The Female Assassin Pretends to Be a Lamb in the Campus

Chapter 117

Faced with such a blunt question from a student who was quite a few years younger than herself, Huo Jingyue blushed slightly. After making sure that Huo Chengdong was not eavesdropping nearby, she reached up and brushed the hair from her ear.

“Would a lawyer like my type?”

Before Qiao Ying could answer, she asked again, “Cheng Lawyer is single, right? What were his previous girlfriends like?”

Qiao Ying: “Single. He’s never had a girlfriend before.”

She had lost touch with him for a year or two and wasn’t clear about that time.

Huo Jingyue couldn’t help but stare with wide eyes. Covering her mouth, she was unable to conceal her excitement—he had never been in a relationship? Someone so outstanding yet so chaste? What a treasure!

What was with this reaction? Qiao Ying was silent for a moment before adding by way of explanation, “No boyfriends either.”

Huo Jingyue: “Ah?”

Realizing Qiao Ying had misunderstood her intent, Huo Jingyue felt somewhat exasperated. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just surprised.”

She then began to fret, “Doesn’t that mean Cheng Lawyer has really high standards? Can you give me one of his contact details?”

She quickly waved both hands. “Ignore me if that seems intrusive.” Huo Jingyue laughed to indicate she wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t convenient.

Qiao Ying looked at the attractive, intelligent, cheerful and open-minded Huo Jingyue. In terms of looks, background and interests, the two seemed quite well-matched.

It wouldn’t hurt to make an introduction—it could potentially lead somewhere.

Qiao Ying said, “Sure.”

Delighted, Huo Jingyue swiftly took out her phone to save Cheng Jinyan’s personal contact details. But before she could thank Qiao Ying, she was given a warning: “You probably know his background. If you want to pursue him, be mentally prepared.”

“I understand. Thank you, Qiao.” Huo Jingyue smiled.

Qiao Ying asked, “I heard you and Qin Hanyue had some history?”

Caught up in excitement, Huo Jingyue didn’t catch it clearly. “Who?”

“Never mind.”

She looked down on Qin Hanyue yet was interested in Cheng Jinyan instead. Was it because he was two years younger than Cheng?

“Qiao, if I successfully win over Cheng Lawyer’s heart, I’ll definitely host a huge banquet and have you as the guest of honor.”

“You want to pursue Cheng Jinyan?!” Huo Chengdong had sidled over at some point without them realizing.

His loud voice made Huo Jingyue shriek and throw her phone. “My phone!”

Qiao Ying deftly reached out to catch it and returned it to her.

Taking back her phone, Huo Jingyue whipped around to glare murderously at Huo Chengdong. Unfazed, he yelled again, “I don’t approve!”

Huo Jingyue roared, “I don’t need your approval! It’s none of your business! If you dare breathe a word of this at home, you’re dead!”

Qiao Ying watched as Huo Jingyue raced off to chase down Huo Chengdong, then turned to message Cheng Jinyan about the potential matchmaking opportunity.

Having just gotten off a plane, Cheng Jinyan laughed scornfully when he received the message from Qiao Ying about her attempts to play matchmaker. He bluntly stated he wasn’t interested.

During the National Day long weekend,

At a shopping mall,

Qin Hanyue took the escalator downstairs while Qin Yan struggled to lug down numerous shopping bags hanging off her body, even around her neck.

As Qin Hanyue contemplated what else to purchase, a familiar voice sounded from below.

“You’ve arranged these wines incorrectly. We can only accept at most half the compensation, otherwise we’re reporting this.”

Looking in the direction of the voice, Qin Hanyue saw Qiao Yi and two male students who looked to be around high school age surrounded by sales assistants and curious onlookers. Shattered red wine bottles covered the floor alongside spilt wine, the fragrance freely drifting.

Sales assistant: “We properly arranged these wines here. If you didn’t knock into them, how could they have spilt by themselves? Compensation is only right.”

Another student immediately refuted, “I didn’t knock into them. I just accidentally brushed past them slightly as I walked by. There wasn’t much force at all. How could they have spilt from a light graze? This is extortion. Check the surveillance recordings if you don’t believe me. I definitely didn’t knock into them.”

Sales assistant: “Don’t think you can avoid consequences just because you’re students. You broke them so you have to pay. Hurry up and get your parents here with money, otherwise we’re calling the police.”

Both sides argued strongly over who was in the right. The three high school students were no match for the eloquent sales assistants. All of their faces were red from anger and distress.

The surrounding customers felt both sides bore some responsibility and suggested the students pay half while the mall covers the other half themselves. But the sales assistants refused.

Just as things were heating up and police were about to be called,

Qiao Yi heard someone call his name. “Qiao Yi?”

He looked up. “Mr....Qin?”

The spectators were cowed by Qin Hanyue’s imposing manner and automatically cleared a path for him. As they sized him up, hushed discussions broke out amongst them.

Qin Hanyue asked, “What happened here?”

Qiao Yi explained, “My classmate accidentally knocked over the wine cabinet but there were existing issues with how the wines were arranged. He just lightly brushed the back of his hand against them without using much force. We suggested each side bears 50% of responsibility but they refused.”

Qiao Yi had been walking behind his classmate and witnessed it happen.

Seeing Qin Hanyue’s appearance and bearing, the sales assistants instantly recognized he was someone important. Their attitude instantly weakened.

“Even if it was an accident, it was still your side that broke them so you have to bear responsibility. We can’t justify it to management otherwise.”

Before they could say anything further, their area manager silenced them with a glare.

Qin Hanyue directly instructed Qin Yan, “Get the mall general manager here.”

Sensing the situation was taking a turn for the worse, the few sales assistants grew anxious.

Qin Yan put down all her shopping and took out her phone.

Qin Hanyue reassured Qiao Yi, “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”

Qiao Yi’s classmate whispered in his ear, “Who is he? Does he know the mall general manager? So I don’t need to compensate anymore?” The student seemed to see a savior.

Very quickly, the general manager rushed over with a group of people including various area managers.

Just as the sales assistants were about to take preemptive action, a single glare from their area manager was enough to make them shut their mouths.

“Mr. Qin....What brings you here?” The general manager greeted them obsequiously, bending so low he nearly touched the ground.

The two students glanced at each other in confusion then back at Qin Hanyue.

Qin Hanyue asked, “Who approved this wine arrangement?”

The general manager looked at the “scene of the crime” then shifted his gaze to the area manager responsible for that section of the mall.

The manager turned on the sales assistants. “Who was the one who arranged the wines like this? What happened to your product training?!”

Qin Hanyue coldly cut them off. “Apologize to the customers first.”

“Ye..yes of course.” The general manager led them in apologizing, then made the sales assistants do the same.

Qiao Yi was fine but the other two students were stunned speechless having never witnessed such a situation before. Unsure of how to respond, they kept looking between Qiao Yi and Qin Hanyue.

With the apologies done, Qin Hanyue said to Qiao Yi, “Let’s go, Yi.”

Qin Yan automatically took charge of handling things.

As Qin Hanyue walked ahead, he overheard whispers behind him as the three students pestered Qiao Yi about his identity.

Seeing Qiao Yi at a loss over how to respond, Qin Hanyue stepped in to help. “If I remember right, third years have no holidays right now?”

Qiao Yi: “Yes, it’s our lunch break. I came with my classmate to buy some things. Thank you for your help just now, Mr. Qin.”

The other two students echoed their thanks.

Qin Hanyue smiled. “No need to thank me. It’s the mall’s responsibility and I’ll make sure they handle it properly.”

An awkward silence followed, broken by Qiao Yi’s attempt at small talk. “Are you also shopping at the mall today, Mr Qin?”

Qin Hanyue turned to look at him. “I came to buy you things.”

Qiao Yi was puzzled. “Buy me things?”

Qin Yan struggled over just then, loaded with shopping and also holding three decently priced shopping vouchers obtained from the general manager.

Qin Hanyue explained, “I knew you didn’t have time off so I came to get you some daily necessities and snacks, was planning to send them over to your school later.”

He hadn’t expected to bump into Qiao Yi here at the mall itself.

Qiao Yi declined politely, “Thank you Mr. Qin but one shouldn’t benefit without good reason. It wouldn’t be right.”

Knowing he would refuse, Qin Hanyue already had an excuse prepared. “It was your sister who asked me to get you some things. Call to ask her if you don’t believe me.”

Qin Hanyue assumed it would be easy to fool the boy but from the corner of his eye, spotted Qiao Yi really taking out his phone. He secretly messaged Qiao Ying.