The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 105

Uncle Lu pondered for a moment and said, "The Lin family did not participate either." How could he say that when the Lins were his own in-laws?

What Uncle Lu meant, Li Hui understood, "The Sage Emperor would never wrong anyone. Uncle, don't be hasty."

Uncle Lu, like a startled bird, kept repeating "The Sage Emperor is wise, the Sage Emperor is wise" as he headed towards the Imperial City.

After seeing Uncle Lu off, Li Hui looked at his uncle whose temples had turned gray in just a few short days since their last meeting, and could not help but lament how quickly times had changed.

Upon returning to his room, he saw Wen Zhu and Qing Zhu carefully place a large box on the ground. "Young Master, this was sent by the Second Madam with instructions that you can arrange the contents of the box as you please."

Li Hui opened it to find many finished carvings inside. Though small, each piece was a masterpiece. He took out the carvings and arranged them carefully for viewing.

He loved every single one of them, reluctant to part with some for Cao Fugui. But a promise is a promise, so he picked out one, wrapped it carefully, and had Zhang Hu deliver it to the Cheng'en Marquis Residence.

The matter was not over yet, as the Li family remained shut in. Li Hui devoted himself even more diligently to his studies. But after only a few days, the court announced that due to Prince YongKang's unruly troops, the imperial examination would be postponed indefinitely.

The scholars in the Capital City cursed Prince YongKang bitterly. Besides speaking out, the literati also wrote numerous articles condemning Prince YongKang, further amplifying his reputation as a rebel prince.

Those who had previously pleaded for leniency on Prince YongKang's behalf now feared for their own safety, treading ever more cautiously. The Yun Prince's Manor was especially wary, as they had led the appeals. Although it was clear they had no part in the kidnapping of Prince YongKang, had it not been for their pleas sparing his life, this whole chain of unfortunate events would not have occurred. The Emperor's countenance towards the Yun Prince was far from favorable. The Yun Prince remained confined to his manor, maintaining a low profile.

Princess Yunxia's plans to deal with Li Xia were also hampered by her inability to leave the manor. In a fit of rage, she smashed a room full of porcelain and ornaments. This troubled the Yun Prince greatly, and seeing her make such a fuss over a lowly concubine, he confined Princess Yunxia to quarters.

When An'an related Princess Yunxia's current circumstances, Li Xia found the princess's behavior utterly baffling. At a time like this, she still had the mind to plot against her, all because of her own beautiful face. Li Xia did not know what to say.

"Sister Xia, you truly are beautiful," An'an gazed at Li Xia with envy, wishing she too could have such a beautiful face.

"What use is beauty if you cannot eat it?" Li Xia reflected. In her previous life, beauty only invited trouble. True strength was what mattered most.

"Beauty may not fill your belly, but it can help you marry into a good family," An'an remarked, to Li Xia's exasperated eye-roll. Li Xin also laughed - An'an really would say anything.

"If someone married me only for my pretty face, once my beauty fades, would I not be pitiful?" Li Xia's words sobered An'an and Li Xin.

Li Xin was surprised that Li Xia could think so far ahead. Only Mrs. Lu had said such words to her before.

"Mother has said the same. Beauty is fleeting. She told me to focus on cultivating true talents, for those are what matter most," An'an nodded, then lowered her voice to Li Xin and Li Xia. "Do you know of Lin Meizhen, once called the Capital's greatest beauty?"

The two shook their heads. "Who is Lin Meizhen? Was she really that famous?"

"Very famous," An'an whispered Lin Meizhen's story.

Lin Meizhen was a concubine-born daughter of the Lin Minister's household, whose exceptional beauty drew all eyes at every gathering, earning her the title of Capital City's foremost beauty. Later, she caught the Yun Prince's eye and entered his manor as a concubine.

She outshone even the Prince Yun's wife, and on the imperial New Year's banquet, the Yun Prince openly paraded this beauty. Some even rumored that for Lin Meizhen's sake, the Prince intended to dismiss his wife and install her as the official consort.

"That's impossible. An imperial prince's wife cannot be dismissed so easily," Li Xin scoffed at the rumor.

"That's not the main point," An'an knew the rumor was likely exaggerated.

Playing along, Li Xia asked, "Then what is?"

"A few days ago, Lin Meizhen was found dead, her body discarded in a burial pit outside the city," An'an shuddered at this.

"To be called the greatest beauty, she must have been exceptionally lovely. Yet to meet such an untimely end," Li Xin sighed mournfully.

Had the Yun Prince's Manor still been in favor when a mere concubine died, none would have batted an eye. But with the manor's current decline, many accused the Prince of mismanagement and disregard for life. The incident spread rapidly around the Capital City, with speculation that the Princess Consort had Lin Meizhen killed out of jealousy.

Li Xia, however, had a hand in this matter. She had long instructed Qiu Ling to keep watch on the Yun Prince's Manor. A few nights' delay due to the Prince YongKang affair, Qiu Ling witnessed a shrouded body being carried out from the manor under cover of night.

Following at Li Xia's suggestion, Qiu Ling arranged for the body to be discovered, soon identified as that of the Capital's peerless beauty, Lin Meizhen. Li Xia also knew Lin Meizhen's death was not, as rumored, at the hands of a jealous Princess Consort.

In truth, it was Princess Yunxia who had Lin Meizhen killed, for no reason other than that they shared a similar type of beauty. Though Li Xia would not claim responsibility for Lin Meizhen's death, there was still some connection. Princess Yunxia's casual disregard for life was infuriating, so Li Xia sought to curtail her unrestrained behavior.

"Enough of this talk, try these fresh pastries," Li Xin steered the two younger girls away from such heavy topics. The other two obliged, enjoying the sweets.

Though they did not discuss it further, Li Xia remained attentive to the aftermath. When news came that the Yun Prince had been demoted from Prince to Duke, and Princess Yunxia stripped of her title to mere County Princess, Li Xia allowed herself a smile.

"As you instructed, Mistress, I had Lin Meizhen buried alongside her aunt, and lit a perpetual lamp for them both at Qingan Temple," Qiu Ling reported, earning Li Xia's acknowledgment.

Seeing Li Xia's silence, Qiu Ling ventured, "Mistress, Lin Meizhen's death has nothing to do with you."

"What are you implying, Qiu Ling? I would never claim responsibility for her death. Her fate was her own choice," Li Xia was pondering something else.

"Mistress, your mood has been off these past few days. I thought it was because of Lin Meizhen's matter," Qiu Ling studied Li Xia's expression carefully.

Li Xia did not realize her emotions had been so evident.

"Ever since learning of Lin Meizhen's death, your spirits have been low," Qiu Ling stated with certainty.

"It's not about Lin Meizhen's matter, don't overthink it. Go now," Li Xia did not say, and Qiu Ling left the study. Outside were Qiu Shui, Qiu Kui, and Qiu Chan. Seeing Qiu Ling come out, they gathered around her.

"The young lady said it's not about Lin Meizhen," Qiu Ling's words made the three more puzzled. "Then what is it?" They thought, but nothing else had happened recently, had it?

"The young lady didn't say," Qiu Ling shook her head. Li Xia didn't elaborate, and she dared not ask further.

"Sister Qiu Kui, let's go make something delicious for the young lady. If she eats well, her mood will improve," Qiu Chan suggested. Qiu Kui and Qiu Chan went to find Cook Lady Bai.

"I'll stay here on guard, you go too," Qiu Shui said to Qiu Ling.

"Sister Qiu Shui, I'll go to the horse market. The young lady mentioned before that she wanted to buy a horse. I'll go find her one," Qiu Ling had always remembered this.