The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 95

Yu Qingxian took her camera and went out for a stroll.

She found that the west side of the old house was a pigpen, but there was nothing inside.

There were some stalks of agricultural crops piled up.

On the east side was a woodshed, inside which there were a lot of corn and firewood, all neatly stacked.

It seems that this place used to be inhabited before the apocalypse.

Yu Qingxian turned her head and looked at the second floor of the old house, and then went inside to head upstairs.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus rex was not sitting or lying down, but standing by the campfire, preparing to dry itself before lying on the mat.

This way it wouldn't soil the mat and blanket.

Yu Qingxian saw it doing this and didn't say anything.

Although she felt that these things could be replaced at any time.

After all, it didn't cost any money.

But the Tyrannosaurus rex cherished them very much.

Yu Qingxian looked at the stairs in front of her, which were wooden stairs and seemed to be quite old.

They creaked as she stepped on them.

Upstairs, the floor was also made of wood.

The stairs came up from the left, and behind it was a room, while in front was an area that seemed like a living room.

She walked over and found that there was an altar table in this place.

On the altar table, there was an incense burner, with the burnt-out incense sticks inside, looking like they had been there for years.

Taped to it was a red paper with the names of the gods, ancestors, and teachers.

There were also a pair of couplets on the sides.

As for the posters of the leaders and the paintings of the national foundation ceremony next to it, these were just the kinds of traditional things one would find in an old-style building.

Yu Qingxian picked up the camera and took a picture.

Yu Qingxian had seen this kind of thing when she was little at her grandparents' house, but as she grew up, she hadn't seen it again.

After her grandparents passed away and the old house was demolished and redeveloped, these memories had faded from her mind.

But she never imagined that her fondness for wooden doors and old houses would suddenly revive the memories buried deep within her.

Originally, the things that had faded from the memories of young people were likely to be almost forgotten after the impact of the apocalypse.

After taking a few photos, Yu Qingxian switched to video recording mode.

Starting from the second floor, she then went to the window on the second floor.

This window faced the mountain opposite.

At this time, the frost had dissipated a bit, so the mountain in the distance was faintly visible.

And the houses in the village were built from high to low, staggered.

Yu Qingxian knew that there was a road below the village, built along the river.

After the recording was done, the camera started running low on power.

She immediately saved the video and turned off the camera.

The camera was now completely out of power.

Her phone's battery was also running low.

She stood at the window for a while.

The mountain wind blew by, but she didn't feel cold at all.

However, this wind should be quite cold.

She didn't close the door.

Couldn't let the Tyrannosaurus rex that was warming itself by the fire get frozen.

Yu Qingxian then turned and went downstairs.

As for the two rooms, Yu Qingxian only glanced at them briefly and didn't go in.

She went downstairs immediately to close the door.

Then she went to touch the Tyrannosaurus rex's fur, and there was no moisture, so it must have dried.

She brought the Tyrannosaurus rex's dog bowl and water, fed it some dog food, and thawed the frozen water.

Yu Qingxian let the Tyrannosaurus rex eat well and then lie down to sleep. If it wanted to go to the bathroom, it could go a little further away, even inside the house.

Actually, Yu Qingxian often worried that the Tyrannosaurus rex would freeze itself when urinating.

The image of that crossed her mind, making her amused.

But with that thought, Yu Qingxian went back upstairs with her hands in her pockets, stepping up.

She hadn't been to the rooms upstairs.

She originally thought there were two rooms, but after seeing the altar, she found that there was another room behind it.

Yu Qingxian pushed open the room next to the stairs.

There were a lot of movie posters on the walls of the room.

They were posters of TV dramas from decades ago.

Yu Qingxian had also watched these TV dramas, and often felt that her parents had it good.

The handsome men and beautiful women back then were truly handsome and beautiful.

Since this room had these posters, as well as a desk and an old-fashioned desk lamp, it seemed that this room belonged to a younger person.

Someone around the same age as her parents.

Although it had been a long time since anyone lived here, the room still maintained the appearance of the original occupant's residence.

Yu Qingxian went to the desk, opened the drawer, and found a notebook and a photo album.

Yu Qingxian looked at the notebook and photo album, then scanned the room: "I'm sorry, I'm going to open and look at them."

With that, she opened the notebook.

The handwriting was elegant, so it was likely a young girl's.

Based on the age, she should be calling this person "Auntie" now.

Although it was indeed unethical to read someone else's diary, Yu Qingxian still flipped through the other person's diary.

After all, families that could send their children to school during that era, like her parents', were really not many.

So this "Auntie" who could write a diary and had such beautiful handwriting must have had a good education.

A family that could send their daughter to school was indeed rare.

It's just that this diary stopped nearly thirty years ago.

That was when the diary owner took the college entrance exam.

The scores were very good, and it was a prestigious university.

But the next day's diary entry was never written.

Yu Qingxian put down the diary and opened the photo album.

She found that they were all photos of this "Auntie" over the years. There were photos every year until she was eighteen, but after that, there were no more.

Yu Qingxian looked at these photos and the diary, and she had an uneasy guess.

But she didn't think about it further, and instead left the room and went to the next one.

The room opposite the stairs should be a guest room, and there was nothing much inside.

It wasn't until Yu Qingxian pushed open the third room that she saw a corpse lying at the doorway.

It was even blocking the door a bit when she pushed it open.

She could only look through the crack of the door.

From the height of the body, the clothing, and the gray hair, Yu Qingxian could tell that this was an elderly woman.

The floor was completely covered in black stains.

And her flesh had already disappeared, leaving only a skeleton.

Yu Qingxian stood at the door, not knowing whether to go in or out.

However, she still squeezed into the room.

The room was not large, and there were three black and white photos hanging on the wall.

One was of a very young girl, one was of a middle-aged man, and one was of an elderly person.

At this point, Yu Qingxian realized that this elderly woman was the last member of this family.

She looked at the photos, then turned and went to the closet to look for clothes.

Sure enough, the funeral photos had already been taken, so they must have prepared the burial clothes.

Although the timing was a bit off, Yu Qingxian still helped the elderly woman change into the clothes, then carried her remains down the stairs.

She just didn't know where the family's ancestral grave was.

She had dug the hole before realizing it.

Yu Qingxian could only go back upstairs and get the photos of the three family members, and bury them together.

"Although I couldn't bury you all together as a family, I've done my best," Yu Qingxian said as she looked at the small grave she had made.

After burying the person, Yu Qingxian went to brush the ice off the leaves, cupping it as she returned to the house.

With the heat of the fire, the ice melted into water, and her hands were washed clean.

And she didn't get anything on herself, as she had been very careful.

The Tyrannosaurus rex even came over to sniff her, as if there was a scent, but it didn't seem particularly unpleasant.

But Yu Qingxian still got up and went out to blow in the wind for a while. It had been dark for a long time before she went back in.