The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 145

The exposed face, hands, and neck of Yuanxia County Princess were unharmed, but every other part of her body lacked healthy skin. As Qiu Ling said this, she couldn't help but shudder. Because Qiu Ling was too curious about how people were tortured, Zhou Heng had arranged for someone to let her take a look. After returning, Qiu Ling had nightmares for several days.

Li Xia recalled how Yuanxia County Princess had once tortured Lin Meizhen to death. In the end, she herself suffered the same fate, which could be considered karmic retribution.

Half a month later, Prince Yun's Mansion announced to the public that the Prince's wife had passed away due to illness, and Yuanxia County Princess, overcome with grief, had followed her mother in death.

Upon hearing the news, Li Xin came to the Orchid Courtyard and touched the faint mark on Li Xia's left palm. She thought back to when they first met, how glorious and overbearing Yuanxia County Princess had been, forcing them to submit. Now she had withered away like a fallen flower. Li Xin sighed at the impermanence of life.

Li Xia agreed, not intending to tell Li Xin about the shocking truth behind it all.

As the time came to prepare Laba porridge again, Mrs. Lu was present this year. She entrusted the task of making Laba porridge to Li Xin. Li Xin pulled Li Xia aside to ask for advice on how to make better-tasting Laba porridge.

"Why don't we make savory Laba porridge?" Li Xia suggested. At that time, Laba porridge was mostly sweet.

"Savory Laba porridge, is it tasty?" Li Xin hesitated.

"The year we first arrived in the Capital City, Gongshun Marquis Manor made savory Laba porridge. The taste was quite good. We should give it a try," Li Xia said decisively.

At Li Xia's mention, Li Xin remembered. She called for Dan Ting and instructed her to tell the kitchen maids to make savory Laba porridge, which meant they couldn't use the usual ingredients. When the savory Laba porridge was ready, Mrs. Lu tasted it and nodded in approval.

Recently, she hadn't been in the mood for sweets, so this savory Laba porridge was quite nice. However, she decided that sweet porridge should also be made, finalizing the decision to prepare both savory and sweet flavors of Laba porridge.

On the day of Laba Festival, they got up early and made both savory and sweet Laba porridge in the kitchen with Li Xin. They packed some to send to close family friends. When they returned, they also brought back quite a bit of Laba porridge from others.

Cheng'en Marquis's Laba porridge was personally delivered by Cao Fugui. His purpose was to see more of Li Xin. After the two families had arranged their marriage, both the Cao and Li Families intentionally created opportunities for the couple to interact more, deepening their relationship for a better married life in the future.

Seeing Cao Fugui personally deliver the Laba porridge, Li Xia got up and left to give the two some privacy to talk. Li Xin looked at Cao Fugui somewhat shyly. The usually talkative Cao Fugui found himself at a loss for words for a moment.

"Well, the savory Laba porridge is very tasty. How did you come up with the idea of making it savory? Is it a flavor from Liuzhou?" he asked.

"No, it was Xia Xia's suggestion. We've always had sweet porridge, so we thought of trying a different flavor. Since you like it, I'll pack some more for you to take back later," Li Xin said softly.

The two chatted about the savory and sweet Laba porridge for a while. Then, not knowing what else to say, they looked at each other briefly before quickly averting their gazes.

Cao Fugui noticed his servant gesturing from a distance, indicating he had matters to attend to. "I should get going now," he said.

"Alright, go ahead with your business," Li Xin said, seeing Cao Fugui off.

After Laba Festival came the New Year. The Li family spent this year cautiously, fearing that something might happen again. They were especially wary of the Lantern Festival, as major events had occurred around this time for the Li family in recent years.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, everyone in the Li household hoped that nothing would happen and that they would pass the day peacefully. Perhaps the heavens truly heard the wishes of the Li family, as the Lantern Festival passed uneventfully. Even Li Xia, who was usually unafraid of trouble, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the New Year, Li Hui returned to work at the Supreme Court. As he exchanged New Year's greetings with his colleagues, a report came in about a discovered corpse. It seemed that the new year was starting with a major case.

Upon arriving at the scene and approaching the body, Li Hui was stunned when he saw the face. He had seen this person before – it was the Fourth Young Master he had met previously. He quickly covered the body with a nearby cloth and dispersed the crowd, ordering the body to be taken away.

He sent a subordinate to request his superior's presence and also notified Cao Fugui. Li Hui's superior was Zhang Qun, the Deputy Chief of the Supreme Court. Zhang Qun was puzzled when his subordinate reported that Li Hui insisted on him coming to the morgue. He wondered if the deceased was someone Li Hui knew.

At the morgue, Li Hui was seen guarding the entrance, preventing anyone from entering.

Seeing Zhang Qun approach, Li Hui quickly walked up to him and said in a low voice, "The person inside is the one Cao Fugui called Fourth Young Master."

Zhang Qun looked at Li Hui intently, "Do you understand what you're saying?"

"I need you to confirm it, sir," Li Hui replied. Zhang Qun had seen those individuals before.

Zhang Qun clenched his fist and took a deep breath before entering. He lifted the white cloth to look at the face and then checked the jade pendant at the waist. "You and your men guard this place. No one is to enter before I return," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," Li Hui responded, standing guard at the door. Zhang Qun hurried to the palace to report.

Cao Fugui, upon receiving the message, came to the Supreme Court. He was curious about why Li Hui had summoned him. However, on the surface, he was casually fanning himself – an odd sight in the cold weather that made onlookers feel even colder.

"Big brother-in-law, I've acquired a fine new item. Are you done with work? Come with me to take a look," Cao Fugui said, attempting to pull Li Hui away.

"I still have official duties. Perhaps another day," Li Hui apologized. As Cao Fugui came closer, he lowered his voice and said, "The victim in today's new case is the Fourth Young Master who came with you last time."

Li Hui's words caused Cao Fugui to drop his fan. The playful smile vanished from his face before he forced it back, "Look at me, it's so cold I can't even hold onto my fan properly."

"You're sure you didn't misidentify him?" Cao Fugui asked in a low voice.

"I wish I had," Li Hui replied. He truly hoped he had been mistaken, as this matter could potentially cause a major upheaval in the court.

Cao Fugui picked up his fan and said loudly, "Big brother-in-law, if you can't come, what a pity. That item was something I went to great lengths to acquire." He needed to discuss this matter with his father and cousin.

"I'll come another day," Li Hui waved, indicating for Cao Fugui to leave.

Cao Fugui left the Supreme Court with a smile, but once inside his carriage, his expression changed. How could the man have died?

Li Hui guarded the body until late at night before returning home. Upon his return, he didn't pay his respects to Mrs. Lu as usual. Instead, he sent someone to summon Li Xia to his study. Li Xia wondered what could have happened for him to call her so late.

Li Xia looked at Qiu Ling, who shook her head, not knowing anything. She hadn't been out much since the New Year.

Li Xia brought Qiu Ling to the study. She saw Li Hui holding the "Roc Spreads Its Wings" gift she had given him earlier.

"What's wrong, big brother?" she asked.

After gesturing for Li Xia to sit down, he remained silent for a while before saying, "The Fourth Young Master who came to our house with Cao Fugui last time is dead."

"How is that possible?" Li Xia exclaimed. Given his status, he should have been surrounded by guards at all times. How could he have been killed?

"I'm certain it was the person I saw that day," Li Hui didn't want to believe it either.

"Brother, if you can avoid taking this case, it's better not to get involved," Li Xia hoped Li Hui wouldn't get mixed up in it.

"It's too late," Li Hui knew the case was untouchable, but he had already stumbled into it, there was no way out now. Li Hui stared at Li Xia, "These are dangerous times. You should stay home as much as possible." Li Hui wasn't worried about himself, he feared Li Xia might be discovered if she went out at night.