The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 30

Fusheng Restaurant was the largest establishment in Lingshan Town. The owner, Hong Fusheng, was a shrewd businessman who welcomed all patrons with equal courtesy, whether they were common folk or nobility. His demeanor was always polite and appropriate, never obsequious or disdainful, leaving no room for criticism.

It was not yet 9 AM, and Fusheng Restaurant had no customers. A few waiters were bustling about, mopping the floors and wiping tables when Liu Ming'an walked in with Jiang Ning.

"Oh! Customers, we're not—" The first waiter to spot them began to call out, but his sharp eyes quickly noticed the rabbit cage in Liu Ming'an's hand. He promptly changed his tune, "Young sir, are you here to sell rabbits?"

Liu Ming'an nodded.

"Ah! This way, please! This way!" The waiter set aside his current task and led the way.

Fusheng Restaurant had earned its reputation as the premier dining establishment in Lingshan Town not only for its impeccable service and delicious food but primarily for its expertise in preparing wild game dishes.

The owner, Hong Fusheng, was himself a wild game enthusiast and had spent a considerable sum to hire a chef who specialized in such cuisine. Years ago, when the restaurant first opened, Hong had announced, "My dear fellow townspeople, from now on, whenever you catch rabbits, snakes, hawks, geese, doves, sparrows, or bamboo rats, bring them straight to Fusheng Restaurant. I, Hong, promise you'll be generously compensated!"

Despite the abundance of mountains in Lingshan Town, there were no professional hunters. At best, people might stumble upon snakes, wild rabbits, pheasants, or injured eagles and geese, which they would bring to the restaurant for some extra money. Consequently, wild game wasn't always available at Fusheng Restaurant; it was a matter of luck and timing.

The waiter led the pair to the back kitchen, where several staff members were working feverishly—peeling garlic, washing vegetables, cutting meat, chopping bones, washing pots, scrubbing dishes, and frying meatballs. The air was filled with a cacophony of kitchen sounds.

The waiter halted, eyeing the rabbit cage with delight. "Oh, it's been a while since we've received any wild game. You've brought three rabbits at once! The boss will be thrilled. These rabbits look plump—you two make quite the capable couple!"

Liu Ming'an was startled by the word "couple" and was about to explain when the waiter turned and shouted towards a particular direction, "Chef Gao, Chef Gao! We've got wild game!"

Jiang Ning noticed a middle-aged man a few meters away, who had been rapidly chopping potatoes, look up and scan the area before his gaze settled on the three of them.

"Just a moment!" Chef Gao called out to them before lowering his head again, his knife moving even faster, almost creating afterimages.

About two minutes later, Chef Gao finished slicing the remaining potatoes, used his knife to push the potato strips into a large wooden basin filled with clear water, and then scooped some water from a nearby vat to rinse the cutting board and knife. He set them against the wall to drain, washed his hands, and wiped them on his apron as he made his way towards Jiang Ning and the others.

"Young sir, miss, I apologize for keeping you waiting," Chef Gao said with a bow. He was a portly man with a protruding belly, but his smile was warm and genial, inspiring no hint of dislike.

"No need for apologies, Chef Gao," Liu Ming'an replied with a smile and a nod, placing the rabbit cage at the chef's feet. "We have three wild rabbits here. We'd appreciate a fair price for them."

Chef Gao's eyes hadn't left the rabbits since he'd first greeted them. He quickly responded, "Of course, of course! Fusheng Restaurant has been in business for years; we won't tarnish our reputation."

As soon as Liu Ming'an set down the cage, Chef Gao crouched down and reached inside, grasping one rabbit by the ears and lifting it out for inspection. His face lit up with excitement.

"A one-year-old rabbit, perfect for spicy diced rabbit!" he exclaimed.

He set that one down and picked up another.

"Oh my, this one's five years old—ideal for silk-wrapped rabbit!"

The third rabbit received the same treatment, held up for Chef Gao's expert appraisal. "Hmm, three years old. It would be great for hand-pulled rabbit or roasted rabbit."

Having examined all three rabbits, Chef Gao stood up, satisfied, and began negotiating with Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning. "Young sir, miss, these are excellent rabbits, all of good size. Our standard price is three hundred copper coins per rabbit, so for three rabbits, that would be nine hundred copper coins. How about we round it up..." He held up his index finger, " one tael of silver? What do you think?"

Since Jiang Ning had caught the rabbits, Liu Ming'an couldn't make the decision alone. He turned to look at Jiang Ning, seeking her opinion.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ning had no concept of this world's currency values.

Liu Ming'an noticed Jiang Ning's eyes, visible above her veil, glance at him briefly before she said, "You can decide."

Though Liu Ming'an had never sold rabbits before, he reasoned that given Fusheng Restaurant's reputation, Chef Gao was unlikely to cheat them.

So, Liu Ming'an turned back to Chef Gao and said, "That's acceptable."

"Haha..." Chef Gao laughed heartily and bowed to Liu Ming'an again. "You're a decisive young man!"

Then, Chef Gao instructed the waiter, "Li Cheng, go ask Mr. He for one tael of silver and record it in the accounts. Let the boss know when he arrives."

The waiter replied with a smile, "Chef Gao, He Ping went home today. He's not here. Qin is managing the accounts now."

"I don't care who's managing the accounts, just get the money. Stop dawdling and go!" Chef Gao barked.

"Right away! Just a moment!" Li Cheng nodded to the three of them and dashed off.

When Jiang Ning heard the name "He Ping," she remembered the letter He Yiyi had asked Liu Ming'an to write, addressed to "He Ping at Fusheng Restaurant." It seemed this was the same He Ping, who must have gone home today for his "arranged meeting."

The three of them waited for a while until Li Cheng returned with the money. Chef Gao held out his hand to receive it, counted it to ensure it was the correct amount, then politely handed it to Liu Ming'an.

"If you have any more wild game in the future, please bring it here. We'll buy it all and ensure you're treated fairly," Chef Gao said.

Liu Ming'an smiled politely and nodded in agreement.

Chef Gao picked up the rabbit cage and said with a friendly smile, "I need to get back to work now. Li Cheng, please see them out."

"Certainly! This way, please," the waiter said.

Li Cheng led Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning out of the kitchen. Along the way, he couldn't help glancing at the silver in Liu Ming'an's hand. Finally, unable to contain himself, he remarked, "My, you two are fortunate! You've earned in this short time what would take me three months of work here."

Liu Ming'an could hear the envy in the waiter's voice but simply smiled without responding.

After a few steps, they reached the entrance of the restaurant. Li Cheng stopped and said to the pair, "I have work to do inside, so I'll say goodbye here. Have a safe journey."

Liu Ming'an replied with a "Thank you for seeing us out" and left with Jiang Ning.