The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 45

At first, Jiang Ning thought Liu Ming'an had just caught a slight cold, with a low fever that would go away after a night's sleep. It wasn't until later, when Jiang Ning watched Liu Ming'an's face grow increasingly red, his temperature rising higher and higher, his forehead burning to the touch, while he began coughing incessantly, looking as if he was at death's door and about to collapse, that she realized the situation was much more serious than she had imagined.

By the time Jiang Ning helped Liu Ming'an into bed, his vision was already blurry, and his speech was weak and breathless.

Jiang Ning brought a basin of cool water, soaked a towel in it, wrung it out, and placed it on Liu Ming'an's forehead. This helped him regain some clarity.

"Do you have a weak constitution? Or have you had a serious illness in the past that you haven't fully recovered from?" Jiang Ning took the opportunity to ask.

Normally, even if someone got caught in the rain, they wouldn't fall this ill. Especially for a young man like Liu Ming'an, less than half an hour of rain shouldn't look like it was about to take his life.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Liu Ming'an tried to answer but a breath caught in his throat, causing him to cough for a long time, forcing out involuntary tears. His eyes held a thin layer of mist, making him look pitifully miserable.

Jiang Ning, for once, felt a rare emotion called "sympathy" and reached out to pat Liu Ming'an's back, helping him catch his breath.

"Cough, cough... The year my father passed away, in the dead of winter, cough cough, I knelt at his grave for a long time. Afterward, cough cough cough... I fell seriously ill, running a high fever for several days and nights, almost cough cough, dying. After recovering, I probably developed a chronic condition. For the next few years, I would frequently fall ill. It wasn't until a few years ago when I started growing taller that my body finally seemed to fully recover. I've been fine ever since, but I didn't expect to fall ill again this time cough cough cough..."

Liu Ming'an spoke intermittently, his words slurred due to his illness. Jiang Ning got the gist of it and understood that he indeed had a previous condition. That serious illness must have taken a significant toll on him, leaving his body weakened.

"You don't need to worry cough cough, my current condition looks scary, but I'll be fine in a couple of days. I've been through this before cough cough cough..." Liu Ming'an added after finishing his explanation.

"Alright, I understand. You should rest well," Jiang Ning frowned, tucking Liu Ming'an in before turning to enter the kitchen.

Give Liu Ming'an some spirit spring water. This was Jiang Ning's only thought.

However, Jiang Ning was concerned that the spirit spring water worked too quickly, with almost instantaneous effects. Liu Ming'an wasn't stupid; considering her previous recovery from severed limbs, he would surely guess something was amiss.

She couldn't just knock him unconscious and let him sleep for a day and a night, could she?

After much deliberation, Jiang Ning decided to let Liu Ming'an drink just two or three drops to see what would happen. Such a small amount of spirit spring water, with its potency diluted, should have a greatly reduced effect, right?

Liu Ming'an slept restlessly, feeling as if his body was tied to a floating log, rising and falling with the waves, completely out of his control.

"Liu Ming'an, Liu Ming'an, wake up!"

In his hazy state, Liu Ming'an thought he heard someone calling him. The voice was cool and clear, like water dripping from cave walls into a silent, cold pond.

Liu Ming'an struggled to open his eyes, and Jiang Ning's face was right before him.

"Jiang Ning," Liu Ming'an called out hoarsely, his voice barely a whisper.

Jiang Ning helped him sit up, then brought a bowl of white porridge from the table, scooping up a spoonful and holding it to Liu Ming'an's lips. "Eat something."

Liu Ming'an turned his head away. He felt nauseous and uncomfortable, unable to eat even a bite.

"Just eat a little," Jiang Ning softened her voice, with a hint of coaxing.

Liu Ming'an shook his head with difficulty and said, "I don't want to eat."

In the past, given Jiang Ning's temperament, she would have already forced Liu Ming'an's mouth open and poured the entire bowl of porridge down his throat by now.

But now, Jiang Ning wasn't as fierce, and her temper had improved significantly. After Liu Ming'an refused twice, she was still patient enough to put down the bowl and return to the kitchen to fetch a bowl of clear water. Of course, she had mixed in two drops of spirit spring water.

"Then drink some water to moisten your throat," Jiang Ning offered the bowl.

Liu Ming'an was indeed parched, so he lowered his head and slowly drank from the bowl in Jiang Ning's hand. Whether it was his imagination or not, he felt that this water was exceptionally sweet and refreshing. As soon as he drank it, his heavy body felt a bit lighter.

After Liu Ming'an finished drinking, Jiang Ning once again felt his forehead with the back of her hand. The temperature was still the same as before.

"You should rest well," Jiang Ning said as she helped Liu Ming'an lie down.

Liu Ming'an lay in bed, looking at Jiang Ning with eyes full of gratitude. He spoke, "Thank you, Jiang Ning."

Jiang Ning stood by the bed, looking down at Liu Ming'an. After a moment, she slightly curved her lips and said, "It's what I should do."

By the time Jiang Ning had finished eating and cleaning up, then returned to the bedside, Liu Ming'an had fallen into a deep sleep. Jiang Ning held up an oil lamp and closely observed his complexion, noticing it wasn't as frightening as before. She reached out to touch his forehead; it was still hot, but the temperature had dropped significantly compared to earlier.

The effect of the spirit spring water was indeed not to be underestimated.

Jiang Ning felt relieved. She stared at Liu Ming'an's face for a long while before finally letting out a long sigh.

It was ironic. Jiang Ning had countless lives on her hands, her hands stained with blood. Human life was the least valuable thing to her; she cared neither for others' lives nor her own. Yet now, she truly feared that Liu Ming'an might die.

What a twist of fate!

Jiang Ning exclaimed inwardly, blew out the oil lamp, and climbed into bed, ready to sleep.

The next day, the rooster crowed as expected. Jiang Ning opened her eyes and immediately went to check on Liu Ming'an, only to find that he was already awake.

"How are you feeling?" Jiang Ning asked, her hand already on Liu Ming'an's forehead.

Liu Ming'an's gaze was clear as he looked at Jiang Ning with a smile and said, "I feel more alert than ever before. I'm refreshed, my senses are sharp, and it's as if this sleep has completely transformed me."

Jiang Ning raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. "Really?"

"Yes," Liu Ming'an nodded affirmatively, then continued, "It's strange, even I can't believe I've recovered so quickly. I thought I'd be bedridden for several days."

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, lost in thought.

Later that afternoon, the various items they had bought at the market the day before were gradually delivered to Liu Ming'an's home.

First, a young apprentice from the Ink Fragrance Pavilion arrived carrying a large satchel, respectfully handing over the collection of writing brushes, ink, paper, and inkstones to Liu Ming'an.

Then came the people from the Chen Family Rice Shop, driving a horse-drawn cart that stopped at Liu Ming'an's courtyard gate. Two shop assistants helped unload the rice, flour, meat, and a cage of chickens, attracting a crowd of onlookers around the courtyard.

"Oh my! Liu Ming'an, you've struck it rich and didn't even tell your fellow villagers!" He Qiang's wife teased, holding her young son. Though her words sounded like a joke, there was a hint of sincerity in them.

"Ah, we were feeling sorry for you, thinking you'd spent all your money on a disabled wife. Who knew your wife was perfectly fine, and your money seems to be growing!" Old Lady Zhang chuckled, her eyes straining to peek inside the house, trying to catch a glimpse of what Jiang Ning looked like.

The women chattered away, some teasing, some with veiled sarcasm, and some genuinely envious, for that large piece of pork and two chickens were no illusion.

Liu Ming'an just smiled, pretending not to hear these comments. After seeing off the shop assistants and settling the goods, he gave a cupped-hand salute to the crowd of onlookers and went back into the house without another word.

"How boring!" The spectators pouted, grumbled a bit, and then dispersed on their own.