The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 38

The moment Jiang Ning stepped out of Gold Jade Hall, she stored the box containing gold and silver into her spatial storage.

Following the path in her memory to return to Liu Ming'an's side, she had barely walked two hundred meters when Jiang Ning keenly sensed someone behind her.

Jiang Ning slowed her pace, then deliberately lingered at a stall selling pearl flowers, pretending to browse while actually taking the opportunity to observe the situation behind her.

Two people, one fat and one thin. One of them must be Houzi, and the other seems to be Huzi, Jiang Ning thought.

The two men following Jiang Ning would never have imagined that the woman before them was a top-tier assassin, skilled in tracking, eavesdropping, assassination, and counter-surveillance. Their self-perceived stealthy pursuit was as transparent as child's play in Jiang Ning's eyes, completely exposed to her scrutiny.

Seeing Jiang Ning leave the pearl flower stall and turn towards a nearby alley, Houzi and Huzi hurriedly followed. The main street was bustling with people, so they didn't dare to do anything in public. They just needed to find out who this woman was and where she lived.

But if the woman walked into a deserted area on her own, well, that would be her own fault.

Houzi watched Jiang Ning's back, his triangular eyes filled with a cold, venomous light.

Houzi and Huzi lightened their steps, following Jiang Ning into the alley. They wound through twists and turns, the path growing narrower and the number of people dwindling.

Finally, they entered an empty alley. Seeing Jiang Ning heading towards a house at the end, Houzi's heart leaped with joy. He nodded at Huzi, signaling him to prepare to make their move.

The two quickened their pace, now only five or six steps behind Jiang Ning. But just as she was about to reach the doorway, Jiang Ning suddenly pivoted and slipped into another alley.

Houzi and Huzi hurried to follow, but when they turned the corner, Jiang Ning had vanished. It was a short alley, leading to another small lane ten steps away, with paths branching left and right.

The two men walked to the intersection but still saw no sign of her in either direction.

"How did that woman walk so fast?" Huzi scratched his head, utterly perplexed.

This was a residential area with complex streets, and the alley split into countless branches. Houzi, unwilling to return empty-handed, discussed with Huzi, "She can't have gone far. Let's split up and search. Remember, if you see her, cover her mouth and strike hard at the back of her neck to knock her out, then call for me. I'll do the same if I find her."

Huzi nodded, but looking at the surrounding houses, he hesitated, "What if someone sees us? If they report it to the authorities, won't we be done for?"

"Are you stupid? Can't you make up a lie?" Houzi scolded in a low voice. "If anyone sees, just say she's your wife, she's sick and fainted, and you're rushing to take her to a doctor. Tell them not to get in the way or interfere. Isn't that simple enough?"

Seeing Huzi repeatedly nod in agreement, Houzi pushed him towards the left, "Go on, don't let her escape." With that, he headed down the right alley.

Jiang Ning, safely within her spatial domain, quietly watched the two men, listening as they plotted to knock her unconscious. She slowly curved her lips into a smile. After the two split up as she had anticipated, Jiang Ning followed Huzi from within her spatial realm.

Huzi, completely oblivious, crept stealthily to the corner of the alley. Peering around, he saw no trace of Jiang Ning and quickly turned the corner.

But he had barely taken two steps when a ghostly voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Are you looking for me?"

The voice was light and airy, as if coming from afar, clear and cold, sending chills down his spine.

Huzi's hair stood on end when he heard the question. He spun around abruptly, only to find the space behind him completely empty.

No one was there!

"Can't you see me?" The voice sounded again, this time from behind him.

Huzi's heart leaped into his throat. He drew the dagger from his waist, swallowed hard, and then, mustering his courage, stiffly turned his head.

Still no one!

A cool breeze wafted through the alley, which should have been pleasant, but Huzi felt cold sweat breaking out all over his body.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Huzi shouted at the empty surroundings, his voice hoarse and strained.

Jiang Ning, playing her ghostly tricks from within her spatial domain, watched with amusement as Huzi was fooled. As Huzi shouted, she moved behind him, emerged from her space, and using her hand as a blade, struck hard at the back of his neck.

Huzi had no time to react. His body crumpled to the ground uncontrollably, the dagger in his hand clattering to the ground with a "clang."

Jiang Ning bent down to pick up the dagger, her fingertips lightly brushing the blade. Not bad, she thought. Though far inferior to modern craftsmanship, it would suffice.

The sound of hurried footsteps reached her ears, growing closer. Jiang Ning knew that Huzi's shout had drawn Houzi, which was part of her plan. She gripped the dagger tightly and re-entered her spatial domain.

Houzi, hearing the noise, rushed over. He was too far to hear clearly what Huzi had shouted, but he assumed Huzi had completed the task and they could return to Gold Jade Hall to report.

Therefore, when Houzi entered the alley and saw Huzi lying unconscious on the ground, he was truly shocked.

"Huzi!" Houzi rushed over in three quick strides and crouched beside Huzi. He first checked for breathing, then felt for a heartbeat, only relaxing when he confirmed Huzi was merely unconscious.

"Huzi, wake up! Wake up!" Houzi shook him by the collar, but to no avail.

Who could have taken him down? Was it that woman? What kind of skills did she possess?

Houzi's mind involuntarily flashed back to when Jiang Ning had entered Gold Jade Hall. He had tried to lift her veil, but she caught his wrist with a grip he couldn't break no matter how hard he tried.

That woman, was she still nearby?

Houzi's heart began to race. He stood up, warily glancing around.

He felt as if a pair of eyes were watching him.

Cold sweat began to bead on Houzi's forehead as his hand unconsciously moved towards the dagger at his waist. Just as he was about to draw it from its sheath, he felt a chill against his neck.

Someone had placed a knife to his throat!

"Don't move!" Jiang Ning warned, holding the dagger steady.

"I won't move! I won't move! Please spare me, noble lady!" Houzi pleaded, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

This woman had appeared out of thin air. He hadn't heard a sound, as if she were...

A ghost!

Houzi had always considered himself brave, never backing down from a fight, but faced with an opponent like Jiang Ning, he couldn't control his fear.

"Old Six Hu sent you?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Yes, yes, he did!" Houzi hastily replied, afraid that any delay might cost him his life.

"For what purpose?" Jiang Ning inquired further.

"To... to..." Houzi knew he couldn't tell the truth. His eyes darted as he fabricated a story, "The boss was impressed by your gambling skills and wanted to invite you to be a dealer at Gold Jade Hall, so he could challenge you at any time."

"Oh? Is that so?" Jiang Ning raised an eyebrow, her tone playful.

Houzi was about to affirm when a sharp pain shot through his neck, followed by the sensation of warm liquid trickling down.

Jiang Ning had flicked her wrist, using the blade to make a shallow cut on his neck. The wound was long and thin, not fatal, but a clear warning.

"Spare me, noble lady! Please spare me!" Houzi pleaded, his voice now tinged with tears as he felt death closer than ever before.

"I'm not killing you today because someone is waiting for me, and I don't want to waste time. Go back and tell Old Six Hu that if he's outmatched, he should practice more. If he dares to harbor any ill intentions towards me again, I'll send you all to meet your maker. Do you understand?" Jiang Ning asked coldly.

In truth, there was another important reason: these two were sent by Old Six Hu, and if they died for no apparent reason, suspicion would inevitably fall on her. She didn't mind for herself, but she didn't want to implicate Liu Ming'an.

Moreover, seeing Houzi trembling like a sieve, she figured this cowardly type would likely learn his lesson after one scare. If he dared to seek death again, she would certainly oblige!

"I understand! I understand!" Houzi didn't dare utter a single word of dissent.

As soon as he finished speaking, Houzi felt the dagger leave his neck. Then a kick to the back of his knees, coupled with a forceful push on his shoulder, sent him stumbling forward involuntarily. His foot caught on the prone Huzi, causing him to fall flat on his face.

His knees and elbows slammed into the ground, causing excruciating pain. Houzi grimaced as he pushed himself up from the floor. Looking back, he saw that the place was empty except for the still unconscious Huzi.

Houzi reached for his own neck, feeling the wound left by the dagger. The bleeding had stopped, but his fingers touched the not-yet-dried blood, leaving a stark crimson stain on his fingertips.

Gazing at the exit where Jiang Ning had departed, Houzi's eyes reflected both fear and the bitter sting of humiliation. His fists clenched tightly, causing veins to bulge prominently on the backs of his hands.