The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 190

Lu XuanNing left, leaving the room to Xu Xinyue and Li Xia. Xu Xinyue delicately inquired about Li Xia's living conditions at the Lu's, tirelessly reminding her to honor the elderly Beining Marquis' couple. She urged her to take good care of Lu XuanNing and not to lose her temper.

"Take care of yourself too," Xu Xinyue expressed her concern for Li Xia's well-being in the Lu's family.

"Mother, do you think your little girl can be bullied?" Li Xia didn’t believe anyone could bully her.

Li Xia listened attentively until the servants came to hurry them. Mother and daughter left separately.

"Thank you," settled on the carriage, Li Xia thanked Lu XuanNing.

"There's no need for thanks between us," Lu XuanNing reassured, holding on Li Xia's hand, "making you happy is my duty as your husband."

Upon returning to the Manor, they brought the purchased pastries to the Qiuzhang Court, and the carried groceries were given to the kitchen for dinner.

They were to return to the Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South tomorrow. The Old Madam Lu was reluctant to let them go, as Li Xia was there to keep her company during these days. The vast courtyard was more joyful with people around. Yet she also knew they could not always stay at the Beining Marquis Manor.

The Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South was spacious, and not crowded, all those who lived there had followed the Lu family from the border war. Many here were disabled. Only a few washerwomen were women in the whole mansion.

Lu XuanNing gathered everyone in the front hall, and introduced Li Xia to the Mansion staff. He made sure they would remember Li Xia as the mistress of the Mansion. All affairs of the Mansion were under her charge.

Following the old ritual, Li Xia had everyone introduce themselves and individually rewarded each with a piece of silver. She instructed them to return to their respective duties and carry on according to the usual Mansion arrangements.

After taking charge of the Mansion, Li Xia discovered some rules that needed adjustment. Some old staff expressed dissatisfaction with her proposals, some even complained to Lu XuanNing. These complainers were promptly transferred by Lu XuanNing to the country estate.

Lu XuanNing's unwavering support helped Li Xia to smoothly implement the new rules and gain complete control over the Mansion.

Li Xia and Lu XuanNing would return to the Beining Manor every other day to greet the elderly, to have breakfast, and lunch with them.

After breakfast one day, Old Madam Lu asked Li Xia when they were planning to host a banquet.

"What banquet?" Li Xia was confused about the reason for a banquet.

Seeing this, Old Madam Lu couldn't help but laugh. She knew that Li Xia was not interested in this. During their days together, she realized that Li Xia did not bother much about small matters although she was serious about important issues.

Old Madam Lu patiently explained, that since Lu XuanNing was appointed Marquis of Pacifying the South, he had been recuperating from his injuries. So the Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South hadn't hosted any banquets. Now that they were married, it was expected for them to hold a banquet. The banquet was also an occasion for Li Xia to formally enter the Capital City social circle as the spouse of the Marquis of Pacifying the South.

"Granny, let me discuss this with XuanNing when we get back home," hearing this, Li Xia, who did not fancy the idea of a banquet, resolved to persuade Lu XuanNing not to hold one.

Old Madam Lu nodded and asked Li Xia to have a thorough conversation with Lu XuanNing.

Back home, Li Xia expressed her disinclination to host a banquet to Lu XuanNing.

"We have to," Lu XuanNing insisted, "to make everyone in the Capital City understand clearly, you are Li Xia, my wife, the Lady of the Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South."

The first banquet in the Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South couldn't be avoided any longer. Li Xia and Lu XuanNing decided to hold a Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet after consulting with each other. Having received several pots of valuable varieties of chrysanthemums from the Emperor as wedding gifts, they decided to display these, along with other flowers in season, in their garden.

They also sought the help of Old Madam Lu who provided a few head chefs as they decided on the menu. The invitation cards were handed to Lu XuanNing to write and distribute.

Familiar households with the Lu family such as the Li, Cao, Xu, and Wang families were all invited.

On the day of the banquet, Old Madam Lu and Old Marquis arrived early. They both felt a bit uncertain and specially came to uphold the morale of their grandson and granddaughter-in-law, but seeing everything, they thought Li Xia was doing well.

Li Xia and Lu XuanNing stood at the doorway welcoming the male and female guests.

Lu XuanNing, whose facial scar had almost faded, stood immovable with a beautiful companion by his side. The happiness radiating from him attracted more attention than usual, making many young ladies feel regretful for not agreeing to the marriage proposal from the Lu family in the past.

Among them, one young lady's eyes revealed a complex look that Li Xia couldn't ignore, even though she had no recollection of her from her own memory.

"What's the matter?" Li Xin, who had just descended from the carriage, asked Li Xia, noticing a hint of puzzlement on her face.

"The one in the big red silk dress is looking at me rather strangely."

Li Xin glanced at the young lady that Li Xia was indicating and understood the odd look in her eyes. "Her name is Zhou Luoer, the cousin of Marquis Lu. There have been rumors that she was to be betrothed to Marquis Lu, but after his injury, this topic was never brought up again."

"Oh, it's her," Li Xia said and stopped paying attention to Zhou Luoer.

The carriage of the Li family arrived, and Li Xia, with a joyful smile on her face, went up to greet them. "Mother, second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law," Li Xia said as she helped Mrs. Lu out of the carriage.

"Watch your image," Mrs. Lu softly reminded her, seeing Li Xia's emotive state.

"Oh, I understand." Li Xia immediately straightened up, smiling without showing her teeth, displaying her maidenly composure of being the wife of Marquis of Pacifying the South.

Seeing Mrs. Lu's satisfied look, she walked into the courtyard with Madam Zhang and Madam Bao. Not seeing Mrs. Lu for a while, Li Xin, who missed her too, accompanied Mrs. Lu into the courtyard.

Suddenly turning around, Mrs. Lu saw Li Xia relax a little and said to Li Xin standing by her side, "Don't accompany me in, stay here with Xiaxia and keep an eye on her behavior."

Seeing Li Xia's stiff face, Li Xin chuckled and agreed.

Just as Li Xin was about to say something to Li Xia, a cheerful voice came ringing, "Sister Xia, Sister Xin, I'm here!"

Turning around, both saw the Chang’an Princess, along with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess had also joined, apparently desiring to partake in the excitement. Though Li Xia muttered complaints inside, her face was calm, and, along with Li Xin, she respectfully greeted Crown Princess, "Your humble servant pays her respects to the Crown Princess."

The Crown Princess scrutinized Li Xia, speculating whether Lu XuanNing married Li Xia because of her beautiful looks. Considering Zhou Luoer‘s plain appearance in comparison to Li Xia, she was skeptical.

The Crown Princess was close friends with Zhou Mier, Zhou Luoer’s sister, before her marriage. Therefore, she treated Zhou Luoer as her own little sister, and perhaps that’s why she was a bit cold towards Li Xia.

Chang’an noticed the Crown Princess was staring at Li Xia without a word, not allowing her to stand. Regret filled her heart; why did she make the decision to invite her sister-in-law? "Sister-in-law, let's go inside," Chang’an suggested, attempting to usher the princess in.

The Crown Princess uttered a soft murmur of agreement, stepping into the courtyard.

"Crown Princess seems to have some disagreements with you," Li Xin worried Li Xia might end up in an unfavorable position.

“There are quite a few here today who disapprove of me,” Li Xia discarded the Crown Princess’s scrutiny as of no importance. Assuring Lu XuanNing, who was not far away and kept an eye on the situation, Li Xia shot him a calming gaze, signaling everything was fine.