The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 60

Yu Qingxian turned around and saw that undead standing at the stairwell, looking at her.

Although one could tell that this undead tended to indulge in fanciful thoughts, at the moment those golden eyes were regarding her with a hint of disdain.

No, you're sneaking glances at other undead, and giving me that disdainful look - what's that supposed to mean?

Yu Qingxian glanced at him, then averted her gaze.

The wine on the chair had quickly evaporated, and Yu Qingxian ignored him, slumping into the chair herself.

There was no cover overhead at the moment.

She had unexpectedly seen the Milky Way in the sky above the big city.

This surprised Yu Qingxian.

After all, the last time she had seen stars was when she was a child in the countryside.

But that was over twenty years ago, and she didn't remember it anymore.

Yu Qingxian stared at the stars in the sky, took out her camera, and snapped a few photos.

Could you see such a beautiful starry sky at this place before the apocalypse?

After all, ordinary people could only see streetlights and neon signs.

Although many of those lights were beautiful too, Yu Qingxian felt that anything that shone and glowed was burning itself up.

Of course, that kind of thinking wasn't exactly right.

But being able to sit casually in a chair and gaze at the stars like this was almost impossible for her in her previous life.

Yu Qingxian, unusually, didn't want to nitpick with that undead, and beckoned to him: "Come over here."

Hearing Yu Qingxian's words, the undead walked over to her.

He didn't know what Yu Qingxian intended to do.

And of course, he didn't have Yu Qingxian's scruples - that dust-covered chair, the undead just sat right down on it.

Seeing him sit down beside her, Yu Qingxian pointed at the sky: "The starry sky is beautiful, isn't it? You must not have seen it before."

The undead, hearing this, looked up at the sky.

He didn't understand what Yu Qingxian was so happy about.

But in any case, she just seemed very happy.

"It's ordinary," the undead said.

Hearing those words, Yu Qingxian suddenly felt like she had heard something similar somewhere before.

Oh right, when she had taken Shi Xingyu to watch the sunrise, Shi Xingyu had also said that beautiful sunrise was ordinary.

Yu Qingxian didn't mind.

After all, she couldn't force an undead to appreciate scenery.

Just like an undead couldn't force her to gnaw on a live cow.

Yu Qingxian definitely couldn't do that, so she didn't force this undead.

"Do you have a name?" Yu Qingxian, after taking a few photos of the starry sky, asked this undead.

After turning into an undead, he had forgotten all his memories from when he was human.

From then on, he lived with the mindset of an undead.

Humans were food, and undead existed to eat living things.

"No," that undead said.

Even though he had independent thinking ability, Yu Qingxian couldn't understand his thoughts at all.

"Is that so? I have a name," Yu Qingxian said.

Hearing this, the undead looked at Yu Qingxian, but she didn't mind his gaze, speaking more like she was talking to herself.

"My name was changed later by my parents, mainly because I'm the kind of person who doesn't like interacting with humans, and just likes staying at home, so they gave me my current name. As for what I was called before, I don't remember."

Yu Qingxian's voice was quiet, and with the wind too loud, the undead next to her didn't even hear the second half of what she said.

When the wind died down, the undead finally saw her face from beneath the strands of hair blown across it by the wind.

She smiled and said, "Then let me give you a name, how about calling you Ye?"

"Whatever you want," the undead said, not showing any emotional response even in this situation.

He accepted it only because the undead in front of him was stronger than him.

Thus, this undead, feared by all other undead within a radius of several hundred kilometers, gained a name from Yu Qingxian's casual remark.

Yu Qingxian had finished stargazing, and along the way had even named an undead king.

It was quite an achievement.

Only Yu Qingxian found that these high-level undead were rather clingy.

No, undead-clingy.

All the way until dawn, Ye didn't leave.

He had previously led undead to besiege the base, but now he just sat here with her watching the stars all night, and then watched the sunrise with her too.

There was a garden on the rooftop, and the morning sunlight shone over from the distance, an orange color that reminded Yu Qingxian of orange gummy candies.

Hmm, might as well go look for some orange gummy candies later.

Although she couldn't taste the flavor, she suddenly had a craving for orange gummy candies that became an obsession for Yu Qingxian.

She didn't ask Ye where to find orange gummy candies, though.

But there should be some in the mall, right?

Yu Qingxian went down from the building and headed for the mall.

Fortunately, this was a prosperous place with all sorts of things.

Yu Qingxian searched for orange gummy candies, with Ye following behind her.

This reminded Yu Qingxian of Shi Xingyu.

Shi Xingyu had followed her around like this back then too.

Were undead like little puppies?

Why were they so fond of following her?

Half an hour later, Yu Qingxian found the orange gummy candies.

It was even the most expensive brand.

Yu Qingxian popped one into her mouth.

As expected, no taste.

But it wasn't bad or unpalatable either.

She looked at Ye, just standing there watching her, and offered him one: "Want to try?"

Ye wasn't interested in human food, but he still accepted it.

He put it in his mouth, chewed, and spat it out.

"Disgusting," Ye said.

Yu Qingxian wasn't surprised.

If human food tasted good to undead, things wouldn't be so troublesome.

It would be like her cooked meals - as stinky as a fried cesspit.

Yu Qingxian stayed in this city for two days, then prepared to leave.

During those two days, Ye followed her constantly.

Although he might be the Undead King.

But in Yu Qingxian's eyes, he was like a fanciful little puppy.

It really wasn't a good idea to name any living thing.

Call it by a name for a few days, and you'd develop feelings for it.

Of course, for Yu Qingxian, her feelings towards Ye were just like those for a puppy or kitten.

Only, this was probably a feeling only Yu Qingxian could experience.

After all, Ye was the Undead King - a brutal creature to humans.

"I'm going to keep heading north, not staying here anymore. You take it easy," Yu Qingxian said her goodbyes to Ye at the city's edge.

But Ye didn't bid farewell to Yu Qingxian, nor did he follow her.

He was like when Yu Qingxian first saw him, crouching atop a high-rise, gazing ahead with a detached expression.

Yu Qingxian didn't mind whether Ye could see her or not, but she still waved towards him.

Hopefully the next time they met, he would still be alive.

If they could meet again, that is.

After watching Yu Qingxian really leave, Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He had thought this undead came to contest that thing with him.

But that wasn't the case.

He didn't understand Yu Qingxian's thoughts and actions, but Ye did learn one thing from her.

That he wouldn't organize the undead to besiege the base anymore.

Indeed, as long as he didn't have the undead besiege the base, that food would come out on its own.

But this time, the food gave him a formidable impression.

This made Ye even more cautious.

Higher-level undead were indeed more sensitive when faced with danger.

If he continued having the undead besiege the city, perhaps this powerful food would take the initiative to attack him.

When he was unprepared.