The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 51

Zhi Yao was like a blank sheet of paper, a ray of light.

A person like her could never stay by his side.

If he wanted her to stay with him for a long time, he would have to destroy that glimmer of light with his own hands.

But just now...

Pei Chiyao closed his eyes and then opened them again, earnestly gazing at the little girl sitting on his lap. He lightly kissed her forehead and said, "Zhi Yao, I'm sorry."

Another apology.

He apologized to Zhi Yao for his thoughts just now.

Zhi Yao looked at Pei Chiyao in disbelief, her tail standing straight up, no longer wagging.

She reached out and touched Pei Chiyao's forehead, murmuring, "You're not running a fever!"

After a moment of confusion, the little girl shook her tail again and cautiously brought it to Pei Chiyao's face, gently rubbing against it as if to comfort him.

Then she generously offered her tail to Pei Chiyao, saying, "You can play with it."

Her tail was her most precious possession, even more valuable than her own life.

The only person she would willingly give her tail to, apart from her mother, was Pei Chiyao.

Pei Chiyao closed his palm, holding Zhi Yao's fluffy tail in his hand, while his other hand explored it with his fingers. The soft fur brushed against Pei Chiyao's palm and fingertips, causing him to squint his eyes.

In an instant, Zhi Yao felt a tingling sensation, causing half of her body to go weak and her legs to tremble uncontrollably.

She endured it silently, not showing any reaction.

Suddenly, Pei Chiyao looked at her and said, "Zhi Yao, I remember that when a fox seeks affection, it rubs its tail against its partner. Is that what you're trying to do?"

Zhi Yao widened her eyes in astonishment.

She might be naive, but she couldn't possibly not understand the meaning of seeking affection!

After all, she had lived for thousands of years as a fox, not a cub.

Zhi Yao suddenly wanted to pull her tail back, but before she had the chance, Pei Chiyao grabbed it and the next moment, everything spun around her.

"Hush, don't speak."

Pei Chiyao forcefully pulled off his tie and pressed the little girl against him.

Zhi Yao found herself on a soft car seat, looking bewilderedly at Pei Chiyao. Two buttons on his chest were undone, revealing his delicate collarbone.

Her gaze traveled downward to his chest.

With just one glance, Zhi Yao dared not look anymore.

She raised her hand to push him away, but her hand was immediately grasped by Pei Chiyao and lifted above her head.

This highly oppressive action made Zhi Yao nervous, making it hard for her to catch her breath.

"What... What are you going to do?"

The little girl widened her eyes, a mix of surprise and fear.

But he leaned down and directly sealed Zhi Yao's lips.

Kissing was not unfamiliar to Zhi Yao.

But soon, she became lost in the kiss, losing her ability to think.

In a daze, she saw Pei Chiyao moving further down, and suddenly—

A sharp pain brought Zhi Yao back to her senses. It turned out that Pei Chiyao had bitten her shoulder.

Her snowy white shoulder stung, but soon, a tingling sensation followed.

Zhi Yao was in a daze when she heard Pei Chiyao's voice ringing in her ears, "Grow up quickly, Yao Yao."

He really couldn't wait any longer.


Later, Zhi Yao couldn't remember how she got home.

She only remembered that she felt like she had been pulled out of the water. Pei Chiyao didn't do anything, but his overwhelming presence, coupled with the phrase "seeking pleasure," made Zhi Yao instantly understand something.

It seemed like she had been overlooking something all along.

What could it be?

Just as the answer was about to surface, Zhi Yao woke up.

She rubbed her head, feeling a splitting headache.

How did this happen...

The little girl was awakened by the sound of ringing bells.

She picked up her incessantly ringing phone and glanced at it, only to find that her Weibo had exploded!

Upon closer inspection, she realized that yesterday's incident had been posted online.

But it was posted by Pei Chiyao's studio.

For a moment, the internet was condemning the sasaeng fan and that mentally ill woman.

The studio reported the incident and had the woman sent to the hospital for evaluation. It was discovered that she suffered from severe schizophrenia and delusions.

Countless journalists flocked to the police station for interviews, but the woman only repeated one phrase throughout, "Fox spirit, she's a fox spirit, she seduced Pei Chiyao... fox spirit, fox spirit... fox spirit..."

Zhi Yao looked at that video, unable to snap out of her daze for a long time.

The little girl touched her large tail and ears, looking at her bewildered reflection in the mirror, completely stunned.

If... if others knew that her ears and tail were real, if... her fans knew everything, would no one ever like her again?

Zhi Yao forcefully dismissed that thought from her mind and suddenly ran out.

Because Zhi Yao disliked wearing shoes, Pei Chiyao had laid down a thick carpet throughout the house.

From the room, to the living room, to the bedroom, there was a layer of extremely soft carpet.

Zhi Yao wouldn't feel cold walking on it.

The little girl hurriedly ran downstairs with a thumping sound, unable to find Pei Chiyao. She then went upstairs and pushed open the door to the study, and sure enough, she saw him.

What reached Zhi Yao's ears was a string of words she couldn't understand, sounding like... English?

The little girl hurriedly walked over, paying no attention to the fact that Pei Chiyao was on the phone, and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.

This sudden action made Pei Chiyao pause in his speech.

Then he continued, "nothing, that's my bad puppy."

It was an extremely pure London accent that sounded very pleasant.

Although Zhi Yao couldn't understand it, she still found it particularly pleasing.

Her head was buried in Pei Chiyao's embrace, and his warm arms slightly dispelled the uneasiness in Zhi Yao's heart.

Even if... even if others didn't like her, thought she was a monster, Pei Chiyao would still like her, right?

After about five minutes, Pei Chiyao hung up the phone.

He raised his hand and patted Zhi Yao's buttocks, asking, "What's wrong?"

He could tell that the little girl wasn't in a good mood, looking listless.

Zhi Yao shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I just want you to hold me."

After saying these words, she felt a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, Pei Chiyao felt the weight in his hands lighten, and in the next second, Zhi Yao had transformed into a furry little fox.

Pei Chiyao raised an eyebrow as the little creature proudly exclaimed, "Pei Chiyao, I can now transform into a little fox by myself!"

This was something Zhi Yao had recently discovered. As long as she had the thought of becoming a fox, she would immediately take on the appearance of a fox.