The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 182

Li Xin and Li Xia exchanged glances. This Zhang woman was very thoughtful in her actions, no wonder Mrs. Lu liked her.

Seeing the three people enter, Madam Bao rose gracefully to greet them without any shyness. Zhang had met Madam Bao before she was married. Li Xin had also met her once or twice. Only Li Xia had never met her before.

Madam Bao focused her attention on Li Xia, the legitimate daughter promised to the Marquis of Pacifying the South. With their similar status, Madam Bao naturally felt a hint of closeness towards Li Xia.

Though unintentional, everyone in the room noticed this. Li Xia also accepted Madam Bao's goodwill. The three of them stayed to chat with Madam Bao until Li Guang returned, then they left.

Li Xin went to the front courtyard to find Cao Fugui and return to the Chengen Marquis Residence. Zhang and Li Xia walked back together.

"Second Sister, thank you for your guidance," said Zhang. Having just married into the Li Manor, there were many things she didn't understand. She had her maids inquire, and the two of them brought food to find Qiu Chan. Through Qiu Chan, they met Qiu Kui and learned quite a bit. Zhang knew this was all instructed by Li Xia, otherwise Qiu Kui wouldn't have said anything.

"We're all family," replied Li Xia. Although Li Chou didn't do as much for Li Xia as Li Hui did, he was still good to her. Zhang was also a thoughtful and meticulous person. Not long after marrying into the Li family, Li Xia had already received three pairs of shoes from her.

Li Xia shared some of the less secretive information Zhang wanted to know. As for the more in-depth matters, Zhang would have to observe and think for herself.

Returning to the Orchid Courtyard, Li Xia saw a box placed on the table. Opening it, she found jade stones sent by Lu XuanNing.

Ever since Li Xia mentioned her love for jade carving, Lu XuanNing had sent all the jade stones from his manor. He even sent people to search for good jade stones and established a jade trade caravan. The best pieces were all sent to Li Xia.

This box contained the finest jade stones recently brought back by the caravan from other regions. Lu XuanNing's thoughtfulness not only pleased Li Xia but also satisfied the entire Li Manor.

Li Xia personally moved the box into a room dedicated to storing jade stones. She took out the stones and arranged them nearby. She then selected several carved pieces and put them in the box, instructing Qiu Chan to send them to Lu XuanNing.

After leaving the Li family, Lu XuanNing got into his carriage and saw the box he had brought now placed inside. Carefully opening it, he found the carved jade ornaments inside.

He picked up a small statue of a little girl. It was Li Xia as a child. In their last correspondence, Lu XuanNing had mentioned wanting to see what Li Xia looked like as a child. He hadn't expected Li Xia to carve it for him.

Touching his head, Lu XuanNing's disappointment at not seeing Li Xia during his visit to the Li Manor dissipated.

Li Xia was delighted with the jade stones sent by Lu XuanNing. She stayed up late carving and woke up late the next morning. When she arrived at the front hall, fortunately, the newlyweds hadn't arrived yet. Li Xia sat down below Zhang.

Shortly after, Li Guang and Madam Bao arrived. They first offered tea to Mrs. Lu and Li Ming. Similarly, Mrs. Lu gave a red envelope and a set of jewelry. Li Ming gave a red envelope. Li Hui, Li Chou, and Zhang also gave red envelopes.

With both concubines' sons married, Mrs. Lu assigned them tasks to do. This left her with more free time to keep an eye on Li Xia.

Li Xia had grown taller this year, and her previous wedding dress was now too short. Li Xia suggested adding fabric at the bottom and embroidering cloud patterns, saying no one would notice.

Mrs. Lu disagreed with this approach, stating that the Li family wasn't short of money to buy fabric and didn't need to be so frugal. With one word, she had Li Xia re-embroider the wedding dress.

Li Xia was reluctant to redo the nearly finished wedding dress. She used the same coquettish tricks on Mrs. Lu that she used on Xu Xinyue.

Mrs. Lu understood Li Xia well. She had a nature that would slack off whenever possible. While Mrs. Lu was pleased by Li Xia's coquettish behavior, she remained stern outwardly and didn't agree to Li Xia's suggestion.

To supervise Li Xia's embroidery of the wedding dress, Mrs. Lu called her to her side every day to personally watch her work.

Only when Mrs. Lu personally supervised did she realize the extent of Li Xia's laziness. The cutting and lining of the wedding dress were done by Qiu Shui. The patterns were selected and based by Qiu Kui. The embroidery thread colors were matched and threaded by Qiu Chan and Qiu Ling according to Qiu Kui's instructions. Li Xia only had to move her hands to embroider along the outlines without thinking.

Could this girl be any lazier? Upon discovering this, Mrs. Lu stopped everything and made Li Xia do it all by herself. Li Xia sulkily embroidered the wedding dress. Mrs. Lu sat beside her reading a book, ignoring Li Xia's pouting.

Zhang and Madam Bao arrived at the Wild Goose Pavilion to find this scene. Although Madam Bao had grown up with her legitimate mother, she had never been as casual as Li Xia. Zhang was even less likely to be so; Madam Zhang had raised her very strictly.

Seeing Li Xia so relaxed and at ease in front of Mrs. Lu surprised and made them envious.

The two accompanied Mrs. Lu in conversation. Li Xia took the opportunity to excuse herself and left the courtyard. Taking a deep breath outside, she sighed, "Entertaining elders with colorful clothes is truly exhausting."

Li Xia behaved this way because Mrs. Lu had been in a bad mood lately. Li Hui's previous fiancée had passed away, and his new fiancée was the Chang'an Princess. Just as it seemed she could marry in two years, she fell ill a few days ago. Those who disliked Li Hui spread rumors, saying Li Hui had a hard fate that made the Chang'an Princess ill.

Hearing these words, Mrs. Lu was both anxious and helpless. This was why Li Xia used the wedding dress embroidery to cheer her up.

After having Qiu Chan take the dress back, Li Xia went to Li Hui's study and found two travelogues. Now only travelogues could help her relax.

Li Hui returned home from the palace. Mrs. Lu hurried forward, carefully feeling Li Hui to ensure he had returned safely without any injuries. Slightly relieved, she anxiously asked, "How is the Princess?" fearing a bad outcome.

"An'an is fine," Li Hui said, offering no further details.

Mrs. Lu clasped her hands together, muttering, "Thank the Bodhisattva, it's good she's alright, it's good she's alright." If something had happened to the Princess, Mrs. Lu truly feared the Emperor would make Li Hui accompany the Chang'an Princess in death.

"Mother, don't overthink it. The Emperor isn't one to listen to and believe rumors," Li Hui knew about the gossip outside. It was nothing more than the jealousy of petty people.

Mrs. Lu shook her head, "You don't understand. A parent's love for their child is beyond reason." If Li Hui and Li Xin were sick, Mrs. Lu would be willing to cut out her heart to save them. Li Hui, without children of his own yet, couldn't understand this.

"You've had a long day too, go rest now," Mrs. Lu urged Li Hui to rest.

Returning to his study, Li Hui noticed two travelogues missing, knowing without a doubt that Li Xia had taken them. He appreciated her companionship to Mrs. Lu these past few days. Li Hui ordered more travelogues to be sent to Li Xia.

Li Xia had the travelogues she had finished reading and marked sent to Lu XuanNing. Upon receiving the books and seeing the markings, Lu XuanNing smiled.

Lu XuanNing copied down the marked places, thinking these would be the destinations they'd visit after getting married. Looking at the two small notebooks filled with notes, he realized they would be very busy in the future. However, Lu XuanNing didn't know that they would never make it to any of these places.

The Chang'an Princess recovered from her illness, and the rumors naturally dissipated. Mrs. Lu's mood also improved, and she found herself in the spirit to prepare for the New Year celebrations. At the beginning of the year, Li Xin got married, and by the end of the year, Li Chou and Li Guang each took wives. The Li family lost one member but gained two more.