The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 99

There were also zombies coming from behind. If they didn't come up with a solution, they really wouldn't be able to get through.

Yu Qingxian looked toward the riverside.

She suddenly realized.

Since they couldn't take the main road, she would walk along the river.

So Yu Qingxian took the tyrannosaur along the riverside.

Because there were steps built along the river in this area.

There were even sculptures erected by the riverside.

These weren't just sculptures; they could also indicate the water level.

Yu Qingxian first tested if the ice on the river was solid enough.

Although she knew that in sub-zero temperatures, rivers and lakes would all freeze over.

Of course, hot springs probably wouldn't freeze, she supposed.

But this river had indeed frozen over.

Once the tyrannosaur reached the ice, it ran more happily.

She saw that the elevated road was full of vehicles, some even rolling off the road.

But she didn't see any vehicles in the river.

Unsure if they had sunk to the bottom or been washed away.

After walking about seven or eight kilometers along the river, there were far fewer vehicles on the road.

Yu Qingxian took out a map and saw that she was very close to that highest peak now.

Of course, this "very close" was relatively close compared to other places.

But calculating the distance, it was still about five or six hundred kilometers away.

She and the tyrannosaur had climbed up from a small village onto the highway.

Going forward, there were only small towns and villages.

Although called towns and villages, they were actually tourist towns and villages.

The buildings looked very old, but that was a tactic to attract tourists.

Of course, now they looked quite desolate.

There were some intact zombie corpses on the ground.

Probably from when the sudden cold air dropped the temperature, freezing these zombies.

But there were still some zombies alive.

Yu Qingxian didn't care about those zombies approaching, they were just swatted away by the tyrannosaur's claw as soon as they got close.

Yu Qingxian just held her camera to photograph those frozen zombies on the ground.

Toward evening, Yu Qingxian found a small building to stay in.

At this time, she also wasn't sure how Shi Xingyu's sister was doing.

Since she knew about the brother's situation, she probably wouldn't just wait at home.

After all, no matter how long she waited, he wouldn't come.

And if he did show up, Yu Qingxian didn't dare imagine that scene.

So Yu Qingxian certainly didn't hope for the siblings to meet under such circumstances.

Only if she or Gu Wanqing were around could a tragedy perhaps be avoided.

Yu Qingxian couldn't turn back either, she could only pray.

After all, didn't Gu Wanqing like to travel all over the country?

Of course, Yu Qingxian could only hope, but she really didn't know if Gu Wanqing would come.

Yu Qingxian continued walking westward along the valley.

After more than ten days, she finally saw the towering snow mountains in the distance.

But the surrounding mountains still looked lush and verdant.

She checked her phone, and it was already October.

But the trees on the surrounding mountains hadn't changed much.

Yu Qingxian entered someone's home and took all the cured meat hanging there.

Although high in salt, she didn't know if it would affect the tyrannosaur if it ate it.

But there was no other choice, as they were about to head to the pure lands, where they might not come across any cities for days.

So she had to take the cured meat from others' homes.

But the tyrannosaur wasn't picky.

Thinking about how it had survived before, it surely wouldn't starve following her...

Yu Qingxian became a little unsure of herself.

What if it really did starve to death following her?

Then on the third day at noon, the tyrannosaur caught some animal from the mountains and ate its fill.

Yu Qingxian felt again that the tyrannosaur's survival skills were stronger than hers.

So she stopped worrying after that.

Until the end of October, Yu Qingxian finally left the province she had lived in and entered a place she had always wanted to go.

This was also a plateau region, and she had previously read an anthology of legendary poems about a figure from this place.

So she had sometimes wanted to see that white palace standing in the pure lands.

After entering the plateau, Yu Qingxian could see the snow mountains towering between heaven and earth from afar.

So during this period, she took a photo every time they got closer.

By the time she realized it, she had already brought the tyrannosaur to the foot of the mountain.

Yu Qingxian didn't feel any altitude sickness, but the tyrannosaur couldn't take it well.

After all, it was used to living in the plains.

When they were in her living area, it didn't react so strongly.

But looking at its condition now...

Yu Qingxian couldn't take it up the mountain.

So she untied the sledge from the tyrannosaur and told it to wait nearby.

There were still some forests and houses in this area.

So it could catch animals here.

And she left all of the tyrannosaur's food in the house for it to eat if hungry.

The tyrannosaur obediently understood it couldn't force itself to follow Yu Qingxian up the mountain.

Yu Qingxian didn't head straight for the mountaintop at first either.

Instead, she repeatedly tried going up a little higher each day.

She was afraid her body couldn't withstand the temperature at the top. What if she froze up there?

Yu Qingxian went back and forth like this for almost half a month, confirming she wouldn't freeze at the top, before preparing her phone, camera, and the battery pack for her suitcase to take up the mountain.

She also cut two moderately thick sticks to use as hiking poles.

Yu Qingxian walked slowly upward along the gentle slope.

Perhaps because the world had now entered a frozen state,

There were no wild currents on the mountain.

It was just very quiet all around.

Yu Qingxian took out her camera and phone to take pictures every few hundred meters.

If she tried climbing with her living flesh, she probably would have collapsed at the foot of the mountain.

It was quiet around her now, as if she were the only one in the whole world.

She wasn't in a rush, going up slowly.

Yu Qingxian actually wondered if shouting would cause an avalanche.

Then she would be buried under the snow.

Or if she slipped and fell off a cliff, turning to a pile of bones.

Yu Qingxian slapped her own face.

To stop such idle thoughts.

When Yu Qingxian had nothing to do before, she would imagine being stabbed in the eyes with scissors, having her hands chopped off with a cleaver.

Or the muscles of her thumb being completely torn open, or her squatting somewhere with her head dug into by a rake.

Of course, Yu Qingxian felt that chainsaws and sickles terrified her the most.

Shaking off those thoughts, Yu Qingxian decided to sit down somewhere.

As for those gullies, she didn't dare go near them in case of an avalanche burying her.

Just as Yu Qingxian sat down, she felt her bottom shaking.

This confused her, until she turned to see that the snow above had collapsed.

Of course, it wasn't at her position and wouldn't reach her.

She took out her camera to watch the billowing snow gushing down.

And she even saw what seemed to be two zombies buried in the avalanche.

They were even fighting as the snow carried them down.

Yu Qingxian immediately recognized those two zombies as mutant zombies.

Oh no, those two zombies couldn't possibly roll all the way down the mountain, could they?

But rolling from this place, they probably couldn't reach her country.

The tyrannosaur was also quite far from here.

And that kid was smart and could adapt.

Most importantly, even if those two zombies were buried in the snow, they might not be able to dig out.

Thinking of this, Yu Qingxian considered triggering another avalanche to bury and kill them.

But why did these mutant zombies always head toward their country?

Could it be that their country had the most survivors left in the whole world?