The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife

Chapter 269

When Xu Guimin heard what Xu Xiuhe said, he turned his head directly to look at Yang Cui.

Yang Cui was also stunned. When did she have a daughter? How come she didn't know?

"Can't remember?"

"You should be able to recall that before you married him, you had a child."

Xu Xiuhe's words seemed to stir up that segment of Yang Cui's memory. Her face wrinkled like a bitter gourd.

Xu Guimin understood everything at a glance. Yang Cui indeed had a child before marrying him.

"Why didn't I know about this? Yang Cui, how many more things are you hiding from me?"

Xu Guimin gritted his teeth in anger.

"Honey, that's all in the past. Let me explain." Yang Cui clung to Xu Guimin's arm.

"Shut up. Xiuhe, tell me, did that daughter also go in, or how did she end up there?"

Yang Cui looked terrified. Zhou Man, Zhou Man was the one she sent in. Could Zhou Man be the girl she abandoned over 20 years ago?

Realizing this, Yang Cui suddenly became aware of something else. Zhou Man was someone Zhengyang knew? Given Zhengyang's personality...

"Unbelievable? The sins you commit will always be repaid by someone." Xu Xiuhe said calmly.

"Impossible, impossible!"

Yang Cui shook her head and suddenly sat down on the ground.

"What do you mean? What's impossible?"

Xu Guimin asked. Why did he feel like he knew nothing about what Yang Cui and Xu Xiuhe were talking about? He felt like an outsider, completely in the dark.

"Hahahahaha, how absurd! I never imagined it would end up like this. Hahahahaha, Xu Guimin, you coward! Your own son gets arrested and you're not even trying to save him, you're still here. I... you... why didn't you just drown in that swimming pool back then?"

Yang Cui's words became somewhat incoherent.

"What do you mean, Yang Cui?"

"Hahahahaha, what do I mean? I've been sick of you for a long time. Where has your sincerity gone? I've been so good to you all these years, and you still won't give the company to Zhengyang. Tell me, how could I not be anxious?"

Yang Cui seemed to have gone mad, sprawled on the ground, mumbling to herself.

"Yang Cui, was it you who caused me to nearly drown?"

"Yes, I added something to your water, but who knew you'd be so lucky? You didn't even drown. How are you still alive? Fate really does play tricks on people."

"Cough, cough, cough." Xu Guimin coughed continuously in anger.

"Indeed, my intuition was right from the beginning. Xu Guimin, have you ever wondered why my mother appeared in your dream?"

Xu Guimin carefully recalled that dream. In the dream, Sun Wenting threatened him, not allowing him to return.

Was she trying to save him?

As he pondered, Xu Guimin began to feel a bit dazed. How many years had it been?

"You don't deserve to think about it."

After saying this, Xu Xiuhe turned and left.

At the entrance of the Xu family villa, Yang Cui sat on the ground while Xu Guimin stood.

Online, the hot search topics continued unabated, all about the Xu family affairs and Xu Zhengyang's case.

At Ziyue Manor.

Shen Yin was also following the various online information, and at the same time, she received quite a few private messages. After all, she was one of the parties involved in one of the cases. Some were curious, some were concerned.

[Yin Yin, all this evidence, it wasn't all obtained from that woman Ge Xinxin, was it?]

[Sort of, but not entirely? Ge Xinxin got some information, and Xu Xiuhe also did some investigation. When we combined the evidence from both sides, it was pretty much complete.]

Shen Yin replied.

[Impressive, you two really make an efficient team.]

[So what's the situation with Yang Cui now? Has she been taken into custody?]

Shu Yi's gossip instinct was flaring up again.

Shen Yin replied with a "don't know" emoji.

Xu Xiuhe had gone to the Xu family, but he hadn't returned yet, so she really didn't know.

Just as she was thinking about it, Xu Xiuhe came home.


"You're back!" Shen Yin trotted over.

"Slow down, slow down. There's still a baby in your belly." Xu Xiuhe was afraid Shen Yin might lose her balance and reached out to catch her.

"But you're back now."

"How's Yang Cui? Was she involved in the things Xu Zhengyang did?"

Shen Yin held onto Xu Xiuhe's arm.

"Not only was she involved, but she also confessed. The incident where Xu Guimin nearly drowned was her doing. She must have drugged Xu Guimin."

"Oh my god, it really was her! A woman's heart can truly be the most poisonous! What happened next? How did Xu Guimin react when he found out?"

Everyone has a bit of a gossip-loving heart, and Shen Yin was no exception. She was quite curious about Xu Guimin's reaction.

How would a man like Xu Guimin react upon learning that he had been betrayed by his loved one?

After Xu Xiuhe left, Xu Guimin called the police without a word. There were surveillance cameras at the entrance, so when the police arrived, they watched the footage and arrested Yang Cui.

In less than a day, the Xu family villa was empty. Xu Guimin sat alone on the sofa in the living room, feeling as if the world had become surreal.

Online, the hot search topic had shot to number one.

"Mother of Xu Zhengyang, wife of Xu Group's CEO arrested."

For a moment, everyone sighed. What does it mean for a mother and son to be arrested one after another? Out of a family of three, two were going to prison.

Netizens even started to feel sorry for the CEO of Xu Group, Xu Guimin.

[Why feel sorry for him? Better feel sorry for yourself. His wife and child are just going to jail, it's not like he's fallen from grace or going bankrupt.]

[The person above, you can't say that. How important are one's wife and children?]

[You don't know? I heard that the woman was personally sent to jail by her husband.]

[Wow, what did this woman do? Who would personally send their own wife to jail?]

[Inside information, there's a rumor saying that Xu Guimin's near-drowning incident was caused by this woman.]

Shu Yi suddenly felt that the gossip online was even more exciting than what she learned from Shen Yin.

She took a screenshot and sent it to Shen Yin.

[How about that? Aren't I amazing? It's already late at night, but I'm still surfing the 5G waves. This Yang Cui is really ruthless, even more poisonous than Pan Jinlian. She actually tried to kill the man sleeping next to her.]

Shen Yin had already fallen asleep, but when she turned over in the night, her leg cramped and was in pain.

Xu Xiuhe woke up alarmed, and realizing Shen Yin was uncomfortable, he immediately opened his eyes and started massaging her leg.

"We should go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow," the man suggested.

"No need, this is normal. I'm already having fewer reactions than others. I should be grateful. Pregnancy has never been an easy thing since ancient times."

"I'm sorry, let's not have any more children after this." Xu Xiuhe started to regret. If he had known Shen Yin would be so uncomfortable, he wouldn't have wanted a second child.

"You weren't thinking of having more, were you? Aren't two enough for you?"

"I just hate to see you suffer so much. If only I could take this suffering for you."

"Hahaha, are you dreaming? But it's not too bad. I only have one in my belly now. Think about Qi Ji back then, she had two in her belly, and Xue Jingrui wasn't as attentive as you."

Xu Xiuhe smiled at her words.

"How do you know Xue Jingrui wasn't worried? He wouldn't tell others, would he? That would be losing face."

Shen Yin's drowsiness completely disappeared. That made sense. People generally don't show their vulnerabilities to others.

Shen Yin casually picked up her phone from the bedside table and opened it to see the message from Shu Yi.

So she replied with a sentence.

[Be careful when surfing, don't forget to switch to your alt account.]

[Damn, sis, you're still awake? Isn't the baby in your belly sleepy?]

Shu Yi, who was originally lying in bed, sat up straight when she saw Shen Yin's reply and responded.

[It's just that when you're pregnant, you often feel a bit uncomfortable at night. I just woke up, otherwise I wouldn't have seen your message.]

Shen Yin replied.

[What's that sound on your end?]


Shen Yin moved the phone to her leg.

[It's the sound of my husband massaging my leg. My leg just cramped a bit.]

[Wow, I won't disturb you lovebirds anymore. I'll continue surfing.]

Shu Yi went back to scrolling through Weibo.

"Shu Yueru, come down."

Chang Zhiyuan had called several times from downstairs, but there was no response.

Chang Zhiyuan leaned against his car, at first thinking that Shu Yi was deliberately ignoring him again.

Then he realized, damn, he was being stupid. It was already cool outside, who sleeps with their windows open? Moreover, Ziyue Manor was Xu Xiuhe's property, the room quality wouldn't be poor. With such strong soundproofing, it would be a miracle if Shu Yi could hear him calling.

Chang Zhiyuan took out his phone and dialed Shu Yi's number.


"Why are you calling me so late? I was already asleep."

"Yeah right, I don't believe you for a second."

"What, you don't trust me? Were all those things you said before just lies? Hmph, men."

Chang Zhiyuan laughed.

"Shu Yueru, if you're not next year's Best Actress, I'll wash your hair while doing a handstand."

"Really? You better keep your word." Shu Yi perked up.

"You're not planning to buy the Best Actress award just to avoid doing a handstand, are you?"

"Don't be silly. I'm complimenting your acting skills. If I wasn't standing outside your building right now, looking at your lit-up window, I might have actually believed you."

Hearing this, Shu Yi ran to the window without even putting on her slippers.

She pulled back the curtains.

Chang Zhiyuan was standing downstairs, looking up at her. She leaned out, their eyes meeting.

"Are you coming down, or should I come up?"

"You come up," Shu Yi said, too lazy to go down and open the door.

"How am I supposed to get up? You won't let me in."

"Don't you know the door code?"

Shu Yi said nonchalantly.

Chang Zhiyuan smiled again at her words.

Shu Yi sat by the mirror to fix her hair, only unlocking her bedroom door after making sure it wasn't messy.

When Chang Zhiyuan came up, he knocked on the door.

"It's unlocked, come in."

"I brought you some treats," Chang Zhiyuan said as he entered the bedroom, holding a small box of pastries in one hand and a large bag of skewers in the other.

"Oh come on, aren't you afraid I'll get fat? If I can't get any roles, you'll earn less money too."

"It's fine, you'll earn less, but my money is all yours anyway."

"Sweet talk. I don't believe you."

Chang Zhiyuan didn't respond. Whether it was sweet talk or not would be clear in the future. There was no point in saying more now.

"Don't worry, you won't get fat. The pastries are from that special place in the west of the city, and for the skewers, I'll eat the meat, you eat the vegetables."


"You might as well not have come," Shu Yi pouted.

"How could I not come? I haven't won you over yet, I have to keep working on it."

"But it's so late."

There was a clock in the bedroom, its second hand ticking away. Shu Yi always had this habit of keeping a clock in her bedroom. Listening to the ticking of the clock as she fell asleep gave her a sense of security. She even brought a small alarm clock with her when staying in hotels.

"I'll come earlier next time. Something came up tonight that delayed me," Chang Zhiyuan explained.

"You weren't having dinner with some new starlet, were you?" Shu Yi said deliberately.

As soon as she said it, she realized it sounded a bit off. Why did it come out so jealous? It didn't sound like something she would normally say.

"Are you jealous?"

"Of course not, I'm just making a reasonable guess. After all, you're usually so busy."

Shu Yi started to get defensive, refusing to admit it no matter what.

At the same time, she started to panic. Love really could change a person, imperceptibly making her act unlike her usual self.

"You're half right. I am busy, that's true, but having dinner with a new starlet is false."

Chang Zhiyuan was secretly delighted. The things left unsaid were often the most intriguing.

"So busy, huh?"

"Well, I am the CEO of a media company, after all. I just dealt with some company business today."

"What kind of business?"


Chang Zhiyuan laid out the food on a small table on the carpet.

"Yu Dan's relationship almost got exposed."

"No way!"

Shu Yi was shocked. Yu Dan was a top-tier celebrity at the peak of her career. Although Shu Yi herself was quite famous now, Yu Dan had been a force in the entertainment industry for many years. To think she had a relationship.

"You didn't know?"

"I had no idea! Who's the lucky one? Are they good-looking?"

Shu Yi had met Yu Dan before. Her style had become increasingly powerful lately, even a bit like Chang Ningjing. To think she had a partner now, a relationship.

"It's not someone from the industry. Yu Dan was photographed going out with him."

"Then what happened?"

"The company's PR team intercepted it. That's what I was dealing with at the company tonight."

"How did you handle it?"

"We bought the news. With money. Otherwise, tomorrow's top trending topic would have been 'Best Actress's Relationship Exposed'."

"Sister Yu Dan is such a veteran, does she still care about this kind of public opinion?"

"Of course she does. Female actors have always been very restricted. Limited roles, limited by age, and even relationships can't be freely made public. The fans certainly wouldn't accept it. She's in the middle of transitioning her image, and if a relationship was exposed, it would definitely affect her career to some extent. Her transition hasn't been completed yet, so she can only maintain a single persona for now. She wants to go public, but the price is too high. It's not the right time yet."

Shu Yi sat down too, and they started drinking beer and eating skewers.


"What are you sighing about? You don't have any worries. If you wanted to go public, you could do it right now. Us going public would be what everyone's been waiting for."


That's right, she and Chang Zhiyuan were in what he called an "adjustment period". She hadn't acknowledged Chang Zhiyuan as her partner yet, but Chang Zhiyuan felt that he was already Shu Yi's boyfriend. But outsiders didn't know this. At most, only Shen Yin and Qi Ji knew.

The hashtag for their "couple" had never stopped trending, and their fan forum was always bustling with activity.