The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 80

The young lady took a step back in trepidation, having struck someone for the first time.

Pei Chiyao noticed Zhi Yao's slightly dejected expression and felt a twinge of concern, "Did you hurt yourself with that kick?"

The bodyguards: "..."

There was no helping it, Zhi Yao was far too delicate, and he genuinely worried for her.

But he was more concerned that his little vixen was too kind-hearted, unversed in the ways of retaliation and resistance.

Zhi Yao shook her head, "I'm not hurt, but wait a minute... should we call the police? Get him arrested!"

Pei Chiyao cast a cold glance at the producer lying helpless on the ground, "Alright."

After the revelries of last night with Xie Tingyan, he reckoned the producer would likely never show interest in such debauchery for the rest of his days.

After speaking, Zhi Yao still felt it wasn't enough, "And he should kneel before all those victims and beg for their forgiveness! Let everyone know about the terrible things he's done!"

"Zhi Yao is amazing," Pei Chiyao gazed at her with a sense of accomplishment, "But do you forgive him?"

Zhi Yao huffed indignantly, "I'll never forgive him! He should be locked up for a hundred years, only then might I start to calm down."

Life imprisonment, got it.

With some special prison treatment thrown in.

Pei Chiyao gave a signal to the bodyguards, "Take him away, do as Zhi Yao says."

The bodyguards immediately understood.

The swollen, pig-headed producer was dragged away like a corpse by the bodyguards, while the unfamiliar man seated beside him turned green with fright.

He shook his head vigorously, "Young Master Pei, God Yao! I was just in it for the money, please spare me, I can give you all of it!"

"Confess everything," Pei Chiyao said, taking a seat without even looking at him.

"It... it was Xie Qinzhou! He ordered me to do it!"

Xie Qinzhou?!

Zhi Yao stared in disbelief, "I've only met him twice, why would he do such a thing?"

She had thought he was a good person!

She had felt... a sense of kinship with him before, and had quite liked him.

The young lady was dumbstruck.

The man was an influencer marketer, fearing Zhi Yao wouldn't believe him, he hurriedly explained, "It's true! It was his underlings who contacted me, I didn't know it was him at first, until God Yao traced it back to Xie Qinzhou's people."

"Could it be a mistake?" Zhi Yao racked her brain, unable to believe it could be Xie Qinzhou.

Pei Chiyao narrowed his eyes, a hint of danger in them, "You believe him just like that?"

Zhi Yao quickly shook her head, "No, I just think... it's a bit strange."

She feared angering Pei Chiyao, so she obediently squatted before him, appearing utterly submissive to his whims.

Pei Chiyao let out a cold snort, "I'll deal with you later."

"For now, you deal with him."

He tilted his chin towards the influencer marketer seated on the stool.

Zhi Yao blinked, then turned to him, "How much were you paid?"

The man trembled as he replied, "One million."

Then, unable to help himself, he gulped, this frail-looking girl's kick must have packed quite a punch!

"So much!" Zhi Yao's eyes lit up, "He might as well have just given it to me, for that amount of money he could have insulted me and I wouldn't have minded."

She muttered to herself.

Pei Chiyao: "..." What a shameless vixen!

The vixen's mind raced, "Here's what we'll do, you donate that money in Pei Chiyao's name to help girls who can't afford an education!"

That way, she could earn Pei Chiyao some merit without spending a penny herself! She was such a clever little vixen.

The vixen beamed inwardly, then continued, "And you have to clear my name, admit that you were paid to slander me! Explain the whole truth behind this incident!"

The influencer nodded fervently, "Yes, yes of course!"

He would have done so without Zhi Yao's prompting.

"And from now on, you're not allowed to do bad things for money! I'm telling you, I'll be watching you! If you ever try anything like this again, I'll have Alice come and beat you up!"

Alice would surely hit much harder than her.

After saying that, Zhi Yao even bared her teeth in a feigned show of ferocity.

Pei Chiyao almost laughed out loud at the childish display, to him such petty threats were straight out of a kindergartener's playbook, and he was tempted to take away Zhi Yao's milk bottle.

Yet the young lady thought she had played her part remarkably well, now she was as fierce a vixen as her own Mother!

Her Mother was a super ferocious vixen who could bite tigers and lions to death!

"Miss Zhi Yao, rest assured, I'll never again do anything against my conscience. I'll strive to do more good deeds, accumulate virtue, help more elderly ladies across the street, donate more blood, volunteer more, listen to my mother more..."

He was utterly cowed, glancing repeatedly at Pei Chiyao behind Zhi Yao.

Seeing his fearful expression, Zhi Yao felt even more powerful!

"You'd better keep your word! I'll have someone watching you!"

"Definitely, definitely!" he prayed silently, if he could walk away from here safely today, he would become Zhi Yao's most loyal fan.

Finally, the little law enforcer Zhi Yao remembered one more thing, "Oh, and you have to face justice from the police officers too!"

After all, no one could escape the law!

A long time ago, Zhi Yao had learned that if you did bad things, you had to report to the officials, and those in charge would catch and punish all the bad people! To get justice for the victims!

But she hadn't expected time to pass so quickly, the landscape had changed entirely, white horses had raced by, and now there were no more officials, only police officers.

Upon hearing this, the influencer could only nod repeatedly, he would merely be guilty of defamation, that wouldn't land him in too much trouble. What truly terrified him... was the man behind Zhi Yao.

With these two dealt with, only Lu Yi and the chubby woman remained.

Pei Chiyao handled them himself to spare Zhi Yao the trouble.

He blacklisted them and kicked them out of the entertainment industry.

Conveniently, Xie Tingyan's ship bound for Myanmar was short two female workers, so he sent them on their way.

After the influencer was dragged away by the bodyguards, Zhi Yao turned eagerly to Pei Chiyao and asked, "Pei Chiyao! Wasn't I formidable?!"

"Truly formidable," Pei Chiyao scooped her onto his lap, "But don't you think it's time we settled accounts?"

Settle accounts?

What accounts?

Before she could make sense of it, Pei Chiyao had already clarified for Zhi Yao.

"It seems... you really like Xie Qinzhou, don't you?"

Zhi Yao hurriedly waved her hands in denial, from her past experience, she absolutely couldn't admit to it!

And it wasn't that she really liked him, at most she just had a bit of a good impression, thinking he was a good person.

Zhi Yao racked her brain trying to think of how to placate Pei Chiyao, when suddenly a brilliant idea struck her...