The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 74

Bao the tyrannosaurus listened to Yu Qingxian's words, but merely flicked its tail, showing no intention of leaving.

Seeing it unwilling to move, Yu Qingxian bent down and untied all the ropes on its body.

As for the sleigh, Yu Qingxian had no plans to pull it back either.

After all, no one would want such a thing.

What if Autumn Color Lake froze over again next winter? Wouldn't that be perfect for sledding?

Why didn't she think of that last year?

She should have had Old Ox pull her to go ice skating.

If the river hadn't frozen over by September, then she could go boating instead.

Thinking this, Yu Qingxian added this plan to the reminders on her phone.

She looked at the several items listed on her to-do list.

The prairie, desert, and the pure lands, then visit the canyons and rainforests.

That should about cover it.

Yu Qingxian pondered as she walked back.

She kept scrolling through the camera on her phone, making sure she had been to all the places her parents had visited.

There were many places Yu Qingxian didn't want to go.

She felt they were too much trouble.

She consoled herself that she had already accomplished a lot.

Yu Qingxian comforted herself.

She wove through the groups of zombies, picked up her suitcase, and continued westward.

The further west she went, the more ancient cities she would pass through.

That place wasn't the current capital.

But in many dynasties, it had been the capital.

However, it was still quite far from her current location.

She estimated it would take ten days to half a month to get there.

Yu Qingxian needed to cross this mountain range.

The mountains were originally home to many wild animals.

Of course, now there might be zombie animals or mutated animals.

In any case, they were all very dangerous for humans.

But for Yu Qingxian, they seemed quite safe.

Moreover, there was a highway running along this mountain range.

The trees on both sides were also very beautiful.

She had seen them in the videos of many travel bloggers before.

Yu Qingxian naturally tidied up her belongings.

At this point, her suitcase had become quite full, starting from only having a camera at first.

When Yu Qingxian opened her suitcase to check her belongings and saw the contents of the entire suitcase, she was a bit surprised.

She had originally thought she could travel light.

But on this journey, she had actually collected quite a few things.

She set aside the books and camera first, then looked at the few dresses she had prepared, which were all long halter dresses, so they didn't take up much space.

Then there was the bouquet of roses she had stuffed into her suitcase.

She had used a few as bookmarks, and randomly stuffed the rest into the suitcase.

Originally, she thought these roses had withered, but now looking at the fresh roses, Yu Qingxian thought her eyes might be playing tricks on her.

She picked up the bouquet of roses, and then saw the bunch of small flowers underneath.

Those were the ones Gu Wanqing had given her, sort of.

Even that bunch of small flowers seemed to have revived a bit.

This left Yu Qingxian full of questions.

She didn't understand why flowers that should have withered were now alive again.

Until she saw the small bag in the corner.

Inside were the crystal shards she had picked up.

Could it be because of this thing?

Yu Qingxian set the flowers aside and picked up the small bag, opening it and pouring out the shards.

These shards now emitted a beautiful glow, and even the dust-like particles from friction with the air were gone.

Now it looked like a beautiful dark pearl, but inside this pearl, something seemed to be flowing, which looked very familiar to her.

That's right, it was a core.

Only the cores found in zombies and ability users contained very little, and hardly moved, unlike the substance flowing inside these crystal shards.

Yu Qingxian roughly understood that the cores found in zombie and ability user bodies, and these crystal shards, were the same thing.

It was because of the energy in these things that allowed zombies to become stronger, and humans to evolve abilities.

Even these two bouquets of flowers were affected by the crystal shards.

So was this why humans who died would come back as zombies, because of this strange energy in the crystals?

But weren't zombies caused by a virus?

Yu Qingxian became confused again.

Since she didn't study this field, she couldn't understand it at all.

Unable to figure it out, Yu Qingxian decided not to think about it anymore.

She organized her belongings again, putting the two bouquets of flowers into the suitcase, and the crystal shards into the bag, placing it under the two bouquets.

Yu Qingxian flipped through her books.

The books were made of plants too, so they wouldn't sprout roots, would they?

Yu Qingxian opened one of her books to check.

She found that the rose bookmarks tucked inside had indeed taken root and grown into the book.

Yu Qingxian held the book, and could only dig a hole to bury the open book.

After all, since the bookmarks had come alive and taken root, it was better to plant them in the soil.

Yu Qingxian suddenly thought of the seeds in her backpack.

Could those seeds have sprouted too?

Thinking of this, Yu Qingxian immediately buried the flowers first, then opened her backpack, which didn't contain much.

Just a photo of her and her parents, her phone, a small comb, more than ten bags of shampoo and shower gel, and the rose seeds.

To Yu Qingxian, these seeds looked like little pomegranates.

However, these seeds looked as fresh as if they had just been picked.

But there were no signs of sprouting, which relieved Yu Qingxian.

However, as she breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly remembered that she had collected the seeds to plant them later.

Thinking this, she went back to where she had just buried the book.

The half rose was blooming beautifully.

Yu Qingxian was in no hurry to leave.

Instead, she waited for the half rose to truly take root in the soil.

After a few days, Yu Qingxian noticed that the half stem of the rose had started sprouting.

So it seemed the rose had come alive.

Confirming that the rose was alive, Yu Qingxian then prepared to leave with her suitcase.

During those few days, she had been squatting under trees to stay cool during the day, only going out in the morning, afternoon, and at night.

She had even tried out those skis.

They made her feel like a waddling duck when she put them on, so she immediately took them off and threw them away.

As Yu Qingxian sat on a bench stretching, she heard a noise just as she bent down.

It made her jump right off the bench.

A vehicle was approaching.

Yu Qingxian grabbed her suitcase and dashed straight into the nearby forest.

Then she crouched behind a clump of trees.

This was the hiding spot she had envisioned earlier when standing in front of the ski resort's small plaza.

If anyone came, she would run to this spot.

It was also a few hundred meters away from the ski resort.

Survivors would have no reason to wander into the forest, which put Yu Qingxian a bit more at ease.

She crouched behind the bushes, peering down through the gaps in the leaves.

She could see the vehicle, which looked familiar.

It seemed like the one she had seen a few days ago.

When the people got out of the vehicle, Yu Qingxian could confirm they were the same group that had killed the zombie fish.

She just didn't know what they were doing here.

They couldn't be here to ski, could they?

There was no snow.