The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 64

Yu Qingxian did not run away as she usually did when she saw people, but instead stood upright.

The leader's gaze did not linger on Yu Qingxian, but looked at all the zombies equally.

Then the dozen or so people behind him held up shields, guarding the sides of those few people.

Finally, Yu Qingxian saw the streak of red in the person's hand behind him.

She suddenly understood something.

Then she looked towards the flagpole.

Yes, this was the border, even in the apocalypse, they would not let others take advantage of the situation and enter.

This was Yu Qingxian's first time seeing the national flag being raised in the morning.

All the zombies in the square gathered towards those people.

But although they charged over, they were not killed, but kept out by the shields.

It was not until the national flag was raised that those people took off their hats and saluted the zombies.

Only then did they open fire and mow down those zombies.

Yu Qingxian pulled her suitcase to the edge of the square, taking in the whole scene.

By the time she reacted, those zombies had been dealt with.

Yu Qingxian crouched behind the fence, her body hidden by the flower bed.

So those people could not see Yu Qingxian.

But Yu Qingxian could see them.

She watched them tidy up the zombies' remains, and then take the zombies' bodies away.

The only thing left in the square was the national flag fluttering in the wind.

No wonder there were not many zombies in this square, it turned out that people would come to clear them out every so often.

Yu Qingxian waited until those people left before pulling her suitcase out from behind the flower bed.

She stood under the national flag for a while, then took out her camera and took a photo.

Indeed, looking at that streak of red, even as a zombie, Yu Qingxian felt very reassured.

But come to think of it, if the officials were the ones to kill her in the future, would she also get a hat-doffing salute?


Thinking about being respected like that when she died, Yu Qingxian wondered if she could choose a coffin in advance, lie down in a comfortable position, and then have them shoot her.

With this thought, Yu Qingxian took out her phone and added an item to her to-do list: find a beautiful coffin.

But she was a zombie, so she probably would not have an intact corpse, right?

Then she would find a beautiful urn.

Preferably the latest streaming trend.

Thinking this, Yu Qingxian sat on her suitcase and left the city.

There were not many zombies in this city district either.

It was estimated that in the past six months, there had been troops stationed here to guard, so the survivors in this city district had not gone to other bases.

When she first arrived in this city, she was a bit scared.

But now it seemed that even if she walked on the streets, she would not encounter any survivors.

When Yu Qingxian left the city, she did not forget to take a photo with the city.

She thought about it and felt that she should find something to print photos.

She had seen it before on shopping apps.

It could be linked in various ways.

She did not know if there was anything that could connect to a camera.

Find a few beautiful notebooks and pens, print out the photos and paste them in the books, wouldn't that look nice?

Yu Qingxian had never made such a handmade journal before.

But now she could give it a try.

So she would have to prepare notebooks and pens first.

Such things should generally be available at bookstores near schools.

Yu Qingxian opened the map and saw that there was indeed a middle school nearby, so she headed in that direction.

But halfway there, Yu Qingxian felt that something was not right.

Because she smelled a lot of human scent.

It seemed to be coming from this school up ahead.

Yu Qingxian suddenly stopped her suitcase, thinking of a question.

If a school had cleared out the zombies, it would indeed be most suitable as a gathering place.

There were many dormitories, a cafeteria, and a sports field for exercise.

So no matter what, in a city, the most suitable place for a survivor base was the school.

It was no wonder that when students were still students, they felt that school was the hardest place to get out of.

Yu Qingxian did not go any further, but retreated instead.

This time it was not because she was afraid of people, but because she did not want to scare the humans.

With her appearance, it was obvious at a glance that she was a zombie.

Humans should have learned by now that some advanced zombies possessed intelligence.

Not all advanced zombies grew in a savage direction.

It was precisely because of this that when dealing with zombies, humans needed to be extremely careful.

Although intelligent zombies looked human on the outside, their eyes were still unlike human eyes.

Although advanced zombies had red eyes, not all of them were red.

For example, Ye's eyes were golden.

Shi Xingyu and Xiao Ji's eyes were red.

Although they had red eyes, their eye patterns were slightly different.

But Yu Qingxian did not remember what was different.

Who stared at other people's eyes for no reason?

Although they were intelligent zombies, each zombie was different.

So their eyes would also change.

For example, among zombies of the same level, those that had become savage would definitely have higher combat power than the intelligent zombies.

Otherwise, Shi Xingyu would not have been pinned down and smashed through more than a dozen walls.

But thinking about it, humans with equivalent abilities could completely outclass zombies of the same level.

Even a junior ability user could take on a level two zombie, and if they were talented, they might be able to fight against a level three zombie.

Of course, whether they could survive would probably require some luck.

But a level two ability user could definitely fight against a level three zombie.

Although she knew these things, she did not know how to judge the other party's level.

Powerful zombies like Shi Xingyu, Xiao Ji, or Ye could easily determine how strong a human was.

Indeed, the stronger the zombie, the better they could sense how powerful a human was.

Thinking this, Yu Qingxian changed direction and headed towards the outskirts of the city.

She would go to another city to find notebooks and such.

This city would probably be back under human control before long.

Yu Qingxian felt it was good that she came quickly, otherwise in a few more months, she might not have been able to pass through this city to watch the earliest sunrise.

She headed west again.

But when she passed a highway, she suddenly stopped.

That place had row after row of barbed wire fences blocking the way.

There were danger signs above, and Yu Qingxian knew there were also official signs.

This place...

Yu Qingxian looked around but did not see any landmarks.


Yu Qingxian immediately took out the map to check her current location.

When she saw the place name, her green face turned somewhat pale.

It was the place where her parents had their car accident.

Less than twenty kilometers from where she wanted to watch the sunrise.

Yu Qingxian leaned on the fence and found that it was an electric fence.

It was just that because the power was cut off now, it was not electrified.

This highway was also newly built later.

In other words, the original highway had been sealed off.


Yu Qingxian remembered, she had not seen her parents' bodies, the officials said that because the car caught fire, they were not able to be rescued, and had turned to ashes.

Even the deregistration process was handled by the officials for her.

Yes, she had just attended a funeral.

Then she went home, and later she did not even care how it was handled.

Now that she thought about it, those relatives were right.

Raising her was not as affectionate as raising a dog.

No parents would want to raise such a cold-blooded child like her.