cup's lid, about to open it. Old Yu spoke again, unhurriedly, "Instructor Zhao, think it through carefully. You'll have to face the consequences of this round!"

"Stop yammering! You're just afraid I'll win too much and your gambling hall will lose money, aren't you? Hahaha... I never thought such a big establishment as the Gold Jade Hall would be so stingy, trying to scare me off? Don't worry, there are so many people watching. I, Zhao Qiang, can handle winning or losing!"


"Well said, Instructor Zhao!"

"Excellent words, Instructor Zhao! Well said!"

The crowd applauded, looking at Zhao Qiang with newfound respect in their eyes.

These words rang with conviction, and after saying them, Zhao Qiang felt a surge of confidence. It was as if he had truly become a gambling legend, looking down on the world, not caring about anyone else's opinion.

"Heh!" Old Yu smirked, gesturing for Zhao Qiang to proceed.

Everyone craned their necks, staring at the dice cup, eagerly anticipating what numbers would appear. Only Old Yu remained calm, arms folded, completely composed and seemingly sure of the outcome.