The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 175

Knowing that many people nowadays can't read, Li Xia also arranged for these key points to be illustrated with small pictures. Even those who couldn't read would understand the meaning from the images.

At first, when Li Xia said she wanted to make these, the bookstore owner thought they wouldn't sell and would be a waste of money. He tried to dissuade Li Xia from doing it, but unexpectedly, after they were produced, they became the bookstore's best-selling items. Many people came to buy them, not just men but also many women.

As it was somewhat inconvenient for female customers to come and buy, Li Xia bought a separate shop that only served female customers and sold these items. Later, Li Xia also started selling the intimate products developed by Zhou Heng and Xiao Changyou there.

This was one of the reasons why Mrs. Lu's people didn't discover that the shop was owned by Li Xia when they went to buy. If they had known, Li Xia's business would surely have been shut down.

Mrs. Lu, worried that Li Xin wouldn't understand, explained everything in detail. Li Xin listened with a blushing face. After hearing all this, Li Xin had trouble sleeping that night. When she got up in the morning, she had dark circles under her eyes.

Mrs. Lu brought people to dress up Li Xin. Seeing Li Xin's dark circles, she quickly asked Liu Mian to boil eggs to make a hot compress for Li Xin's eyes. Today, she wanted Li Xin to be the most beautiful bride.

Li Xia also came early to keep Li Xin company. Li Xin was instructed not to move and just sit there, letting people fuss over her.

As the time for the groom's arrival drew nearer, Li Xin became increasingly nervous. Fortunately, Li Xia stayed by her side, talking to her and easing her tension. This continued until Qiu Chan ran in saying, "The groom has arrived!"

"Quick, bring the red veil!" Li Xia turned to look for the red veil, and someone nearby handed it over to cover Li Xin. Li Xin's vision was obscured, and she could only see her own hands.

A package of jerky was placed in her hand. "Sister, keep this jerky safe. You don't know when you'll be able to eat today. If you get hungry, eat a piece to tide you over."

Li Xin gripped the jerky tightly and softly murmured an acknowledgment. As the sounds of excitement came from outside, Li Xin quickly tucked the jerky into a hidden pocket in her sleeve.

Cao Fugui pushed open the door and entered the room. "My lady, I've come to escort you."

Li Xin took the red silk ribbon from Cao Fugui's hand. Li Yu supported Li Xin as she stood up and followed Cao Fugui's lead to the main courtyard. Li Ming and Mrs. Lu were seated in the place of honor, watching the couple.

Cao Fugui and Li Xin knelt down. "Father, Mother, your daughter is leaving," Li Xin said, her voice breaking with emotion on the last word.

Mrs. Lu couldn't hold back her tears. Li Ming's eyes also reddened.

"Good child, stand up. From now on, you're a daughter-in-law of the Cao family. Be filial to your in-laws, get along with your sisters-in-law, and raise your children well." Li Ming and Mrs. Lu gave their instructions one after another.

Li Xin's eyes were filled with tears, but she held them back. Li Hui walked in, bent down to carry Li Xin on his back, and took her to the bridal sedan chair outside. He carefully set Li Xin down. "If you're ever mistreated, come back home. Your brother will stand up for you."

"Brother-in-law, don't worry. I will certainly take good care of Xin," Cao Fugui promised from the side.

Li Hui looked Cao Fugui up and down. "Remember what you've said."

Li Hui lowered the sedan curtain and watched as the wedding procession departed.

To ensure Li Xin would be treated well in her new family, Mrs. Lu had given her more than half of the dowry.

Someone counted a total of 64 loads, and judging by the expressions of those carrying the dowry, it was clear that this was a substantial and genuine dowry. The crowd buzzed with discussion. Mrs. Cao looked at the courtyard full of dowry items with satisfaction.

Li Shan watched all this dowry with intense jealousy. When Li Shan got married in a hurry, although she had written a list demanding many items, Mrs. Lu had only put on a show. The dowry she received looked good on the surface but wasn't of much actual value.

Especially the shops that belonged to Li Xin and Li Xia. These two had left behind an empty shop, taking all the staff with them. This meant Li Shan couldn't open a store and could only rent it out, earning a measly amount each month that wasn't even enough to buy a jade bracelet.

Thinking of this, Li Shan glared viciously at Li Xia standing nearby. "Don't you dare be smug."

"What do I have to be smug about?" Li Shan's current situation was entirely of her own making. Li Xia found her anger to be completely unreasonable.

"If it weren't for you, would I have ended up like this?" Unable to deal with others, Li Shan directed all her hatred towards Li Xia. She was truly picking on the weakest target, not realizing she had chosen the toughest one. In her heart, she was still proud of her plan.

"Qiu Chan, take the Third Miss back to Bingqing Courtyard. Surround Bingqing Courtyard for me. Don't let anyone out." As soon as Li Xia finished speaking, Qiu Chan stepped forward to restrain Li Shan.

Li Shan was about to scream, but Li Xia knocked her unconscious with a single strike. The few servants around her were intimidated by Li Xia's imposing manner. Seeing their mistress faint, they were about to cry out, but Qiu Ling directly knocked them out. Qiu Ling had learned quite a few useful tricks from Zhou Heng.

Qiu Chan carried the unconscious group along the small path to Bingqing Courtyard. When Aunt Wang in Bingqing Courtyard saw Li Shan being carried by Qiu Chan, she rushed forward. "Shan'er!"

Qiu Chan put the unconscious people down, ignoring Aunt Wang's cries. She turned and closed the main gate of Bingqing Courtyard. No one was allowed in or out.

Aunt Wang tried to force her way out. Qiu Chan held a stick, saying, "Aunt Wang, the Young Miss said that without her order, no one is allowed to leave." Her tone implied that if Aunt Wang dared to leave, she wouldn't hesitate to use force.

Aunt Wang stomped her foot in anger, glaring hatefully at Qiu Chan. "You just wait. I'll report this to the Master and have you, you lowly maid, punished."

Qiu Chan ignored her, taking a large iron chain brought by a servant woman and securely locking the main gate. The Young Miss had instructed that no one was to enter or leave Bingqing Courtyard, and Qiu Chan wouldn't let anyone in, even if the Master himself came.

Li Yao, approaching from a distance, saw this scene and was startled. He quickened his pace and came forward. "Sister Qiu Chan, what's going on?"

"The Young Miss ordered that no one is to enter or leave Bingqing Courtyard," Qiu Chan replied, holding her stick.

"Yao'er, quick, go find the Master. Li Xia is staging a rebellion!" Seeing Li Yao, Aunt Wang called out as if she had found her lifeline.

Li Yao knew without thinking that Li Shan must have done something for Li Xia to take such action. He tried to calm Aunt Wang, "Aunt, don't worry. I'll go find Father."

Li Yao turned and left, but he didn't go to find Li Ming. Instead, he went to find Li Xia. Others might not know how formidable Li Xia was, but Li Yao, with his memories from his past life, knew all too well. Li Yao always kept one saying in mind: provoke anyone but Li Xia.

After searching around, he saw Li Xia and ran over, but then didn't know what to say.

For Li Xin's wedding, Li Chou, Li Guang, and Li Yao were supposed to be preparing for their exams back in their hometown. Li Ming and Mrs. Lu had originally agreed that the three brothers shouldn't rush back, to avoid disrupting their studies. However, the three had secretly returned, insisting on seeing Li Xin off on her wedding day.

Auntie An and Aunt Wang were quite displeased about this, privately criticizing it several times. However, Li Ming and Mrs. Lu were very satisfied with the performance of the three. Li Xia was also quite pleased with Li Yao and was willing to show him some favor.

"Don't worry, Li Shan is fine. Just let her rest for a while and avoid causing trouble."

"Sister, can you release her?" Li Yao asked quietly.

"If we let her out, the entire Li family might lose their lives. Are you sure you want to release her?" Li Xia asked casually.

Li Yao didn't want to believe it was that serious, but he knew Li Xia had no reason to lie to him.

"It hasn't happened yet, and she is my sister after all..." Li Yao trailed off under Li Xia's calm gaze.