The Diary of a Female Zombie’s Hiking Adventure

Chapter 18

Yu Qingxian was in the village tail at this time.

And the place where those people lived seemed to be in the village head.

After all, there was a river behind the village tail, so of course it couldn't be lived by the river.

But in this village, it was the dozen or so families in the village tail that looked richer, all built three-and-a-half-story villas.

Of course, the village head was not bad either.

Yu Qingxian put her suitcase by the door before going upstairs to take a look.

At this time, everything usable in the building had been moved away.

Indeed, compared to going to places full of zombies to find supplies, ordinary people would naturally prefer safe places, places with fewer zombies.

And Yu Qingxian climbed onto the roof of the three-and-a-half-story villa, and secretly looked ahead.

She could see smoke coming out of the house in front.

It was obvious that they were cooking dinner.

Dinner time was the best time for her to slip away.

So Yu Qingxian immediately went downstairs, picked up her suitcase, opened the yard gate, picked up her suitcase and ran.

After all, dragging the suitcase on the ground would make a sound.

That was just ordinary people.

What if there was a superhuman?

The bodies of the superhumans were further enhanced.

Vision and hearing were further enhanced.

Naturally, she was afraid that the superhuman would hear it.

And in the village, a little girl poked her head out to the yard gate.

The team leader who had just returned saw his team member poking out and was somewhat puzzled: "What's the matter? Did you hear any sound?"

"Well, I did hear it, but the other party had no heartbeat, it should be a zombie." The little girl said.

She was a mutant, completely different from the superhumans.

Mutants enhanced a part of the body's abilities.

Such as vision, hearing, strength and speed.

This was an ability attached to the human body and could not be released externally like superpowers.

And she was an auditory mutant.

Of course, this kind of auditory mutation was not able to hear the sound of a needle dropping from a few kilometers away.

But she could hear all the vibrations caused by sounds within one kilometer.

Like other people's heartbeats, or the sound of feet stepping on the ground.

It was also because of this that allowed the little girl to survive before joining the superhuman team.

There was a heartbeat in the footsteps, it was a human, this kind of footsteps had rhythm.

And there was no heartbeat in the footsteps of zombies, this kind of footsteps was chaotic.

Of course, she could easily hear other sounds.

"Zombies? Impossible, all the zombies within a radius of ten kilometers have been wiped out by the army. It's less than two kilometers from the base here. How could there be zombies?" The team leader heard Ruan Xing's words and immediately refuted them, but still felt that Ruan Xing's words should not be false.

"That's what I thought too, but this sound is indeed human footsteps, with no heartbeat, not chaotic like zombies, and getting farther and farther away from us." Ruan Xing retracted her head and continued.

That is to say, even if it was a zombie, it posed no threat to them.

"Forget it, we'll talk again when it gets closer. There's only one, no harm done. Let's have dinner first." The man said.

In the apocalypse, eating was the real deal.

Who knew if we could eat tomorrow?

Living well today was the most important thing.

And as soon as the man's voice fell, Ruan Xing no longer heard the other's voice in her ears.

Obviously, the other party had left the range of one kilometer.

The speed was quite fast.

But was this a human or a zombie?

Forget it, we'll never meet again anyway, just pretend it never happened.

Eating dinner first was the most important thing.

Seeing that the superhuman team did not catch up, Yu Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief.

Plus it was going to get dark soon, Yu Qingxian relaxed.

After all, humans would stop moving at night.

The night belonged to the zombies.

But Yu Qingxian didn't need to sleep, so she naturally walked all night.

In the later half of the night, Yu Qingxian felt the sky was darker.

She didn't see any stars either.

Come to think of it, since it got dark, the sky had begun to be filled with dark clouds.

Could it be going to start snowing?

Indeed, it was already the end of December, next year soon.

The weather that should have turned cold did not turn cold.

Of course, this was Yu Qingxian's feeling when she was alive.

But judging from the clothes worn by the survivors, it should still be hot weather.

Or maybe snowing was possible.

It was just that would the snow sound so poetic in the apocalypse?

Rain, snow, wind and frost were all deadly in the apocalypse.

The snow started as soon as she finished the thought.

At first the flakes were small, then the snowflakes were squeezed into circles and flattened, as big as a palm.

Falling to the ground they even made a sound.

With such big snowflakes, it probably wouldn't even take a night.

It wouldn't even take an hour for the whole world to turn white.

But there was nowhere around her to hide from the snow.

She hoped the snow wouldn't get too heavy.

Although she didn't feel any temperature at all, Yu Qingxian still decided to go find a down jacket to put on.

Snowing was good for concealing her zombie identity.

As long as she covered her head, body, hands and feet.

Wearing ski goggles, no one would recognize her as a zombie.

But speaking, humans didn't seem to understand what she was saying.

Yet she understood what she was saying, and understood what zombies were saying.

Why couldn't humans understand?

Sure enough, it must be because the vitality was lost and the vocal cords were already damaged.

But in those apocalyptic novels, zombies could speak too.

How annoying.

Why wasn't she that lucky?

Thinking that, Yu Qingxian kept moving forward.

Not until dawn did Yu Qingxian see a small town.

According to her speed, she should have walked out of the base's radiation range.

Because Yu Qingxian began to see zombies.

Being able to see zombies meant she was already more than twenty kilometers outside the base range.

Yu Qingxian finally found a suitable place to rest when it got light.

There was also a clothing store in the town.

Because it was so hot before, no one wanted down jackets in this clothing store naturally.

Plus it was already November and December, the clothing store also hung up down jackets.

It was just that who knew the weather would suddenly change.

Yu Qingxian found a beautiful down jacket to put on.

Although she didn't feel any temperature, Yu Qingxian still went to look in the mirror.

Hmm, not bad, not bad.

It looked quite nice.

She turned her head to see a zombie brother with a head full of snow walking past, and asked, "This down jacket looks good, do you want one?"

Only the zombie brother took a glance at the clothing store, then walked away in heavy steps.

Yu Qingxian looked at her own skirt under the down jacket, and changed into a longer down jacket.

This time it covered her calves and revealed the flower border of her flower skirt.

Yu Qingxian still turned arrogantly in front of the mirror.

As she turned, her eyes met with a pair of red eyes again.

Yu Qingxian didn't expect that Shi Xingyu would actually follow her all the way.

This made Yu Qingxian a little helpless.

They were not zombies on the same path.

Why follow her?

She didn't eat people.

Yu Qingxian felt a little helpless.

"Come in and sit down." What Yu Qingxian thought was to directly close the clothing store's rolling door and ignore this teenage zombie.

But he just stood there alone at the door, behind him the rustling heavy snow, making the teenage zombie look increasingly lonely.

Could this kid not have parents?

Oh, I forgot, her parents were dead too, she didn't have parents either.