The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 72

Yu Qingxian did not see the aurora borealis at this place, so she headed to the next scenic spot in the evening.

However, she never expected that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was still following her.

After more than a week of recovery, the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked a bit plumper than before.

Previously, the Tyrannosaurus Rex would try to avoid her, not wanting her to see it.

As if knowing that she would not intentionally drive it away, it became increasingly unrestrained.

Yu Qingxian did not bother with it, but instead pulled her suitcase and followed the signposts.

In such a tourist hotspot, there was no need to check the map, as there were signposts everywhere.

In her hand now, she no longer had the map from the black market person, but rather a tourist guide she had taken from the ticket office.

Yu Qingxian would take photos with the stone monuments at each place she visited.

Looking at the photos of herself with those landmark buildings on her phone, Yu Qingxian paused.

She looked at the photos of herself and those iconic structures, and it made her think of her parents.

Yu Qingxian immediately opened her photo album and found the photos her parents had sent her before.

Sure enough, her parents had stood at the same spot where she was standing now.

But she had understood too slowly.

Three and a half years later, she was only now beginning to grasp the significance of her parents sending her those photos.

People will die, scenery will change, but everywhere in this world, there are traces of them.

Yu Qingxian was not alone.

Her parents were still accompanying her.

She stared at the photo, and swiped to the right, revealing yet another scenic shot of this place.

Her parents were truly patient.

Not only had they sent photos and videos, but also various written explanations.

Yu Qingxian put down the tourist guide she was holding and instead observed the scenery according to her parents' instructions.

Although it was different.

She opened a video, and it was her mother's voice.

The scenery recorded in the video was the very same as what she saw before her eyes.

She gazed at the distant scenery and listened to her mother's voice.

It felt as if the three of them were traveling together.

Following the video footage, Yu Qingxian climbed up to the observation deck on the riverside cliff, seeing how this place resembled a winding dragon.

From this vantage point, the view was expansive, and she could see far into the distance.

She put her phone in her pocket and held her camera to take pictures.

Yu Qingxian did not know whether this sudden swap of northern and southern climates was temporary or if it would be like this from now on.

But since she was here, she would, of course, take photographs.

However, through her camera's viewfinder, Yu Qingxian spotted a black, unknown creature crawling out of the river.

She immediately put down her camera and took out her binoculars to look in that direction.

It appeared to be a large fish, but this fish had grown claws on its body.

Its gaping mouth was filled with sharp teeth.


What was that?

A fish on land!

No, she had seen fish on land before, but those fish were not this big.

It could swallow someone her size in one gulp.

Moreover, it had crawled from the river towards her country.

Yu Qingxian blinked her eyes, unable to resist the urge to call out for this strange, massive fish to crawl towards the other side.

But just as Yu Qingxian was thinking that the big fish probably wouldn't eat zombies, a zombie deer staggered past with its nearly fallen-off head bobbing.

The massive fish then shot out a long tongue that wrapped around and pulled the zombie deer towards its mouth.

Although she couldn't hear any sound, Yu Qingxian felt as if her bones were aching.

So this giant fish ate zombies too!

The fish crushed trees as it crawled onto the riverbank, heading towards the city.

Just as Yu Qingxian was becoming worried, several off-road vehicles had already driven over from the highway.

The massive fish, hearing the commotion, also came to a halt.

Yu Qingxian looked around and crouched behind a trash can, dragging her suitcase with her.

She then sneakily observed the situation below.

A few people got out of the vehicles.

However, they were not wearing uniforms, meaning they were from the Supernatural Ability Squad.

Yu Qingxian scrutinized each of their faces.

Good, she didn't recognize any of them.

Yu Qingxian watched as those people skillfully used fishing nets to catch the fish, unable to resist covering her face in astonishment.

Were these people geniuses?

She had thought that since the fish had grown legs and didn't need to breathe, it could naturally come onto land.

But due to its zombification, Yu Qingxian had been stuck thinking about what would happen after the fish came ashore, since it was no longer an ordinary fish.

She had never imagined that these people would use fishing nets.

And at first glance, these nets were clearly specially made, no matter how much the zombie fish struggled, it could not break free.

However, unable to break free, the zombie fish began spitting out a corrosive saliva.

If it landed on a person, it might not kill them, but they would likely lose a layer of skin.

But it was clear that these people had fought this mutant zombie fish multiple times before.

So they easily avoided the zombie fish's saliva.

When the zombie fish shot out its powerful tongue, one of them sliced it off with a blade.

Afterwards, several people wielding assault rifles opened fire on the zombie fish.

The assault rifles were fitted with silencers, so Yu Qingxian couldn't hear much noise.

After a battle, the zombie fish stopped moving.

The lead man approached with a knife, pried open the zombie fish's head, and retrieved a Crystal Core from inside.

Watching their practiced movements, Yu Qingxian couldn't help but hold her head.

How many zombies must they have killed to become so skilled?

However, their arrival had naturally attracted zombies, but these people were clearly accustomed to it. After obtaining what they wanted, they simply turned around and got in their vehicles.

The zombies had only just approached when the vehicles ran them over and drove off.

Some of the zombies that had been knocked down quickly got back up and chased after the vehicles at a speed comparable to a sprinter.

However, those zombies followed the vehicles away, leaving Yu Qingxian's line of sight.

She put away her binoculars, returned her camera to her suitcase, and her phone to her backpack.

She was about to leave this place.

She had indeed gotten too close to humans.

And clearly, the humans here were seasoned fighters, not ordinary people.

Yu Qingxian pulled her suitcase and stealthily left the area.

She did not take the main road but instead followed a small mountain path.

This kind of mountain trail did not allow for rolling her suitcase, so she had to carry it.

But the sides of the small path were overgrown with wild grass, clearly untrodden by humans for a long time.

After walking for a distance, Yu Qingxian turned back and saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex still following her.

She didn't know where the Tyrannosaurus Rex had been hiding before.

It was clear that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had hidden much better than she had.

She stared at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and suddenly it began baring its teeth.

As Yu Qingxian was puzzled, the Tyrannosaurus Rex leaped over her head and towards the front.

Yu Qingxian then saw a few zombie deer blocking her way.

Yu Qingxian was not in a hurry, taking out her phone to snap photos of the zombie deer not far away.

"Don't worry, those zombie deer probably don't eat zombies, right?" Yu Qingxian said after putting her phone away.

Yu Qingxian indeed had no need to worry, as those zombie deer were not coming for her.

They were coming for the living Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex barked a few times at the zombie deer, which made them retreat a few steps.

But they were only retreating to gain momentum.

Yu Qingxian knew she couldn't dissuade them, so she could only move to higher ground, leaving the area to the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the zombie deer.

She steadied her suitcase, took out her camera, and began recording.

"The battle for survival between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the zombie deer is about to begin! Who will emerge as the champion? The answer will soon be revealed."

Yu Qingxian even thoughtfully provided voiceover for the video.