The Female Assassin Pretends to Be a Lamb in the Campus

Chapter 447

Lin Guli and his wife had only seen each other seven times in their lives.

The first time they met was in this ancient castle. She sneaked into his room and sat on his sofa, eating the fruit on his table. Lin Guli did not know she had come to take his life.

Lin Guli recalled the scene at that time: "I had a cold then and was afraid of passing it on to Lin Cheng. I wore a mask those few days. She asked me my name to confirm my identity. I simply took off my mask and let her recognize me. I knew she was up to no good."

"As a result, she stared at my face for a long time and blurted out 'it's a bit tricky'. She babbled that she had lost her way and then left."

It was raining outside at that time.

She came again the next night.

As soon as Lin Guli entered the room, he saw her sitting on the window sill.

She said, "I've come to return your umbrella."

That umbrella was taken by her without asking.

This was their second meeting. She asked him, "The King wants you to marry his cousin's daughter. Why don't you marry her? Do you dislike her, or is your heart already taken?"

Lin Guli: "She is very nice, but this is not the kind of marriage I want. I don't want my marriage to be mixed with interests."

At that time, Lin Guli only felt she was intrusive. He did not ask her why she knew so much about him and the royal family, and why he blurted out the answer to her question.

Knowing she was not simple and could even be dangerous, Lin Guli was not afraid of her harming him at that time.

Probably because she did not look like a bad person at all.

She mocked him for being naively adorable: "While being in the royal family, you still think of staying out of trouble. Let's see how long you can hold on."

Lin Guli: "If I compromise a hundred times, I can still adhere at least once. There are some bottom lines that cannot be conceded."

"Quite principled."

On the third day, she continued coming.

As soon as he entered the room, she said, "Is this compromising?"

He had just met with the King's cousin's daughter.

Lin Guli: "I have my orders, but I still cannot obey."

She looked happy: "Isn't she pretty? Aren't her breasts big enough? Isn't her waist thin enough? Isn't her butt perky enough? Isn't her skin white enough? So picky, you want a fairy, don't you?"

Lin Guli was rendered speechless by her bold and straightforward words.

On the fourth day, Lin Guli somehow looked forward to her arrival.

But she did not show up until half a month later at a grand masquerade ball. His female companion was supposed to be the King's cousin's daughter. He danced with the King's cousin's daughter as if to complete a task, but the eyes behind the mask, even with colored contact lenses, did not seem right however he looked.

She stopped disguising herself and asked him, "Dating me can save your life, Prince Lin. Would you like to consider it?"

Hearing her voice was a pleasant surprise to Lin Guli, so much so that he did not ask her at first what she had done with the King's cousin's daughter.

Lin Guli did not directly respond to her jokingly-worded question. Instead, he asked, "What's your name?"

She mysteriously said, "Those who knew my real name are dead. Are you sure you want to know?"

Lin Guli shook his head.

She said, "Coward."

That night, Lin Guli had the happiest dance in his life. Then he indulged himself, leaving the grand ball and everyone behind, and sneaking out with her.

With no driver, no assistant, no bodyguard, knowing she was dangerous yet still following her alone.

When he disappeared, everyone looked for him like crazy.

Yet on the bustling streets, she was wearing exquisite and complicated traditional clothes while he was in a formal tailcoat. The two people who had met only four times seemed to have known each other for a long time.

In fact, Lin Guli did not even know who she was.

The two walked through C Country's most prosperous avenues. Lin Guli took out all the cash he had on him, pawned his watch and coat, and set off fireworks for her.

Half a month later was their fifth meeting. During that half month, Lin Guli had bought C Country's biggest fireworks, waiting to meet her again to set them off for her to see.

Raising her eyebrows, she asked him, "Aren't you afraid that I was sent by your opponent to get close to you?"

Lin Guli: "Then I will date you. You said dating you can save my life."

That time, she accompanied him at the ancient castle for a few days, then disappeared again.

A year later, she showed up with a one-month-old daughter and irresponsibly said, "I won't raise her, you raise her."

She left the baby to him and left herself, leaving Lin Guli holding the child and standing dumbfounded.

Lin Cheng: "Didn't you stop her? She had a baby for you, she must have loved you a lot." He voiced Qin Hanyue and Qiao Ying's curiosity.

Lin Guli: "Of course I tried, so hard, during that year she disappeared, I was always waiting for her to come back. I had the wedding ring ready, carried it with me every day, waiting for her appearance. But she rejected me."

Lin Guli thought her rejection was because of his identity. By then, Lin Guli had decided to give up being a prince and give up everything here to leave with her.

No matter who she was or what her identity was.

But she said, "I don't like men without ability."

Lin Guli felt abandoned, but he really could not understand why, just like what Lin Cheng had asked. If she did not love him, how could she have his baby? There must have been some other reason. Lin Guli had a bad hunch.

He tried to look for her, aimlessly, asking everywhere for her whereabouts. He even went to his opponents and offered to trade anything for information about her, but she had no connection with anyone he knew or opposed.

She appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

His bad hunch grew stronger and stronger. He neglected everything and looked everywhere for news of her until his daughter was kidnapped. He knew it was not her doing.

After their daughter went missing, Lin Guli almost went crazy. He turned C Country upside down several times, even borrowed soldiers from the King.

He had not expected she would show up again. Upon seeing her again, with their lost daughter on his mind, all Lin Guli had left was unease.

As expected, her temper was hidden. It was worse than he had imagined. She punched him as soon as they met. She was very angry, "After getting our daughter back, I won't let you see her again."

She left immediately without listening to his explanation.

She disappeared again after that.

Meeting seven times in a lifetime, he did not even know her name, yet had loved her unhesitatingly for more than 20 years, yearning and searching for her for more than 20 years. Even if she did not agree, he had already recognized her as his wife in his heart.

For this, he had abandoned everything and failed his nephew, becoming a traitor in everyone's eyes. Yet for the rest of his life he would continue to love her, continue to think of her and miss her.

Lin Guli had always thought she was sent by his opponent to get close to him, but he was also willing to fall into her trap.

It was not until now, knowing her identity as a bounty hunter, combined with her words at the ball, that he realized she had come to take his life at that time.

In fact, Lin Guli did not know that their first meeting was not when he thought in this ancient castle.

It was when he held baby Lin Cheng at a parent-child amusement park, and she was atop a distant rooftop, aiming a sniper rifle at them for an afternoon.

She finally lowered her gun due to the young Lin Cheng in his arms and temporarily spared Lin Guli’s life.

That night, she sneaked into the ancient castle to take his life again, but in the end, she still did not do it.

For some people, looking face to face for a lifetime, there still isn’t love, yet for others, just meeting a few times, the memory lasts forever.

Every meeting, what the scenes were, what she said, in what tone, even what the weather was like every time they met, Lin Guli remembered it all very clearly.

Lin Guli looked at the orchid on the table: "This orchid, your mother liked it, but I grew so many, for so long, and rarely saw them bloom a few times. I failed your mother." He looked at Qiao Ying, "I'm sorry for you."

Thinking of all the hardships Qiao Ying had endured over the years, the injuries she had suffered, her death and rebirth, her vengeance against Dark Shadow, and the half a year she had lain in bed, Lin Guli's heart ached uncontrollably.

He hadn't been able to protect either of the two most important women in his life.

Facing Lin Guli's guilty and self-reproachful gaze, Qiao Ying's lips moved slightly, but she had no words, and her hand unconsciously stroked the dog's head in her lap.

Qin Hanyue said, "Dark Shadow's power is beyond what we can contend with. This is not your fault."

Lin Guli forced a smile in response to Qin Hanyue's consolation.

Outside the door, Moon Shadow and Flowing Shadow entered, followed by Qin Yan. The three had run into each other at the door.

As soon as Flowing Shadow entered, he asked, "Where is everyone?"

Qiao Ying said, "Dead."

Flowing Shadow suddenly said, "Let's go out and fight."

Qin Hanyue looked at him.

Lin Guli looked at him.

Lin Cheng looked at him.

Moon Shadow pulled Flowing Shadow, trying to dissuade him.

Qiao Ying said: "???"

Flowing Shadow said, "I've been practicing hard these past few years. Although I still can't compare to you, I want to see the gap between us."

Qin Yan scoffed: Such an arrogant tone.

Qiao Ying sat with her legs crossed and arms folded. "So what if you see the gap? You still won't be able to catch up."

Flowing Shadow said, "You--"

Qin Yan sneered: Is that all? I thought he'd be more impressive.

Qiao Ying stood up, preparing to go back upstairs to her room. She looked at Lin Guli, who hadn't said a word the whole time, and suddenly said, "Tell Qin Hanyue how to take care of this flower."

Was this her way of accepting him?

Lin Guli looked at her excitedly: "Okay."

Qin Hanyue smiled at Lin Guli and nodded, then followed Qiao Ying upstairs.

Somewhat annoyed, Flowing Shadow called out to Qiao Ying: "Blood Shadow!"

Qin Yan's eyes widened in shock: What! Where?!