The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife

Chapter 88

"Let's not discuss this topic any further," Chang Zhiyuan said.

The others heard it too and naturally didn't pursue their curiosity further.

"Jingrui, how are the wedding preparations going? Let me know if you need anything," Chang Zhiyuan asked.

"It's going quite smoothly. About 10 days left now, and everything looks good so far. We're just short two bridesmaids," Qi Ji said a bit sheepishly. "Sorry, I don't have many friends."

Her words made Shu Yi's heart ache for the girl. Why was she like Shu Yi herself, with no friends? Such a sweet, pretty girl shouldn't be friendless.

"Qi Ji, I can be one of your bridesmaids," Shu Yi offered.

"Really, beautiful sister?" The girl's eyes lit up at the prospect of having friends to usher her into marriage, like a princess.


"That's wonderful. We still need one more. We can hire someone then."

"Mm hmm." Qi Ji nodded obediently.

"Let Yan Yan and Shu Yi be the bridesmaids. It'll be safer that way, and it'll be easier if anything comes up," Chang Zhiyuan suggested. He still didn't feel completely at ease with Shu Yi being a bridesmaid alone.

"Need a groomsman? I can do it!" Chang Zhiyuan added.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, sure!"

The meal finished quite quickly. Worried that Qi Ji might be too tired, Xue Jingrui said, "Qi Ji and I should head back first. We need to return to the family compound early today."

Qi Ji smiled, her eyes crinkling. "Goodbye, pretty sisters and little friend," she waved.

Shen Yin and Shu Yi waved back with smiles.

"Full?" Xu Xiuhe asked, tilting his head towards Shen Yin.

"Full, Dad." Little Zhengzheng was still struggling with the chicken on his plate, small fork in hand.

"I didn't ask you. If you're full, why are you still eating?" Xu Xiuhe asked his son.

Xu Yunzheng blinked at his father, then lowered his head and continued eating.

"Wife, are you full?" Xu Xiuhe turned to Shen Yin.

"I'm full."

"It's getting late, and this meal took a while. Let's head back too." Xu Xiuhe's voice was louder so that Shu Yi and Chang Zhiyuan could hear him too.

"Let's go. I'll drive you," Chang Zhiyuan said, picking up Shu Yi's bag.

"I can carry it myself." Shu Yi tried to take the bag from Chang Zhiyuan, but he pulled it back. Their hands brushed, and Shu Yi quickly withdrew hers.

"Let's go." Xu Xiuhe picked up Zhengzheng, grabbed their bags, and walked behind Chang Zhiyuan and Shen Yin.

Chang Zhiyuan led the way, with Shu Yi in the middle and Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin side by side behind her. But as soon as they left the private room, their positions changed.

Chang Zhiyuan and Shu Yi walked side by side.


They turned to see a black-haired woman in her late twenties, dressed in a black business suit, standing behind them.

"Sister, you're done?" Chang Zhiyuan spoke first.

"Mm, you came out for a meal too?" Chang Ningjing noticed the bag in Chang Zhiyuan's hand, then looked at Shu Yi.

Chang Ningjing's gaze was an unabashed appraisal, without a shred of tact. "Got a new girlfriend?"

Shu Yi felt awkward and wanted to clarify that she wasn't his girlfriend.

"Sister, she's not my girlfriend. I'm still pursuing her," Chang Zhiyuan replied nonchalantly.

Chang Ningjing's gaze intensified. "I don't care about your romantic affairs. Just go home so Mom and Dad don't worry. Learn from Xiuhe."

Chang Zhiyuan didn't take it seriously. These were just typical remarks. Whenever he went home, they'd nag him to get married, so he tried to avoid going back as much as possible.

"Xiuhe, this must be your wife," Chang Ningjing turned to Shen Yin and extended her hand.

Shen Yin hesitated for a moment before realizing Chang Ningjing wanted to shake hands. "Hello, I'm Shen Yin," she said, reaching out.

"Hello. I'm older than you, so just call me Sister Ningjing."

"I need to hurry back to the office now. I'll get going first." With that, Chang Ningjing turned and left briskly.

Shu Yi retrieved her bag from Chang Zhiyuan's hands and walked ahead.

Seeing Shu Yi's dampened mood, Chang Zhiyuan quickly went after her.

"Will there be any trouble?" Shen Yin asked with concern.

"No, Zhiyuan's quite reliable. Let's head back too." Xu Xiuhe shook his head.

Shen Yin nodded, but her thoughts lingered on Chang Ningjing. That woman gave off a cool, powerful vibe.

After dinner, Xu Xiuhe drove, with Shen Yin in the backseat and a sleeping Zhengzheng. The wide road was occasionally dotted with pedestrians on the side paths.

Now and then, they passed young couples strolling hand-in-hand. Envious, Xu Xiuhe slowed the car to a crawl under the warm orange glow of the street lamps, savoring the gentle summer night.

"Are they siblings?" Shen Yin asked, sensing an odd dynamic between Chang Ningjing and Chang Zhiyuan.

"Yes, biological siblings. Zhiyuan has always refused to take over the family business to bolster Ningjing's standing at home."

"What do you mean?"

"Their family values sons over daughters. Ningjing was treated differently from Zhiyuan growing up, despite being very good to him. But Zhiyuan couldn't do much. A few years ago, the family wanted to force Ningjing into an arranged marriage, but she refused. Zhiyuan felt bad, so he started slacking off and not managing the company, generating all sorts of scandals. Ningjing is capable herself and gradually established a firm foothold at the company, earning respect at home through sheer grit and perseverance."

Shen Yin considered Chang Ningjing in a new light after hearing her past struggles.

Xu Xiuhe watched the young couple outside, holding hands and strolling under the streetlights. The girl was smiling happily, saying something to the boy, who affectionately patted her head and led her onwards.

This, Xu Xiuhe realized, was romance—simple, filled with laughter and chatter, their eyes only for each other.

He hadn't had that with Shen Yin. He hadn't given her much at all. This girl had been busy taking care of the child since she arrived. Working so hard every day. A pang of guilt overcame him. "Wife, let's date."

"Huh?" Shen Yin didn't understand what was going through Xu Xiuhe's mind. They were already married with a two-year-old son. How could they date now? Who dated after marriage?

"Focus on driving," was all she said.

Xu Xiuhe took that as tacit agreement and sped up. If Shen Yin didn't object, then he would start dating her tomorrow night.

Xu Xiuhe parked the car, got out, opened the rear door for Shen Yin, and carried a still-sleeping Zhengzheng out after she exited.

"Wasn't today tiring?" he asked solicitously.

"Do you really need to ask?"

"Then we'll start dating tomorrow night."