The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 64

You see, it's not easy to train a contestant, as it takes countless money and effort.

That's why their prices are so high.

Pei Chiyao took out a black card from his wallet and handed it to the boss, "Report tomorrow."

The boss was grinning from ear to ear.

Pei Chiyao reached out and led Zhi Yao away from there.

Right after they left the backstage, a dark silhouette flashed rapidly in front of them.

Zhi Yao stumbled and almost collided with that person. Luckily, Pei Chiyao caught the little girl in his embrace.

Before she could say anything, that person spoke first, "Sorry."

After saying that, he didn't even look at Zhi Yao and was about to hurriedly leave.

Instinctively, Zhi Yao said, "It's okay."

She thought it was just an ordinary episode and didn't think too much about it. She hugged Pei Chiyao's arm and said, "It's tiring to walk by myself. Pei Chiyao, can you carry me or piggyback me~"

Pei Chiyao...

The moment those three words were uttered, that man suddenly stopped in his tracks, his astonished expression impossible to ignore.

However, his already astonished expression became even more shocked when he saw Zhi Yao at that moment.

That girl looked so much like...

Pei Chiyao reached out and tapped Zhi Yao's head without mercy, "I originally thought only pigs were this lazy in this world, but I didn't expect foxes to be the same."

Zhi Yao: "!!!"

She was so angry that she wanted to bite Pei Chiyao, but he dodged her directly.

Then, Pei Chiyao picked her up in his arms.

The little girl was so light, this weight meant nothing to Pei Chiyao.

He just liked to see this fox get flustered.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, that man finally realized something and hurried after them, "Young Master Pei, please wait."

Pei Chiyao paused, and that man caught up, his gaze fixed on Zhi Yao in Pei Chiyao's arms.

The little girl looked at him curiously, her eyes blinking like a celestial fairy who had descended into the mortal realm.

He was still in a daze.

But Pei Chiyao slightly turned to block his view.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xie. What's the matter?"

Xie Qinzhou finally snapped out of it. He abruptly raised his gaze towards Pei Chiyao and asked, "Young Master Pei, may I ask if the lady in your arms is..."

Zhi Yao immediately poked her head out, "Ah, are you talking about me?"

Pei Chiyao: "......"

Pei Chiyao wished he could push Zhi Yao back down.

He knew how alluring Zhi Yao's face was, yet this little fox was eager to show it off.

Zhi Yao raised her eyes and met Pei Chiyao's slightly cold gaze. She hastily obediently hugged his neck and buried her head in his shoulder.

Seeing their intimate actions, Xie Qinzhou's furrowed brows deepened.

Pei Chiyao's face also turned cold, "This has nothing to do with Mr. Xie, does it?"

Only then did Xie Qinzhou realize how abrupt his behavior was.

He forcibly restrained the excitement in his heart and said, "Young Master Pei, it's me who was rude. You see, my elderly grandmother from the Xie family has also heard about the incident with the Gu family. She really wants to meet the lady who helped the little girl."

It had only been a short while since the Gu family's incident was resolved, yet the Xie family had already caught wind of it?

"She's not available."

Pei Chiyao coldly dismissed with those words. He didn't waste any more words with Xie Qinzhou and left with Zhi Yao in his arms, getting into the car.

It's well-known that the old lady of the Xie family strongly believes in supernatural things like ghosts and spirits. Who knows if she had done something wrong in her previous life, leading to her longing for such things.

After getting in the car, Zhi Yao kept looking back wistfully at that figure.

This action immediately caught Pei Chiyao's attention. "What? Do you find him that good-looking?"

Only then did Zhi Yao snap out of it. "No, Pei Chiyao, I just felt that there's a very familiar scent on him."

But she couldn't recall where she had smelled it before.

The little fox pondered hard but still couldn't figure it out.

Until they passed a bubble tea shop, Zhi Yao's entire attention was drawn to it.

She couldn't help but tug at Pei Chiyao's sleeve, "Pei..."

Before she could finish, Pei Chiyao interrupted her, "No."

She knew it would be like this!

Zhi Yao angrily stomped her feet, "But I haven't had it for so long. Why won't you let me have it?"

"Do you know how unhygienic those places are?"

Just looking at their production environment made Pei Chiyao worry.

Moreover, the ingredients used to make those bubble teas were extremely unhealthy.

They were overly sweet and greasy - he didn't know what was so good about them.

Zhi Yao shook her head, "It's okay to have it occasionally, what's the problem?"

She looked enviously at the long queue that had formed, coveting it immensely.

No! She had to have it today!

Looking at the raised partition in the car that completely blocked the driver's view of the back, Zhi Yao had a very bold idea in her mind.

Suddenly, the stunning young lady in the car disappeared! In her place was an adorable little fox.

The little fox smiled mischievously, then jumped onto Pei Chiyao's lap.

Pei Chiyao was reading emails and ignored Zhi Yao.

Zhi Yao then started to burrow under his shirt, rubbing and rubbing.

Suddenly, Pei Chiyao felt a tingling sensation all over his body. He abruptly looked down to see a fox's head poking out from his shirt.

Pei Chiyao frowned and tried to pull Zhi Yao out, but she reacted quickly and retreated back inside, her furry body pressed against Pei Chiyao's skin.

The soft fur brushed all over Pei Chiyao's body.

Pei Chiyao gritted his teeth, "Get out!"

Zhi Yao wasn't afraid of him. It was as if she had found something particularly fun to play with, burrowing all over Pei Chiyao's body.

Suddenly, Zhi Yao stopped.

Because she had discovered a protrusion.

What was this?

The little fox extended her paw and pressed down on it.

Instantly, Pei Chiyao couldn't help but let out a low groan.


Zhi Yao curiously poked her head out from his shirt collar, only to meet a pair of extremely deep eyes.

He abruptly pulled Zhi Yao out.

Zhi Yao couldn't help but shake herself, "Pei Chiyao, you..."

"Change back." Pei Chiyao mercilessly cut off Zhi Yao's words. "I'll count to three."

He hadn't even started counting when Zhi Yao obediently transformed back, just forgetting to retract her ears and tail.

The confused little fox stared at Pei Chiyao, feeling that there was something strange about him.

"What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? And Pei Chiyao, what are those two little red spots on your body?"