The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife

Chapter 161

Shu Yi was very worried. With such a big incident happening, she could not imagine how Shen Yin was able to face this situation on her own.

Shu Yi sat in Chang Zhiyuan's car, her heart pounding. She took out her phone and sent a message in the group chat.

[Shen Yin, how are you doing?]

Shen Yin was also sitting in a car, except that Xu Xiuhe was driving her to the police station to give a statement.

"Mommy, where are we going?" asked Zhengzheng.

"We're going to the police station to see the police officers."

"Who ish the powice offi-thur?" the little one asked, her words not fully formed.

"Police officers are good people. They catch bad people so the bad people can't do bad things anymore," Shen Yin explained.

Zhengzheng clapped her hands, her eyes sparkling.

"Mommy, thirshty." Zhengzheng looked up at Shen Yin.

"Okay, Zhengzheng will have to wait a minute." Shen Yin rummaged through her bag and took out Zhengzheng's sippy cup. She unscrewed the cap and placed the cup at Zhengzheng's lips.

The little one gulped down several mouthfuls before pushing the cup away. "Mommy, all done. No thirshty."

Shen Yin screwed the cap back on and put the cup in her bag. Just then, her phone screen lit up, prompting her to take it out.

She had gone to sleep early last night and hadn't had a chance to check her phone. Opening it now, she saw many messages in the group chat, the most recent one being Shu Yi's: [Shen Yin, how are you doing?]

Shen Yin figured that Shu Yi must have heard about the incident and was now worried.

Shen Yin immediately called Shu Yi.

Shu Yi had been watching her phone and answered right away.

"Shen Yin, how are you? I was so scared," Shu Yi said anxiously, her voice full of concern.

"I'm fine. I'm chatting with you right now, aren't I?" Shen Yin reassured her.

But Shu Yi was still afraid, knowing nothing about Shen Yin's kidnapping.

"The bad guy captured you, right? Why did he kidnap you?" Shu Yi continued asking.

Shen Yin also wanted to know why the man named Wang Zhihao had kidnapped her. Was it simply because he wanted her to be his fiancée? But they had never met before.

"They caught him. It's a long story - I'll tell you the details later. I have to go to the police station to give my statement. I'll tell you everything when I get back."

"Okay, I'll be in Rong City this afternoon anyway, so I'll come find you."

"What? So suddenly? I thought you said you wouldn't be able to come back for a while."

"You almost got killed! Of course I have to come back and see you. I requested leave. Let's meet this afternoon."

Chang Zhiyuan had been waiting for Shu Yi to get off the phone before speaking up. "It should be fine, right? With Xu Xiuhe there, Shen Yin shouldn't be in any danger."

"You trust Xu Xiuhe that much?"

"Of course. He's my brother - we grew up together. If I don't trust him, who can I trust?"

Thinking about it, Shu Yi realized he was right. Xu Xiuhe had been so good to Shen Yin, so he definitely wouldn't let anything happen to her.

At the police station, Shen Yin recounted the events of the previous day.

"Around what time were you kidnapped yesterday?" an officer asked.

Shen Yin pondered for a moment, unable to recall the exact time.

"It's on the surveillance footage. You can check that," Xu Xiuhe answered from the side.

The man's presence was so commanding that the junior officer didn't dare meet Xu Xiuhe's gaze. He silently instructed someone to pull up the surveillance footage and record the kidnapping time.

"The drugs used during the initial kidnapping have already been taken by two officers for analysis. You can examine those yourselves," Xu Xiuhe added.

"Yes, Mr. Xu," the officer replied.

"Mrs. Shen, can you tell us specifically what the suspect said to you after the kidnapping?"

"He woke me up by splashing water on me. Then he told me his name and said he was my fiancé, but that's not true - we have no relationship."

The officer asked some more questions, which Shen Yin answered.

After it was over, the police chief also came out and promised Xu Xiuhe that they would handle this case seriously.

"We appreciate that," Xu Xiuhe said.

"No, no, it's our lack of vigilance that allowed this to happen. We're here to serve the people, so we'll give this case our full attention."

"I hope he never gets a chance to see my wife again," Xu Xiuhe stated.

The police chief immediately understood the implication and readily agreed.

Kidnapping, attempted rape, threatening with a knife, not to mention his prior criminal record - any one of those charges was serious enough. And he had done them all.

"Understood. We'll be going then."

After leaving the police station, Xu Xiuhe saw that it was getting late and decided to take mother and child out for a meal.

Shen Yin felt that this incident was now over and could relax. She really did seem fortunate to be able to overcome difficulties every time.

"Thank you," she said to Xu Xiuhe.

"Mommy, why you thank Daddy?" Zhengzheng asked.

"Because Daddy loves Mommy and helps Mommy solve problems every time."

"Zhengzheng love Daddy Mommy too. Zhengzheng want pee-pee."

Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin just stared at their daughter, amazed at how she had combined two completely unrelated topics into one sentence.

"Is there a restroom nearby?" Shen Yin asked.

"There's a mall close by. But Chang Zhiyuan just messaged me - he's waiting for us at Qingfeng Mingyue."

"Shall we ask them to come over then? We can go to the mall restroom, or they can wait a bit longer while we take Zhengzheng first. It's not good for her body otherwise."

"Okay, Zhengzheng can wait two more minutes."

Xu Xiuhe quickly parked the car, then carried Zhengzheng and accompanied Shen Yin to the mall restroom.

"I'll take him into the men's room," Xu Xiuhe suggested.

Shen Yin took out some tissue paper from her bag and handed it to Xu Xiuhe.

"Once he's done, we'll all go to Qingfeng Mingyue together."

"Daddy, pee-pee," Zhengzheng said.

In the restroom, Xu Xiuhe stood in the stall, unsure of what to do. At home, Zhengzheng used a dedicated infant toilet seat.

But here in the public restroom, there were only adult squatting toilets, and Zhengzheng's legs were too short to straddle the toilet bowls properly.

"Daddy, hurry!" Zhengzheng urged.

It wasn't Xu Xiuhe who was in a hurry - it was Zhengzheng.

With no other choice, Xu Xiuhe held Zhengzheng up with both hands. He couldn't help but wonder why this mall didn't have any facilities for young children to use the restroom.

"Daddy, all done," Zhengzheng turned to Xu Xiuhe after relieving herself.

"Okay, don't move. Daddy will wipe you," Xu Xiuhe said.

Zhengzheng stayed still while Xu Xiuhe used up the entire pack of tissues that Shen Yin had given him to clean up.

When it was time for Qingfeng Mingyue, Chang Zhiyuan and Shu Yi had been waiting for a long time.

Upon seeing Shen Yin enter, Shu Yi rushed straight towards Shen Yin, and it was fortunate that Shen Yin had some martial arts skills, or else she could have been knocked over by Shu Yi.

"You scared me to death! If it wasn't for Qi Ji telling me about this matter of yours, I wouldn't even have known about it. Yin Yin, what would I do if something really happened to you?"

Xu Xiuhe followed behind, carrying Zhengzheng, and upon entering, she heard "What would I do without you?"