The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 46

She had just unscrewed the jar of osmanthus honey when Zhiyao couldn't help but lean over, "It smells so good!"

She had never eaten anything so fragrant before!

The fox's paws restlessly stretched out, almost knocking over the jar.

"Settle down."

Pei Chiyao patted the fox's head, but the little one just couldn't wait that long. She immediately saw a little bit stuck on Pei Chiyao's fingers and Zhiyao rushed over, sticking out her tongue to carefully lick it off.

The osmanthus honey was sweet but not cloying, with a strong floral aroma. The little fox let out a "woof" as all her fur stood on end.

When Zhiyao gave him that little lick...

Pei Chiyao instantly felt a tingle run through his fingertips and he narrowed his eyes, but didn't stop Zhiyao's actions.

The little fox happily shook her head, her tail wagging too.

She was still unsatisfied with her licking, when suddenly, her tail seemed to hit something. There was a "bang" and the next moment, the jar went flying!

In an instant, osmanthus honey splattered everywhere, covering the couch, floor, and even Zhiyao herself.

The little fox let out an awkward laugh, not having expected to cause trouble again.

She turned to look at Pei Chiyao's expression but the next second, she saw that he had gotten splattered too.

"Pei Chiyao, you believe me when I say that wasn't on purpose, right?"

Pei Chiyao took a deep breath, having reached his limit of helplessness. "Should I start calling you little troublemaker from now on?"

Calling her a spoiled child was no longer enough.

Zhiyao drooped her head dejectedly when suddenly, she looked up at Pei Chiyao. "I'll help clean you up!"

He thought she would go and grab the box of napkins but in the next moment, a white blur flashed before his eyes. Zhiyao lifted her paws onto Pei Chiyao's shoulders, hanging her head down.

She started licking the osmanthus honey off of his collarbone.

Pei Chiyao: "!"

The little one was completely oblivious that her actions were at all inappropriate.

She didn't even notice...

that Pei Chiyao's breathing had already grown heavier.

"Yao yao..."

He hoarsely spoke, "I'll wipe it myself."

Zhiyao was still happily eating and hurriedly said, "No no, we can't waste it!"

She had spilled most of it earlier and felt terrible about that.

What had fallen on the floor and couch couldn't be eaten anymore so what was left on Pei Chiyao was the last bit.

The little fox didn't give Pei Chiyao a chance to speak at all. Her tail swept over his lips, silencing him.

She continued upwards, licking over his chest, collarbone.

And that bobbing Adam's apple too.

Pei Chiyao couldn't hold back.

He let out a stifled moan.


He was about to speak when suddenly...

His eyes widened in surprise, "Mmm..."

Zhiyao had actually, actually bit down on his collarbone.

And licked it...

The little one had noticed it long ago.

There was this strange protruding thing on Pei Chiyao's body.

It was raised up and would bob up and down.

But she had never known what it was.

She tilted her head, looking at Pei Chiyao. "What's this?"

She lifted her paw, the soft pads touching his Adam's apple.

Upon speaking, Zhiyao realized that at some point, Pei Chiyao's forehead was drenched in sweat.

"What's wrong with you? Do you not feel well?"

The little one stared wide-eyed in shock. She had never...never seen this kind of expression on Pei Chiyao's face before.

Pei Chiyao finally couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled the troublemaking little thing off of him, "Zhiyao, sit properly."

Zhiyao was placed back on the couch while Pei Chiyao immediately got up and walked towards the bedroom.

The little fox tried to follow him but unexpectedly, Pei Chiyao closed the door and even locked it.

Zhiyao: "..."

Stingy jerk!

She had just wanted to eat a little more osmanthus honey yet he wouldn't even allow that!


Zhiyao glared angrily at the tightly shut door then boredly went back downstairs to the couch.

She started grooming herself.

Her body was also covered in osmanthus honey now, leaving her all sticky and uncomfortable.

After finally cleaning herself up, her phone on the coffee table suddenly rang.

Zhiyao lifted her head to look at it. It was her own phone.

She stepped forward, swiping a paw to unlock the screen.

Her pads were so big that she accidentally opened Weibo while trying to navigate.

Upon opening Weibo, Zhiyao was horrified to find many more comments under her first post.

Her first Weibo post was automatically generated by the system, something like "Hi I just opened a Weibo account, come follow me!"

The little fox stared intently at the comments.

[This place needs no words: Is that Yao Yao?! I love Yao Yao so much! Yao Yao, quickly post a Weibo!]

[Silent sorrow and hatred: First comment on the first Weibo post, got the sofa!]

[Ball ball puppy: Picking up the banner of the Yao Chi CP! Yao Yao I love you! You and Pei Chiyao are the best matched couple under heaven!]

Zhiyao was puzzled to see many people scolding that girl in the comments.

[Yi Yi: Oh give it a rest! Keep your shipping to your own circle! Coming to wave it in front of the actual people, do you want to get stabbed?!]

[Crying while pulling the pier: Shoo! Can't you see Zhiyao hasn't even followed Pei Chiyao back? They have an employer-employee relationship!]

This comment reminded Zhi Yao that she still hadn't looked at Pei Chiyao's Weibo yet.

The little fox stared at the huge phone screen, deep in thought.

She...didn't know how to type!

Just as Zhiyao was at a loss, her sharp eyes suddenly noticed a blue name in her comments, followed by a strange symbol and Pei Chiyao's name.

She curiously clicked into it.

Then the page immediately jumped to Pei Chiyao's homepage.

She was instantly excited. Could this be Pei Chiyao's Weibo?!

The little girl happily started flipping through it but the moment she saw the first Weibo post on Pei Chiyao's homepage, her mood plummeted.

Because she saw...herself, fur all standing on end, baring her teeth ferociously.

Zhiyao was so ugly she doubted life itself.

Who was this? What kind of monster had shown up?!

But staring at the fox in the photo with an identical jade pendant around its neck, Zhiyao knew perfectly clearly.

That was her, that was her!!

That jerk Pei Chiyao! He actually posted such an ugly photo of her where so many people could see!

Ahhh! Does a fox not need to save face?!

The little fox didn't even dare look at the comments but she was also very curious.

She cautiously stretched out a paw and tapped in.