The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 26

Yu Qingxian heard what was said and didn't care.

"Even without me, she could have saved those people. You were the one who kicked down the door and you were the one who killed them. You haven't bitten any of the humans yet. I didn't do anything," said Yu Qingxian.

These words left Shi Xingyu speechless.

It was obvious they wouldn't have been caught in the first place!

So who was really at fault?

Now everything was being pushed onto him.

This was really blaming the victim.

He wanted to defend himself further but Yu Qingxian had already turned and left.

"Do you trust her that much? Do you know her?" Shi Xingyu caught up to Yu Qingxian.

Looking at the way she looked at that woman, her gaze was actually somewhat different.

It was as if with that woman, those people would be completely saved.

"She buried me once, she's a good person," Yu Qingxian said seriously.

If it was up to Yu Qingxian to say, that Gu Wanqing woman was really like the female lead in a novel, gentle and strong, and she acted decisively.

Shi Xingyu was a bit confused.

What did she mean buried her once?

If she had buried her, wouldn't that make her not a good person?

Gu Wanqing checked the condition of these people and confirmed that they just had malnutrition and mild frostbite.

Only then did she let out a breath.

As for what these people said about there being two people, a man and a woman, who had saved them, they couldn't bring themselves to say that those two might not be human but rather zombies.

Which zombie would save people?

But they had clearly heard the zombie's creepy shriek themselves.

Although this shriek had sounded rather weak.

It was as if it had been whispering furtively to the man beside it.

Since the other side could understand that zombie's creepy shriek, he must be a zombie too.

But if they said two zombies had saved them, who would believe that?

And if they said the other side were zombies, they might get hunted down.

What if those two weren't actually zombies? Wouldn't that be slandering them?

However, out of the few dozen people there, only the ones right by the door had heard that zombie's creepy sounds.

It was also possible it had been a hallucination brought on by their hunger.

Therefore, they exchanged a look and just said it was a man and a woman, two people.

Wen Qingsheng could tell with one glance that they were lying, but Gu Wanqing seemed unable to.

She just nodded slightly before getting up.

She bowed to everyone and apologized, saying she was sorry she hadn't been able to meet up with them sooner.

These people just looked at Gu Wanqing without saying much.

They had originally all been the family members of some scientific researchers.

People had been sent to pick them up.

Even if it was very difficult going, they should have arrived after a month.

So when the authorities still hadn't seen anyone after a month, they knew something was wrong.

Gu Wanqing became the leader of this mission again.

As for the people who had intercepted the survivors' convoy, they were criminals even before the apocalypse.

Therefore, when they saw the convoy, they directly robbed it.

The government people inside who resisted were killed at the start.

Later, some of these family members were also pulled out and killed.

As for some of the young girls who were pulled out, they were never brought back.

Wen Qingsheng couldn't stand to listen to the beastly actions any longer, but Gu Wanqing was still quietly listening.

"I'll go out and walk around, check out the cars," said Wen Qingsheng.

With several dozen survivors here, they would be best off with a bus.

Pei Yu'an didn't see any infected among these crowds of people, so Wen Qingsheng didn't need to worry about someone suddenly turning into a zombie.

Gu Wanqing watched him leave before withdrawing her gaze.

She raised her eyes to look at these survivors.

"Speak up, what compensation do you need? Don't be shy, I'll help negotiate for you. Of course bringing your family members back to life is off the table," said Gu Wanqing.

Apologizing now was useless. It would be better to offer something practical.

Only by appeasing these people well could those researchers better upgrade their weapons.

That way, she could take more things out of her space.

Yu Qingxian and Shi Xingyu left the small town.

After walking another hundred or so kilometers, they would reach the Cross-Sea Bridge.

Yu Qingxian had already taken off the down jacket she was wearing. Now she only had on a thin, strapless dress.

The cold wind blew it tight against her body.

"Brr, so cold," Yu Qingxian suddenly stopped and couldn't help saying.

These words made Shi Xingyu beside her look at her in surprise.

She could feel cold?

No wonder she had worn a down jacket when it snowed.

"Can you feel temperature?" Shi Xingyu couldn't help asking.

He clearly didn't feel any temperature from her body.

Why would she feel cold?

"No, I was just remarking. If a living person dressed like this, they would definitely freeze to death," said Yu Qingxian, waving her hand. She definitely couldn't feel cold.

But if one stayed in such low temperatures for a long time, the physical body would definitely take damage.

That was why some zombies could be frozen to death.

Like those popsicle zombies.

Those were completely frozen to death.

Even the virus was frozen to death.

Yu Qingxian didn't want to become a statue.

Then she continued walking forward.

Finally, in the morning of the next day, she arrived at H City. But the first thing she did wasn't to go look at the Cross-Sea Bridge.

It was to go find a down jacket.

She also put one on Shi Xingyu in passing.

But having learned from the experience of being beaten up by the zombie uncle last time, Yu Qingxian picked a short one for him this time.

Shi Xingyu felt this zombie Yu Qingxian really knew how to fuss.

Humans were busy escaping for their lives and wouldn't nitpick over clothes. Zombies didn't feel temperature to begin with and even less would wear extra clothes.

The clothes on zombies were left over from when they were human.

Of course, the clothes on many zombies had also become tattered and fallen off.

Yu Qingxian changed into a better quality down jacket, then patted the clothes satisfyingly. So soft.

She hadn't worn this brand when she was alive.

Because it was seven or eight thousand yuan.

She felt it wasn't cost effective when she didn't go out much and wouldn't wear something bought back many times.

Now she could wear it without spending money.

After changing, Yu Qingxian headed for the Cross-Sea Bridge.

The snow in H City wasn't too deep, only coming up to the calves.

But for H City where it never snowed, this could be called a once in a hundred years rare event.

Let alone snow piling up calf-deep.

It was like this in the south. Naturally, Yu Qingxian didn't dare imagine the situation in the north.

But the north had snow every year, so there should be a lot of facilities to deal with it right?

Even if the snow was meters deep, there was nothing Yu Qingxian could do about it.

Yu Qingxian imagined herself shoveling snow. She'd probably have to shovel for thirty years.

When she arrived at the Cross-Sea Bridge, she discovered there were actually guards at the bridge.

Not guards she saw, but guards she smelled.

Those buildings looked completely impenetrable, stationed on both sides of the bridge.

As for the bridge itself, there were barricades.

Obviously meant to intercept passing vehicles.

Yu Qingxian patted her forehead.

Since this place was occupied by humans, didn't that mean the eastern gardens and northern Imperial City were also seized by humans?

What was the point of her going then?

She might as well catch some ducks, stake out some land, and farm right where she was.

Shi Xingyu found it a bit funny seeing Yu Qingxian staring at the checkpoint, getting so angry she almost crushed the binoculars in her hand.

"If you can't go, then just go somewhere else. If you really want to go that badly, you can kill the people," Shi Xingyu's words were always full of coldness towards humans.

Yu Qingxian karate chopped Shi Xingyu.

"These are all government people. How can we casually kill them? If we kill them and survivors want to seek help but get no response...." Yu Qingxian stopped for a moment as she suddenly thought of something.