The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 44

Yu Qingxian woke up and didn't see Shi Xingyu, which made her feel a bit out of place.

Because every seven or eight days, Yu Qingxian would find a nice place to have a good night's rest.

And Shi Xingyu would always sit by the bed, staring at her like that.

Now that she woke up and didn't see him, it was indeed a bit unexpected.

But Yu Qingxian only felt a momentary sense of unfamiliarity.

She got up leisurely.

Since there was no more snow, and there was sunshine, Yu Qingxian changed into a beautiful dress.

She carried her suitcase downstairs and changed into a dress that wasn't exactly ancient in style, but a modern Chinese dress.

It looked casual, but one could see hints of ancient clothing styles.

This kind of dress didn't restrict movement, and it didn't clash with the ancient garden setting.

Even the way Yu Qingxian sat on her suitcase wasn't with her legs crossed, but rather, she sat sideways.

Indeed, clothes make the person.

Yu Qingxian felt that her movements had become much more restrained.

Yu Qingxian sat on her suitcase, being carried by it as she continued to stroll through the garden.

There were zombies in the garden, and most of their clothes also matched the garden setting quite well.

She took out her camera and took pictures of these zombies.

But after just one morning, the camera in Yu Qingxian's hands was about to shut down due to low battery.

Fortunately, Yu Qingxian's suitcase could be charged.

She found a sunny spot and had her suitcase charge itself.

As for herself, she wandered around nearby.

Yu Qingxian didn't think any zombies would take her suitcase and camera.

If she had left a piece of fresh meat there, then she might have had to worry a bit.

Yu Qingxian stood under a pavilion, watching her suitcase and camera sunbathing, wondering if she should try doing something she had wanted to do when she was young, since she had so much time now.

Thinking this, Yu Qingxian left her suitcase to sunbathe here, while she left the garden and went to browse the shops nearby.

When she came back, she was carrying a few sketchbooks and some pencils.

Yu Qingxian had quite a few memories associated with these items.

When she was young and didn't know any better, she liked to use pencils to draw on the walls at home.

Back then, she didn't really like talking to others.

Yu Qingxian felt that it wasn't so much social anxiety, but rather a kind of autism.

But it wasn't complete autism either.

Because if she wanted to, she could still communicate normally with others.

It's just that Yu Qingxian didn't want to communicate with others.

She felt there was no need at all.

When Yu Qingxian returned to the garden with her sketchbooks, the battery she had drained was already fully recharged.

And the camera's battery was also one-third charged.

Yu Qingxian put the camera back into her suitcase, sat on the suitcase with her sketchbook and pencil in hand, and continued onwards.

The suitcase was very stable and not bumpy at all.

Yu Qingxian had adjusted its speed to the lowest setting.

The suitcase's slowest speed was about the same as a human strolling.

And its fastest speed could keep up with an electric scooter.

No wonder such a suitcase could cost over a hundred thousand yuan.

If it weren't for the apocalypse, Yu Qingxian felt she could only look at it, not actually travel with it.

So Yu Qingxian's first sketch was of her suitcase.

She got off the suitcase, studied it from all angles as it moved slowly, and then stopped it directly.

Squatting on the ground, she observed her suitcase from 360 degrees.

Then she drew one sketch after another of it.

Finally, she chose the one she was most satisfied with, showed it to her suitcase, and said this was the best one she had drawn of it.

Although the suitcase was just a suitcase and couldn't respond to her words, Yu Qingxian didn't mind at all.

At any rate, her mood was very good today.

Of course, only for the morning.

When the sun tilted slightly westward, Yu Qingxian's nose caught a faint scent.

It was the scent of a living being.

Because to Yu Qingxian, each person's scent was different.

For example, Gu Wanqing's scent was faint, but when Yu Qingxian smelled it, it gave her a refreshed and invigorated feeling.

As for the young man next to her, his scent was also very faint.

And the one who had been sitting in the back seat the whole time gave Yu Qingxian more of a plant-like scent, not sweet or meaty.

However, if she were to eat any of these three, they would definitely be premium quality.

Because the more fragrant a food is, it doesn't necessarily mean it will taste the most fragrant when eaten.

Of course, it's also possible that it might be very unhealthy.

It's just that even for a premium human like Gu Wanqing, Yu Qingxian had no appetite for her.

As for ordinary humans with strong scents, it was like passing by a shop and suddenly smelling an aroma that makes you want to eat something.

But once you enter the shop, you completely lose the enticing aroma you smelled from outside.

Your appetite vanishes in an instant.

This was also why Yu Qingxian had no thoughts about humans at all.

Once she got close, that scent was enough to make her feel full.

Thinking of this, Yu Qingxian suddenly realized something.

Actually, she had been eating all this time, hadn't she?

It's just that she didn't need to physically consume flesh and blood like ordinary zombies, nor could she go periods without eating like advanced zombies like Shi Xingyu.

Her way of eating was simply by smelling the scent of humans, wasn't it?

As long as there were humans nearby, as long as she smelled that scent, she was already eating, wasn't she?

Of course, this was just Yu Qingxian's guess.

"Oh, Shi Xingyu, can you smell the scent on humans too?"

There was no voice answering her.

"Awoo, he's not here." Yu Qingxian realized.

She stood up and randomly grabbed a passing zombie to ask.

Of course, they were just subconsciously venting their desires and couldn't communicate with Yu Qingxian.

Since she couldn't communicate with them, Yu Qingxian didn't dwell on this issue anymore.

She sat back on her suitcase and continued strolling through the garden.

As for the faint scent wafting into her nose, Yu Qingxian paid it no mind.

Because it was faint, so Yu Qingxian knew it was coming from some distance away.

By evening, Yu Qingxian felt that scent gradually dissipating.

It didn't suddenly disappear, but rather dissipated.

This had happened once before when she witnessed that man's death.

It had also occurred when she killed those people previously.

In other words, someone had died.

Yu Qingxian pulled her suitcase through the garden and exited through another gate.

At this gate's entrance, many zombies were gathered.

But these zombies were blocked by crowd control barriers.

Yu Qingxian tilted her head slightly and saw the person who had lost their life lying nearby.

They hadn't been injured by zombies.

If a zombie had hurt them, then this person would have become a zombie as well.

Instead of bleeding out and dying here.

She squatted down, facing this deceased person.

Then looked back at the zombies desperately trying to rush over, and waved her hand at them dismissively.

Her motion was like shooing away small animals.

Of course, those zombies couldn't understand.

But the dozen or so rows of barriers prevented them from getting through.

And there weren't many zombies in this area, while another large gate here was closed as well.

Passing zombies were unable to open it.

So Yu Qingxian, as someone who still retained human consciousness, was able to open this gate.

It was also this gate that had cut off this person's life outside.

"If I had walked a bit faster, you might have survived." Yu Qingxian said, seeing the resentment in his final moments.

Of course, she didn't feel any guilt.

After all...

The one who killed him wasn't her.