The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 77

Yu Qingxian wore a piece of clothing belonging to the female driver, who didn't seem to mind.

She also took two raincoats.

One raincoat covered the suitcase, while the other was put over the Tyrannosaurus' head.

It was truly too large, and the raincoat barely covered its head.

Since the raincoat had a small yellow duck design, it looked very cute.

At this moment, with its head covered by the raincoat, the Tyrannosaurus looked adorable indeed.

Yu Qingxian took out her phone and snapped a series of photos of the Tyrannosaurus.

The big white doggy topped with a little yellow duck was incredibly cute.

The Tyrannosaurus remained still, allowing Yu Qingxian to take pictures of it.

It continued to grin broadly at Yu Qingxian.

When Yu Qingxian left the RV, she closed the RV door.

After taking a few steps, she realized something was amiss.

The ground had become icy.

It was fine at first, but as she walked further onto a slope, she started slipping.

However, this did not affect the Tyrannosaurus.

After all, its claws could probably climb near-vertical walls.

So Yu Qingxian, who had been walking ahead of the Tyrannosaurus, began struggling clumsily.

It was as if her legs had been borrowed from a different zombie.

Three minutes later, Yu Qingxian gave up struggling.

Moreover, the wind kept blowing her umbrella, causing her to retreat half a meter instead of advancing.

Yu Qingxian had to put away the umbrella in her backpack and grab onto the Tyrannosaurus' fur.

"Forward!" Yu Qingxian said.

With one hand grasping the Tyrannosaurus' fur and the other carrying the suitcase, she couldn't gesture ahead.

Fortunately, the big dog was intelligent and pulled her forward.

Yu Qingxian didn't even need to walk; the Tyrannosaurus dragged her along the ground.

After all, her little leather shoes were not slip-resistant.

This made Yu Qingxian wish she had taken a sled.

Would grasping the Tyrannosaurus' fur like this pull its fur out?

What if it became bald?

Luckily, the Tyrannosaurus' fur was sturdy, and she didn't yank any of it out.

It was easier once they reached the top of the hill.

At least the path ahead was flat, with no uphill sections.

The hail that had fallen on the Tyrannosaurus melted into water, making its body wet again.

Yet the hail on Yu Qingxian showed no signs of melting.

This momentarily puzzled Yu Qingxian.

But she quickly realized that she had no body heat.

Her temperature would match the surrounding air temperature.

With this in mind, Yu Qingxian thought about getting a thermometer to carry in her pocket when they reached the next town.

That way, she could check her own temperature at any time.

Yu Qingxian removed the raincoat from the suitcase and rode on it, but didn't activate the suitcase.

Instead, with a kick, the suitcase slid out rapidly.

Using the momentum, Yu Qingxian's speed increased significantly.

By now, the surroundings were visible, though hail still fell, but not as heavily as the previous downpour.

Passing through a wooded area, Yu Qingxian knew she had arrived at a great spot for admiring fall foliage.

The road passed over a small stream below, said to be beautiful, and if lucky, one might spot wild reindeer, musk deer, and other animals.

For some reason, whenever Yu Qingxian heard of such deer-like creatures, she felt they had an ethereal aura.

So Yu Qingxian was quite eager to proceed.

Even if she couldn't see live ones, zombie versions would do.

But before she got close, Yu Qingxian heard the thunderous sound of water.

As she approached and the trees parted before her, Yu Qingxian didn't see a beautiful little stream and pond.

Instead, it was a turbid flood, with many trees along the banks snapped.

Even the road had some water stains that had frozen.

Only because the temperature hadn't dropped that low yet had the flood not frozen over.

But if even this area's small stream had become a river ten meters wide, wouldn't a ten-meter-wide river have become a massive waterway?

Yu Qingxian walked over and looked toward the mountain range.

Although this road was indeed within the mountains, it had been built along the foothills.

After all, road construction would damage the habitats of many wild animals.

Of course, it would be built in areas with minimal impact.

Yu Qingxian set the suitcase by the roadside, hopped over the water ditch, and looked down the mountain.

She found the area below the mountain completely flooded with turbid waters, like a vast brown-yellow mirror.

The once-beautiful ponds and grasslands had vanished.

Yu Qingxian returned, took out her camera, and recorded this scene of the land transformed into an ocean.

Fortunately, when she had left, she had fully charged the suitcase and camera using the RV's power supply.

So she didn't need to worry about running out of power anytime soon.

Yu Qingxian didn't approach the floodwaters too closely.

Although that area looked solid, she didn't know if her weight would cause it to collapse.

She filmed those videos from several meters away.

On the opposite bank, a few zombie animals gathered, likely attracted by the scent of flesh from the Tyrannosaurus.

However, they were unaware of the flood's danger and were swept away when they tried to cross.

Of course, not only did zombie animals come from across the flood, but also from the mountain below and behind Yu Qingxian.

The Tyrannosaurus had initially been guarding Yu Qingxian's suitcase, but when the zombie animals attacked, it had to act.

Yu Qingxian wasn't worried about the Tyrannosaurus, though, and switched her camera from video to photo mode.

She turned to see the Tyrannosaurus discard its previously cute appearance, the little yellow duck raincoat instantly shredded.

Its smooth fur stood on end, its body crackling with electricity.

Yu Qingxian quickly picked up a piece of the raincoat and stood on it.

After all, water conducts electricity, and she didn't know if she might get shocked.

But clearly, Yu Qingxian's concern was unnecessary, as the Tyrannosaurus controlled its abilities skillfully.

Each bolt of lightning struck the zombie animals with precision.

As the electricity hit the zombie animals, their heads instantly exploded.

Yu Qingxian even wondered if the Tyrannosaurus had secretly planted explosives in their brains.

This Tyrannosaurus was truly formidable.

But now, there was no telling when the flood would subside.

Yu Qingxian put away her camera to find the hail had stopped.

This made her look up at the sky again, but the thick clouds hadn't dispersed.

In fact, the wind had picked up.

Yu Qingxian watched the water droplets in the air turn to ice in the wind.

How cold must it be for water to freeze instantly like that?

Yu Qingxian took out her camera again and started recording, placing it on the suitcase.

She had actually prepared for an extended stay.

If those water droplets could freeze so rapidly in the air, then perhaps the floodwaters would also freeze, though not immediately.

But the cold air didn't make Yu Qingxian wait long.

In less than half an hour, the water flow diminished.

Yu Qingxian couldn't help but look up the mountain to find the trees had turned white, as if someone had sprinkled powdered sugar over them.