The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 23

Shi Xingyu was astonished at the extent of Yu Qingxian's determination to do what she did.

Little did he know that when Yu Qingxian woke up from her sleep and realized she hadn't turned into a zombie, she was deeply disappointed.

However, at that moment, he thought that if Yu Qingxian hadn't become a zombie, she must be someone who truly loved life.

Perhaps someone who enjoyed traveling and taking photos everywhere.

"But you're doing well now. Even if you had turned into a zombie, you still have your own hobbies," Shi Xingyu couldn't help but ask.

That was indeed the part that piqued his curiosity.

"What are you talking about? I'm peacefully dead, okay! Don't say things you don't understand!" Yu Qingxian withdrew her hand, put on her gloves, and continued to search for the place name on the street sign.

"Oh, found it. Looks like we went in the wrong direction," Yu Qingxian adjusted the map, compared it to the street sign, and turned towards her intended destination.

With the direction confirmed, Yu Qingxian put away the map and picked up her suitcase.

After taking a couple of steps, she noticed that Shi Xingyu was still standing in the same spot.

She turned back and looked at him. "Are you coming or not? If you're not coming, then let's part ways here. Goodbye."

After saying that, Yu Qingxian waved her hand and walked away without a trace of nostalgia.

Shi Xingyu: ...Whether she's human or not, I must have overestimated her. She truly has no emotions.

She walks away without a second thought, without any sense of attachment.


Of course, Yu Qingxian didn't feel reluctant to part with Shi Xingyu.

After all, she was used to being alone, and meeting Shi Xingyu was indeed unexpected.

But that's how zombies are.

The reason they appear in groups to others is simply because they have the same destination.

She didn't think that Shi Xingyu and her had the same destination.

But she had helped the enemy of humanity. Is that really okay?

If Shi Xingyu kills humans in the future, she would be an accomplice.

Well, it doesn't matter. With just Shi Xingyu alone, humanity won't be wiped out.

She had indeed underestimated humans.

People in this world have experienced various difficulties and still manage to live on.

If all humans were like her, humanity would truly perish in an instant.

With these thoughts in mind, Yu Qingxian continued walking through the snow.

She didn't look back even once.

It felt as if her time spent with Shi Xingyu these past few days was just an illusion.

As Yu Qingxian walked away without looking back, Shi Xingyu was momentarily unsure whether he was the zombie or if Yu Qingxian was the zombie.

He caught up to her.

By any means necessary, he had to teach Yu Qingxian how to deal with superhumans first.

Especially now during the heavy snowfall when human activities are limited, she naturally needed to train herself properly.

This made Yu Qingxian extremely impatient.

She just wanted to run whenever she saw a human.

And really, what can a zombie learn about self-defense?

Such high expectations for a lifeless body.

As for Shi Xingyu following her, she couldn't get rid of him.

The farther south they went, the thinner the snow became.

Indeed, no matter how severe the blizzard, it couldn't reach the scorching equator.

To the Earth, these extreme weather conditions were nothing more than a minor annoyance.

With this in mind, Yu Qingxian twitched her ears and turned around, pulling Shi Xingyu into a snowdrift.

Just as Shi Xingyu was about to ask what she was doing, he heard a sound.

Several cars drove by from a distance.

The wheels were fitted with anti-skid chains, making a crisp sound as they pressed against the snowy ground.

But Yu Qingxian's ears were too sensitive. He could only hear the sound when the cars were close by.

Of course, this "close" was still several hundred meters away.

Judging from Yu Qingxian's reaction, he could probably hear the sound of cars even a kilometer or two away.

After all, zombies are indeed very sensitive to sound, but not to the extent of Yu Qingxian.

After a few cars passed by, Yu Qingxian and Shi Xingyu crawled out of the snowdrift.

However, something seemed off when Yu Qingxian looked at Shi Xingyu.

His veins were bulging on his face, his red eyes were even brighter, and he even had some unknown liquid seeping from the corners of his mouth.

Yu Qingxian stared at his appearance and instantly understood.

He was hungry, craving for human flesh!

It's truly impressive that he can resist it.

After all, ordinary zombies definitely couldn't resist it.

But those advanced zombies in novels can even blend in with the crowd, perhaps the higher their level, the better they can control their desire.


Yu Qingxian asked Shi Xingyu about this issue.

But Shi Xingyu reacted as if he heard something funny.

"The higher the level, the stronger the greed for living flesh. However, how should I put it, the higher-level zombies don't lack living beings to eat, so they naturally can control their craving for humans." Since that day when Shi Xingyu started talking, he finally opened up.

In other words, the reason Shi Xingyu was able to resist was entirely due to his strong willpower?


"There's a superhuman in the convoy, very powerful," Shi Xingyu admitted openly.

Listening to his words, Yu Qingxian looked at the convoy where the car exhaust was barely visible.

There's a powerful superhuman?

Why couldn't she sense it?

Indeed, she was truly weak.

"How did you sense it?" Yu Qingxian thought it was important for her to be able to sense danger in advance.

If she knew in advance that someone was dangerous, she could escape early.

"The intuition of the strong," Shi Xingyu spoke up.

Not all zombies have this ability.

It's just a special aspect of his evolution.

As soon as Shi Xingyu finished speaking, he got hit in the face with snow by Yu Qingxian.

He's really full of himself.

But she would run away as soon as she saw someone, regardless of whether they were strong or weak. It didn't matter.

However, it was impossible to keep running around without any strength, especially in this heavy snow.

Yu Qingxian emerged from the snow and walked along the road.

Thanks to the cars that passed by, a path was cleared for her.

It was easy to walk on.

But looking at the tire tracks, it seemed that the other party was also heading towards the Cross-Sea Bridge.

However, it couldn't be confirmed yet.

Until she had been walking with Shi Xingyu for a day and noticed that the tire tracks were still there.

When it was almost dark, Yu Qingxian discovered a fork in the road ahead.

And the car went down that fork.

Because going further would lead to a very crowded highway.

But just thinking about it, she knew that the highway must be completely blocked by vehicles.

Yu Qingxian walked a little further.

Sure enough.

The snow on the road ahead was uneven.

Some were high, some were low.

Yu Qingxian reached out and cleared away the thick snow, revealing a trapped zombie inside the car.

The zombie lurked on the car window, its whole body slightly stiffened from the freezing cold.

Even zombies couldn't withstand the freezing temperatures.

After all, they were still flesh and blood, and quite a few zombies had perished from freezing to death.

Of course, it was survival of the fittest, and the zombies that managed to survive had naturally evolved to a higher level.

For humans, this was a new test.

Perhaps, in this winter, many people had turned into zombies, while others had become superhumans.

But these were not concerns for Yu Qingxian, the idle zombie.

As she prepared to continue on her way, she heard a few gunshots.

The sound seemed to come from a distance.

It was probably two or three kilometers away from their current location.

Under normal circumstances, Yu Qingxian wouldn't bother to investigate.

She dragged her suitcase and kept walking forward.

However, the old cow she had picked up carried her and her suitcase, swiftly heading towards the source of the gunshots.