The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 3

Yu Qingxian was feeling extremely anxious at the moment.

Because she was a zombie, an enemy of humans.

If her appearance were similar to that of humans, she might have been able to pass unnoticed.

But her appearance was that of a zombie.

Perhaps due to the intense pain of turning into a zombie, Yu Qingxian had a deep gash in her mouth.

Although she didn't feel any pain, with her pale gray skin and the gash on her mouth, she definitely didn't look like an ordinary person.

Of course, that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was when Yu Qingxian heard the sound of a dog.

It instantly reminded her of the trio she had encountered during daylight.

She had witnessed their formidable strength firsthand.

Even if she had ten of herself, she would still be defeated in seconds.

Because she was just an ordinary zombie.


However, this room had good sound insulation, so Yu Qingxian had no idea how many floors those people had climbed.

She remained unaware until her room door was pulled open, startling her enough to lie down on the floor and pretend to be dead.

Without electricity, the door lock of this room couldn't be secured.

It could still be opened from the outside.

So, lying on the floor, Yu Qingxian could hear someone entering the room.

"This room looks clean, seems like nobody lives here... Wait! There's someone!" The leader of the group, a young boy, scouted ahead. When he entered, he didn't see anyone until he turned the corner past the bathroom wall and spotted Yu Qingxian lying on the floor.

But from the perspective of the young boy, Yu Qingxian appeared to be a dead person.

No breathing, pale complexion, and a deep crack on her face.

Afterward, a girl also entered the room.

When the girl saw Yu Qingxian on the floor, she glanced at the decorations on the bedside and then approached.

Yu Qingxian was extremely nervous at this moment.

What's going on with these people?

There are so many rooms in the hotel, why did they choose this one?

Well, she didn't breathe or have a heartbeat, so even if they tried to sense her breath, it would be futile.

She just needed to lie still on the floor.

And she was ready for this girl to try sensing her breath.

But then, she suddenly levitated.

"Qingjie, what are you doing? She's already dead!" The young boy didn't expect Gu Wanqing to lift up this 'corpse' from the floor.

But Gu Wanqing ignored him, placing Yu Qingxian on the bed and covering her with a blanket.

"Sorry for disturbing you. My friends and I will leave now. Get some rest." Gu Wanqing looked at Yu Qingxian on the bed and spoke.

After saying this, Gu Wanqing left with the two others.

Only Gu Wanqing's dog sniffed around her bed before following them out.

When Yu Qingxian heard the door lock and the room fell silent, she slightly opened her eyes to make sure there was no one and then relaxed.

If those people didn't leave, she would have to get up and rush out.

Although that girl was gentle, she still couldn't get used to it.

Yu Qingxian lay on the bed like this, until it was morning.

In fact, she had already turned into a zombie, so whether she slept or not didn't matter.

But she still had human thoughts, so she felt that she should sleep at night.

But now she couldn't sleep at all.

Because she was afraid that the trio and the dog would come back.

And sure enough.

As soon as it was daylight, her room door was pushed open by someone.

"Gu Wanqing, why do you care about her? She's already dead," the young man followed Gu Wanqing into the room.

He couldn't understand.

"Well, I saw her, and we can't just let her rot here. We have to give her a proper burial," Gu Wanqing responded to the young man.

Yu Qingxian felt speechless at that moment.

No, sister, this is the end of the world.

You should have taken supplies and gone to the survivor base instead of burying a corpse out of kindness here.

She is indeed dead, but not completely.

There's no need to bury her in the ground.

However, Yu Qingxian knew she couldn't speak at this moment.

If she really spoke, she would be killed.

Since even the heavens didn't kill her, she definitely won't die now.

Gu Wanqing put Yu Qingxian in the car and casually killed two approaching zombies.

Although Yu Qingxian didn't open her eyes, she knew that if she suddenly sat up now, the consequences would be dire.

Therefore, Gu Wanqing dug a hole and buried her.

She also placed all of Yu Qingxian's belongings next to her.

Fortunately, Yu Qingxian no longer needed to breathe, so after being buried, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

She couldn't sense the cold or heat, except for the strong smell of mud and blood, but it was quite comfortable.

This made Yu Qingxian think that after she traveled to all the places she wanted to go, she would dig a hole and bury herself.

Lying in the ground was indeed quite comfortable.

Yu Qingxian slept underground for a while.

When she climbed out of the ground, the sky had already turned red.

She had slept from morning until evening.

She could really sleep.

Yu Qingxian looked down and saw the new dress she was wearing, already stained with dirt.

She could only take out her backpack, which still contained two clean dresses as backups.

After changing clothes, she looked around.

She realized she had already left the city area.

She was currently in a green belt outside the toll station.

Yu Qingxian turned her head to look at the place.

There were all scrapped vehicles near the toll station, as well as some fresh wounds on the bodies of zombies.

They were probably killed by Gu Wanqing and the others.

There should be a survivor base nearby, which was why Gu Wanqing buried her in this place.

And she even left a bouquet of flowers for her.

This surprised Yu Qingxian.

She originally thought that someone who could live so freely and skillfully in the apocalypse would be more indifferent, like the female protagonists in those post-apocalyptic novels.

She didn't expect someone to bury a deceased stranger and even bring flowers.

This made Yu Qingxian couldn't help but pray for that person.

She hoped that she could safely survive in this apocalypse.

Afterward, Yu Qingxian headed towards her destination.

Her first stop was a wetland park that she had always wanted to visit but was always crowded with people.

Now, there wouldn't be a single person there, so she could go.

It was about fifty kilometers away from her current location.

She could reach it in two more days of walking.

Anyway, she didn't need to eat or sleep, and she wouldn't get tired.

She should be able to get there in a day and a night.

With that in mind, Yu Qingxian set off.

She continued walking along the highway.

Based on her extensive knowledge of zombie novels, Yu Qingxian knew that after the apocalypse, highways were usually blocked and few survivors would venture onto them.

They preferred to take country roads.

Although there were many towns, they were also rich in resources, making them popular among survivors.

At this time, anyone daring enough to wander outside in search of supplies was no ordinary person.

Of course, Yu Qingxian, being a zombie herself, would not willingly walk into a gun's barrel.

That's why she chose to take the high-risk route of the highway.

She climbed over the wreckage of colliding cars.

Some zombies trapped between vehicles turned their heads upon hearing the noise, but upon realizing it was their fellow kind, they continued struggling and growling.

Yu Qingxian could understand their intentions—they simply wanted to eat, to satisfy their hunger.

Of course, she had no interest in their well-being.

Although she was partially one of them, she still possessed human consciousness.

Naturally, she instinctively believed that creatures who consumed humans were not good things.

Of course, this did not include herself.

She was a good zombie who didn't feast on humans.