The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 137

"As for this matter, I think you can only ask God about it."

Ling Jue smiled. His smile looked rather sinister.

To Shen Xiong's eyes, it was as if the devil from hell was announcing his death.

He was so terrified that he began to tremble all over, despite having faced many storms before, even when a gun was pointed at his temple, he had never felt such fear.

What should he do... what should he do...

Shen Xiong's mind raced with thoughts, and at that moment, he caught a glimpse of a black figure silently approaching Zhi Yao from the corner of his eye.

In an instant, Shen Xiong felt as if he had grasped the last straw of life, and he desperately stalled for time, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I can give you all my wealth!"

Ling Jue sneered, "Your measly wealth isn't even enough to pay a beggar in my eyes."

He raised his hand, about to wring Shen Xiong's neck. Shen Xiong looked like he weighed at least 180 pounds, but his body seemed like a small chick in Ling Jue's hands, as if Ling Jue could crush him with just a slight force.

Before his hand could reach Shen Xiong's neck, Shen Xiong suddenly cried out, "No—no... no!!!"

"Quick, quick, kill that fox spirit! Kill that fox spirit!"

He shrieked madly, the words "fox spirit" piercing Ling Jue's ears deeply, causing his heart to skip a beat. He abruptly turned his head, only to see a scene that nearly stopped his heart.

"Yao Yao! Quick, get away!"

Behind Zhi Yao stood a woman in a black robe, skinny as a rake.

The woman's face and body were completely concealed by the black robe.

The howling wind swept across her robe, accentuating her thin, hunched, and frightening appearance. Her entire body was skin and bones, and occasionally a gust of wind would lift the veil covering her face, revealing an utterly terrifying countenance beneath.

Zhi Yao also realized the danger approaching from behind and hurriedly turned around, only to meet the woman's horrifying gaze.

It was a pair of eyes as black as a dead well, with swirling depths that seemed capable of sucking one in, causing Zhi Yao's heart to race in terror.

And her whites... were filled with red bloodshot veins.

She looked like a demon crawling out of hell, giving the young girl quite a fright.

"You... you are..."

The black-robed woman let out a light laugh, her voice as raspy as the sound of dry branches rubbing against each other, barely audible.

"A fox spirit... hahaha! I never thought I'd live to see a fox spirit..."

"Such a sweet little vixen..."

She took a deep breath, her eyes glinting with a hint of greed, making her look even more terrifying.

When Ling Jue saw this woman, he abruptly released his grip and threw Shen Xiong to the ground, exerting all the speed he had in this lifetime to rush towards Zhi Yao.

He ran incredibly fast, but just as he was about to reach Zhi Yao and the black-robed woman, a barrier-like thing suddenly sprang up around them, repelling Ling Jue away.

Shen Xiong, thrown to the ground by Ling Jue, finally regained his senses at this moment, the suffocating and oppressive feeling of death finally lifting.

He gasped for air, watching Ling Jue's disheveled form pounding on the barrier, a sense of vengeful pleasure welling up inside him.

Hahaha... it's a good thing he had a backup plan.

Before Shen Yilian's death, he received a letter from her.

Shen Yilian said...

That girl was not human, but a supernatural creature. She gave him a contact, urging him to find the person mentioned in the letter, for only that person could avenge her!

Zhi Yao looked at the old hag-like woman before her, but she didn't feel very afraid.

She even... found it a bit novel.

The young girl tilted her head, looking at the black-robed woman curiously, "You're wearing so little, aren't you cold?"

The black-robed woman was slightly taken aback.

"And why are you wearing all black? You're already so thin, and black makes you look even thinner. With your appearance, it's quite scary. I think white would suit you better."

The black-robed woman: "..."

"And your eyebrows are painted so weirdly, like caterpillars. I know a friend who's really good at makeup. If you spare me, I can take you to find her."

The black-robed woman could no longer bear it. She had never met such a foolish fox spirit before. "You fool, shut up!"

Could she not sense any danger at all?!

Didn't she see her father doing everything he could to get in and save her?

Listen, listen, what nonsense was this stupid vixen spouting?!

"Enough of your prattling!" She glared at Zhi Yao. "You wretched creature, reveal your true form!"

In the next moment, she took out a bottle from her sleeve. As soon as Zhi Yao caught a whiff of it, she found the scent very familiar.

The young girl sniffed, and immediately "yue'd."

Wasn't this... the same stuff that Jiang Zhu had splashed all over her when he was controlled by Shen Yilian? How did this woman have it too?

Seeing Zhi Yao's urge to "yue," the woman couldn't help but curl her lip in a mocking smile. "Hahaha, let me see your true form..."

She dipped her finger into the black liquid and flicked a drop onto Zhi Yao's face.

The young girl's originally fair and clean face now looked like it had been splattered with several drops of ink, appearing quite comical.

One second passed, and Zhi Yao showed no reaction.

Two seconds passed, and Zhi Yao still showed no reaction.

A minute passed, and Ling Jue stopped his movements, while Shen Xiong looked at the black-robed woman in bewilderment.

Zhi Yao's gaze, however, was one of utter confusion.

In an instant, the black-robed woman felt her face burning hot. "Why... why aren't you reacting at all?!"

She stamped her foot in anger.

Zhi Yao, not wanting the old lady to get too worked up and fall ill, hurriedly said, "Don't get angry. Tell me, how am I supposed to react?"

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "At this point, you should be feeling intense heat all over your body, burning to the point of near-death, and then in five seconds, you should revert to your fox form!"

Intense heat all over the body?

Zhi Yao could act that out!

She hurriedly raised her hand and fanned herself frantically, saying as she fanned, "It's so hot, so hot, really hot!"

Then the young lady stopped, "I can play along with you, but turning into a fox is not happening."

There were so many people around, she couldn't reveal her identity.

The black-robed woman: "......" It infuriated her, infuriated her. How could there be such a vexing woman in this world, ah ah ah!