The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 47

Gazing at her bleeding arm, in her previous life a bleeding wound symbolized possible death. Li Xia, her eyes reddened, glared at Heaven Punishment, "You are strong, but today I must kill you."

Li Xia unleashed the full extent of her superpowers, with six tornados swirling from her hands, whirling towards Heaven Punishment.

Heaven Punishment slashed through four of them with his sword, but couldn't react in time to the last two, rolling to the side in an attempt to dodge. Alas, he was swept up by the winds, trees and debris battered him relentlessly, injuring him and causing him to cough up blood. As the winds subsided, Heaven Punishment crashed heavily to the ground. Just as he tried to get up, a sword pierced through his back and out his chest. It was Tian Jiu, who had been waiting for the opportune moment.

"You said I couldn't escape, now I'm telling you I've escaped successfully," Tian Jiu's voice rang in Heaven Punishment's ears as he twisted the sword, pushing Heaven Punishment away. He turned to look at Li Xia.

Li Xia sat cross-legged, eyes closed in meditation. Tian Jiu approached her, noticing Li Xia's pale face indicating she was severely injured and unable to retaliate. This was his chance to kill Li Xia.

Tian Jiu gripped his sword tightly, staring at Li Xia for a moment before smiling and dropping his blade. He lay down beside her, having fled relentlessly for a month without rest, he was utterly exhausted.

As the sky lightened, Li Xia opened her eyes. Without even glancing at Tian Jiu, she got up to leave. If she didn't return soon, her absence would be noticed.

"You're just going to leave like that?" Tian Jiu opened his eyes, looking at Li Xia.

"Wait for me tonight," Li Xia waved her hand and drifted away.

Tian Jiu watched Li Xia depart, then glanced at Heaven Punishment's unmoving body, resigned. He headed towards the ruins and soon uncovered a shovel to dig a grave.

Li Xia returned with the last of her strength, hiding her bloodstained clothes. With no time to dress her wounds, Qiu Shui's voice called from outside, "Miss, are you awake?"

Li Xia hastily wrapped her injuries. She opened the window to let the breeze disperse the bloody scent, then opened the door as Qiu Shui and Qiu Kui entered with water to assist her morning routine.

As Qiu Shui combed Li Xia's hair, she noticed her poor complexion. "Miss, did you not rest well last night?"

"Yeah, I had a dream where I fought someone," Li Xia smiled.

"Did you win?" Qiu Shui finished braiding Li Xia's hair and secured it with an ornamental flower.

"When has your Miss ever lost?" Li Xia arched a brow confidently.

"Of course, Miss is the most formidable," Qiu Shui played along. Then she sniffed the air, "Miss, there's a scent of blood on you."

"Is there? I don't smell it. It must be the peach blossom fragrance," Li Xia glanced at the new peach blossom fragrance on the table.

"It's not the peach blossom scent," Qiu Shui leaned over to smell the fragrance.

While Qiu Shui was distracted, Li Xia inconspicuously used the sharp edge of the ornamental flower to cut her own finger, causing it to bleed.

Qiu Kui noticed the commotion, "Miss, you've cut your finger!"

"Let me get some medicine," Qiu Shui turned to fetch it.

"Qiu Shui, it's just a small cut, no need for medicine," Li Xia stopped her, reaching for a cloth to bind the wound.

"Miss, allow me," Qiu Shui insisted, taking a clean cloth to properly wrap Li Xia's finger.

Li Xia arrived at the Plum Blossom Pavilion, adjusting her sleeve to conceal her hand. She glanced at Qiu Shui, who understood and remained discreet. Only then did Li Xia enter.

Auntie Mei noticed Li Xia's pallid, bloodless complexion and worriedly took her hand, feeling the cloth bandage stained with blood. "Xia'er, you're injured? What happened?" She looked to Qiu Shui for explanation.

Li Xia withdrew her hand dismissively, "I didn't sleep well last night and accidentally cut my hand on an ornamental hairpin during my morning routine."

"Qiu Ju, fetch some medicine," Auntie Mei took Li Xia's hand again, unwrapping the cloth to reveal a large bloodstain. "The wound is so deep, why didn't you apply any medicine?" She glared at Qiu Shui, "Qiu Shui, how could you neglect attending to Miss?"

Qiu Shui accepted the blame, "It's this servant's fault."

"Auntie, don't blame Qiu Shui. I told her not to say anything. It's just a small cut, see, it's stopped bleeding now," Li Xia opened the wound to show Auntie Mei, causing it to reopen and bleed again.

"Don't pick at it," Auntie Mei swatted Li Xia's other hand away, using the cloth to stem the bleeding while calling out, "Qiu Ju, bring the medicine box!"

Qiu Ju hurried in with the medicine box and handed it to Auntie Mei. She cleaned the area, applied ointment, then instructed, "Qiu Shui, keep an eye on Miss, don't let this hand get wet until the wound heals."

Qiu Shui acknowledged the order to watch over Li Xia.

"Auntie, it's getting late. We should head to the Wild Goose Pavilion," Li Xia changed the subject, urging them to leave.

Seeing the time, Auntie Mei stood, "You're not going to the Wild Goose Pavilion, go rest. Look at your condition, you could collapse any moment."

"I'm fine," Li Xia insisted on accompanying Auntie Mei, but the more she protested, the more concerned Auntie Mei became, firmly stating, "Go rest."

Hearing the worry in Auntie Mei's stern tone, Li Xia acquiesced, "Auntie, I'll go rest. Please convey my regards to Mother."

Relieved that Li Xia listened, Auntie Mei nodded and reminded Qiu Shui, "Take good care of Miss."

Qiu Shui supported Li Xia back to the Orchid Courtyard to rest. After tucking her in, Qiu Shui sat outside the door, keeping watch. Word had spread that Li Xia was unwell, so everyone moved quietly to avoid disturbing her rest.

Li Xia opened her eyes, crossed her legs, and began meditating. When she opened her eyes again, a delighted smile graced her lips - her superpower had advanced to level four.

The fight with Heaven Punishment was worthwhile. Li Xia felt revitalized. Opening the door, she saw Qiu Shui and Qiu Kui about to knock.

Relieved by Li Xia's healthy complexion, Qiu Kui said, "Miss, I'll bring your lunch."

Li Xia's noon meal had arrived earlier and been kept warm in the kitchen.

"Miss, I'll inform Auntie Mei," Qiu Shui went to the Plum Blossom Pavilion to update Auntie Mei, who had checked on Li Xia twice that morning but didn't disturb her when she appeared to be sleeping.

"Yes, tell Auntie I'm well, no need to worry."

Qiu Kui and Wu Auntie served Li Xia's meal. Ravenously hungry, Li Xia savored each bite of rice and vegetable.

Auntie Mei entered and, seeing Li Xia's hearty appetite, her earlier concerns dissipated. She took a soup bowl from Qiu Ju's tray and offered it to Li Xia.

"Eat slowly, no one will take it from you. Drink this soup first."

Li Xia took a sip from Auntie Mei's hand and immediately grimaced, "What is this soup? It tastes terrible!"

"Now, now, drink it up. Your mother specially ordered this nourishing soup for you," Auntie Mei sat beside Li Xia.

"I just had a restless dream. Is this really necessary, making me drink such foul soup?" Li Xia didn't know what else to say.

"Drink it," Auntie Mei insisted without further explanation.