The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 186

The situation with the Xu family was quickly clarified. While Xu Yirong was studying at the academy, he caught the eye of Mr. Ning, who was teaching him. Mr. Ning took Xu Yirong as his disciple and carefully mentored him. As Xu Yirong visited Mr. Ning's home more frequently, he met the women of the Ning family. Xu Yirong fell in love with Ning Ying.

Xu Yirong told his family that he wanted to marry Ning Ying. The Ning family was known for their scholarly traditions, with many of their members holding official positions in the imperial court. The Xu family was naturally eager to form this marital alliance with the Nings.

Mr. Ning agreed to the marriage. In previous communications, the Ning family had subtly expressed their disapproval of Xu Xinyue, feeling that her behavior violated the precepts for women.

To be with his beloved, Xu Yirong, and for the Xu family to align themselves with the Nings, they didn't inform Xu Xinyue and Li Xia about the marriage. Their excuse was that Xu Xinyue was in confinement after childbirth, and it wouldn't be appropriate for Li Xia to attend as an unmarried woman.

After Ning Ying married into the Xu family, she looked down on everyone there. She constantly compared things to how they were done in the Ning household, insisting that the Xu family should follow suit. Madam Jiang even bypassed her eldest daughter-in-law and handed over the household management to Ning Ying.

However, they didn't expect the Ning family to fall from grace, and in such an undignified manner. Ning Ying's previous behavior now seemed embarrassing. Worse still, because of their marital connection to the Nings, the position Xu Yizheng had been vying for went to someone else.

Only then did the Xu family realize how foolish they had been to distance themselves from the Lu family and Xu Xinyue in pursuit of the Nings' influence. To make amends, Ning Ying's household authority was revoked, and the entire Xu family attended Wang Hong's one-month celebration.

They hoped to persuade Xu Xinyue to speak well of them to Li Xia, so that Li Xia would ask the Lu and Li families for help. Unfortunately, their previous actions had hurt Xu Xinyue deeply, and she was unwilling to help them.

Upon checking the records, they discovered that Li Guang was the one evaluating Xu Yizheng. This explained the Xu family's concerns. But from what Li Xia knew of Li Guang, he wasn't the type to manipulate things behind the scenes.

Qiu Shui entered the room holding a letter. Without even looking, Li Xia knew it was from Lu XuanNing. She took the letter and read its contents; Lu XuanNing mainly wrote about the Xu family's affairs.

It was Lu XuanNing who had prevented Xu Yizheng from entering the Imperial Guard, as the Xu family's attitude had changed. Lu XuanNing didn't want the Xu family's growing ambition to affect Li Xia's life.

Knowing her fiancé had acted on her behalf, Li Xia decided not to dwell on the matter any longer.

In less than four months, it was time for Li Xia's wedding. Upon marrying into the Lu family, Li Xia would be responsible for managing the household. Mrs. Lu instructed Li Xia in social etiquette, afraid of overlooking anything that might put Li Xia at a disadvantage.

Li Xia's manners were acceptable at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there were many issues. Mrs. Lu specially invited Ms. Liu to help guide Li Xia. Under the dual guidance of Mrs. Lu and Ms. Liu, Li Xia made great progress, but she was also exhausted.

Li Xin returned to her maiden home to visit her sister-in-law who had recently given birth. Seeing Li Xia looking completely worn out, Li Xin felt both amused and sympathetic. With Li Xin's arrival, Mrs. Lu gave Li Xia half a day off to chat with her sister.

"Sister, I wish you could come home every day," Li Xia sighed, holding Li Xin's hand.

"I wish I could too," Li Xin replied, also longing to return to her maiden home daily, but she was now a married woman of the Cao Family.

"I'm having second thoughts. I don't want to get married anymore," Li Xia confessed. Learning etiquette was more exhausting than fighting zombies for three days and nights.

"Don't talk nonsense. Marquis Lu is eagerly waiting to marry you," Li Xin said, glancing at the cake on the table. Knowing Li Xia's sweet tooth, she had bought it specially to cheer her up.

Li Xia knew that Lu XuanNing was good to her, and she had feelings for him too. But changing so much of herself for Lu XuanNing sometimes made Li Xia feel that she was sacrificing too much in this relationship.

"Xia Xia, love is mutual. Marquis Lu has done a lot for you, so it's only right that you make some changes for him," Li Xin's words made Li Xia feel uneasy.

"Is Cao Fugui not treating you well?"

Li Xin realized that whenever Li Xia suspected Cao Fugui wasn't treating her well, she would call him by his full name. Li Xin was touched by Li Xia's protective behavior.

"No, he's treating me very well. In fact, he's been wonderful this past year." It was because he had been so good that Li Xin, who had previously closed off her heart, opened up to accept Cao Fugui.

"It's related to him too," Li Xia could see that this year of married life had made Li Xin increasingly dependent on Cao Fugui.

Li Xin's silence confirmed Li Xia's guess.

Thinking of some information Qiu Ling had recently uncovered, Li Xia asked, "Is Cao Fugui taking a concubine?"

"No," Li Xin shook her head.

"Then what's the matter?"

"I haven't gotten pregnant after a year of marriage." Li Xin was anxious about it herself.

"Have you and Cao Fugui seen a doctor?" Li Xia inquired.

"I went to see a doctor privately, and they said there's nothing wrong with me," Li Xin said, her face reddening.

"Has Cao Fugui been checked?" Li Xia's question confused Li Xin, who didn't understand what he needed to be checked for.

"Having a child is a matter for both of you, not just you alone. If you're not getting pregnant, both of you need to be examined. If there's no problem with you, could it be him?" Li Xia's words made Li Xin look at her in disbelief.

Seeing Li Xin's incredulous expression, Li Xia smiled, "Xiao Changyou is a good doctor. If you're worried about others finding out, you can ask him to check Cao Fugui's pulse."

Li Xin considered and agreed. Li Xia called for Qiu Ling and asked her to arrange for Xiao Changyou. It was also an opportunity for Xiao Changyou to see Qiu Ling.

After seeing Li Xin off, Li Xia returned to her training. By the end of the day, she just wanted to lie in bed without moving. She didn't have the energy for anything else.

Many people in the capital were curious to see how much dowry Mrs. Lu would prepare for this adopted daughter of hers.

The Lu family had already sent 64 loads of betrothal gifts, packed to the brim. Mrs. Lu didn't keep any of it, counting it all as part of the dowry, and added another 48 loads on top of that. Just like Li Xin, Li Xia would be married off with 112 loads of dowry.

The jade and precious stones in Li Xia's storehouse had already been sent to the Mansion of Marquis of Pacifying the South. If those were included, even 180 loads might not be enough to carry everything.

That night, Li Xia went to Tian Yi Pavilion. Luo Shan saw Li Xia arrive and handed her a box, saying, "He asked me to give this to you before your wedding."

Zhou Heng wasn't ready to see her yet, and Li Xia didn't force him. She took the box and returned to Qingyue Street. Opening the box, she found an upgraded version of their special pills. Li Xia couldn't help but smile as she closed the box and put it away.

Early the next morning, Li Xia woke up and looked at the nearly empty courtyard. Tomorrow, she would be leaving the home where she had lived for seventeen years.

She went to Wild Goose Pavilion to pay her respects, and Li Xin was there too. For Li Xia's wedding, Li Xin had specifically spoken to Mrs. Cao and returned two days early to help.

The three women, mother and daughters, had a rare breakfast together. Mrs. Lu left to busy herself with tomorrow's wedding preparations.

Li Xin and Li Xia went to the Orchid Courtyard to check if everything was packed properly. They also inspected the wedding dress for tomorrow once more to ensure there were no issues. After confirming that everything was in order, the two sat down to chat.

"The weather these past few days has been neither too hot nor too cold, perfect for a wedding," Li Xin remarked, recalling her own wedding day which had been quite hot. She remembered sitting in the sedan chair on the way to the Cao Family's home, sweating profusely.

Even now, she could still picture Cao Fugui's surprised expression when he lifted the red veil and saw her makeup had smeared.

"That really happened?" Li Xia couldn't help but laugh upon hearing this.

"Marquis Lu truly cares for you," Li Xin commented, remembering that for Li Xia and Lu XuanNing's wedding day, they had consulted a fortune teller who suggested three possible dates - one in early May, one in August, and another in November. Lu XuanNing had chosen August.