The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 61

Yu Qingxian had no idea how many days she had spent in this city, allowing the base here to have a chance to catch its breath.

However, it was not her decision not to attack the base, so whatever the outcome, it had nothing to do with her.

Yu Qingxian sat on her luggage, continuing northward.

Her detour to this place had cost her half a month's time.

On April 1st, Yu Qingxian squinted her eyes at the towering tornado rising from the ground.

This left Yu Qingxian somewhat shocked.

No way...

Why would there be such a massive tornado in her country?

Coastal cities should experience them, but this was the north.

Several hundred kilometers from the sea.

Even though she was still quite far from the tornado at this point, she could no longer stand.

This tornado must have blown in from the sea.

After all, countless raindrops were falling with the wind.

After being blown along in her luggage for a few hundred meters, she finally came to her senses and found a place to take shelter.

She had never experienced a typhoon before, so when she saw the typhoon, she was quite shocked.

Yu Qingxian took shelter indoors and took out her camera to take photos.

If zombies signified the apocalypse for humanity, then for Yu Qingxian, the tornado soaring into the sky was more like the real apocalypse.

The sounds of the wind and rain pounded against the windows, crackling loudly.

Yu Qingxian put down her camera and curled up on the sofa inside.

The window glass was obscured by the rainwater, and she could no longer see the scenery outside. Even the sound of the wind outside was so loud it felt like she was the only one left in the world.

But Yu Qingxian felt a long-absent sense of peace.

Whenever it rained, Yu Qingxian would have this peaceful feeling.

She had never really explored why rainy days made her feel at peace before.

But now she knew it wasn't the rain itself that made her feel peaceful, but rather being indoors during the rain.

Of course she would feel at peace, not being exposed to the wind and rain.

Yu Qingxian nestled on the sofa, listening to the wind howling and rain pattering outside.

Until an hour later, Yu Qingxian felt the ground beneath her feet shaking, as if in an earthquake.

But Yu Qingxian knew this was not an earthquake, but rather the tornado approaching.

Yu Qingxian had just leaned over to see what was happening outside when a zombie bird flew past the window.

Followed by a zombie dog.

It seemed the tornado had reached this small town.

With the vast northern plains, there was little to impede the tornado's approach.

Of course, Yu Qingxian also didn't know if this concrete building could withstand the tornado.

A concrete structure should be able to hold up, right?

After all, it wasn't a wooden house.

So Yu Qingxian didn't leave.

She just didn't know if the windows could hold up...

Her thoughts had barely crossed her mind when the window shattered instantly.

The massive wind rushed in, whipping up all the lightweight objects in the room.

Yu Qingxian held down her hat as her long hair whipped her face.

The wind was really strong.

Yu Qingxian was neither particularly tall nor short, but she was on the slender side.

Every spring's windy season, gusts above level 6 could blow her over.

Yu Qingxian thought for a moment, then removed her hat and put it in her backpack. She first secured her luggage to the sofa, then used the curtains to tie herself to the sofa as well.

No matter how hard the wind blew, Yu Qingxian just hung on that sofa.

While most of the walls inside shielded her from the wind, the zombies outside weren't so lucky.

Some zombies were even swept up by the wind.

They flew past the window of the house where Yu Qingxian had taken shelter.


Yu Qingxian had never imagined that scenes from movies would actually unfold before her eyes.

That zombie flew by at a rapid speed.

If she had human eyes, she might have just seen a dark blur whizz past.

Fortunately, she had zombie eyes, so she saw it very clearly.

The strong winds persisted for half an hour.

Yu Qingxian even took out her phone from her luggage and lay on the sofa to record what was happening outside the window.

What if another zombie came flying by?

And Yu Qingxian was lucky - the tornado swept through a few houses next to hers, sweeping up quite a few zombies that flew past her window.

Afterwards, the wind gradually died down, so the tornado must have passed by.

The noises inside the house also slowly quieted down.

Yu Qingxian then untied the curtains from around herself.

She turned and walked to the window, then looked back.

By now, the massive tornado had weakened considerably.

Sure enough, the further inland, the weaker the wind's force.

If it had retained its initial ferocity, these concrete houses might have been uprooted from their foundations.

Yu Qingxian hugged her camera and snapped away at the tornado.

Opportunities to witness a tornado up close like this didn't come often.

After taking pictures, Yu Qingxian noticed the rain outside still hadn't stopped.

That tornado would probably continue blowing for another hundred or two hundred kilometers before stopping.

Only she didn't know when the rain would let up.

As night fell, the wind had died down quite a bit.

The rain had also lightened somewhat.

Yu Qingxian wasn't in a hurry to hit the road.

Instead, she prepared to wait indoors until the rain stopped.

But the rain just kept going for several days, showing no signs of letting up.

Yu Qingxian didn't want to wait anymore, so she rode her luggage with an umbrella and left the small town.

More than half of the zombies roaming the town were gone.

They had probably been swept up into the sky by the tornado and ended up who knows where.

It was uncertain whether those zombies could still be alive if they fell back down.

Of course, as long as their brains weren't damaged, they should still be alive.

But Yu Qingxian had only just left the town when her luggage ran out of battery.

She had to pull her luggage as she walked.

Yu Qingxian pulled her luggage along, holding an umbrella in the rain, continuing northward.

The surrounding area's land and buildings had been quite damaged by the tornado days earlier.

There were also many zombie limbs scattered about.

Legs here, arms there along the roadside and fields.

Even heads.

Yu Qingxian stood by the roadside watching for a while, then picked up a head missing its eyeballs and set it aside.

She then dug a hole to bury it.

Becoming a zombie that eats people was not what this person had wanted.

In fact, Yu Qingxian wanted humanity to triumph so the zombie bodies could be properly disposed of together.

After all, in this country, people valued the notion of fallen leaves returning to their roots.

Not just ordinary folks, but even grave robbers looked down on those who desecrated bodies.

People place great importance on the dead.

Yu Qingxian looked at the small mound of dirt in front of her and suddenly thought of the bouquet Gu Wanqing had left on her grave.

This made Yu Qingxian suddenly pat her pocket, and sure enough, there were rose seeds inside.

Yu Qingxian took one out and buried it next to the small dirt mound.

"I'll leave you this one. I don't have many left, so whether it can sprout is up to you. Take good care of this seed - when it grows up, it can at least provide you some shade from the sun."

Yu Qingxian said to herself, not expecting the buried head to respond.

Living in this apocalypse was truly difficult.

If humans could really be reincarnated, she would definitely want to be reborn in a more peaceful era next time.

Yu Qingxian looked at the small dirt mound, then turned and left.