The Ancient Miss Transmigrates into a CEO’s Wife

Chapter 103

Shen Yin's imagination was quite expansive. She thought some kind of accident had happened and they were running somewhere to take shelter.

"Hello, may I ask if something happened?" Shen Yin stopped someone and asked.

"Yes, in one of the rooms ahead, a pregnant woman's water broke, but the ambulance can't get through. There's a life-threatening situation now, and we're rushing over to help," the server said, gasping for air.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yin didn't know why, but she felt she couldn't just stand idly by. She grabbed her room key and followed them.

It was also a loft room. When Shen Yin entered, she heard an older hotel staff member asking, "Is everyone here? Who has experience with childbirth? Quick, come and help."

"Ma'am, you must hold on." Xiao Wang said, "The ambulance hasn't arrived yet."

A young girl answered, "I called them, they were on their way, but the wind was too strong. A big tree fell onto the road and a car was hit. The ambulance was driving fast and couldn't stop in time, crashing into the scene. Now they're trying to rescue themselves."

"What about other ambulances, are any coming?"

"The road is blocked, the accident scene is quite serious."

"Is there anyone who knows how to deliver a baby? The pregnant woman's life is in danger now," the older person shouted, their voice trembling. If anything happened, it would be the hotel's responsibility. Those staying in these types of rooms are not ordinary people. If a life was truly lost, or even two, the hotel couldn't afford it.

Seeing the pregnant woman's pained expression, Shen Yin's heart stirred for some unknown reason. Without thinking too much, she said, "I'll do it."

Although she had never delivered a baby before, she had read similar books. Plus, with her skills amplified, she thought she could manage.

"Prepare some hot water, alcohol, and scissors," Shen Yin instructed.

The other staff members gradually prepared the items.

The pregnant woman was now slumped on the sofa. Shen Yin felt this position was unsuitable for delivery, so she instructed, "Help me, let's move the pregnant woman onto the bed inside."

With difficulty, several people helped move the pregnant woman onto the bed.

"Take off the pregnant woman's pants," Shen Yin said, then went to the bathroom to wash her hands and disinfect.

Upon returning, Shen Yin observed the pregnant woman's contractions and helped her adjust her position, lying on her back with her legs bent. Then, noticing the pregnant woman's pained expression, Shen Yin placed some pillows behind her back to ease the pain.

"Stay calm, breathe with me deeply," Shen Yin held the pregnant woman's hand, and the staff behind them dared not make a sound to disturb.

"Everything is ready," a staff member said.

Shen Yin didn't respond, continuing to guide the pregnant woman. During stronger contractions, Shen Yin had her exhale, and when the contractions eased, she had her push. Fortunately, the pregnant woman was very strong, following Shen Yin's rhythm throughout, until finally the baby's head emerged.

Shen Yin gently supported the baby's head, following the knowledge in her mind step by step. When the baby cried loudly, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, including Shen Yin.

But Shen Yin knew it wasn't over yet. She still needed to handle the placenta, slow the blood flow, and cut the umbilical cord.

After carrying out each step, both the pregnant woman and baby were safe, and outside, night had truly fallen. After ensuring their safety, Shen Yin exhaled deeply. She had succeeded.

The hotel staff could handle the remaining tasks. Shen Yin was exhausted and unwell. "I'll head back first. If anything comes up, find me in my room."

After returning to her room, Shen Yin took another shower. She was grateful that she had read many books and could store the knowledge in her mind. Otherwise, she truly wouldn't have known what to do.

After showering, the rain still hadn't stopped. She wouldn't be able to return today. Shen Yin decided to call Xu Xiuhe to report in.

"What were you doing just now? You didn't answer my calls, and now you look utterly exhausted," Xu Xiuhe said with concern.

"I just delivered a baby for a pregnant woman," Shen Yin replied.

Xu Xiuhe: "!!" He didn't understand. Wasn't his wife a designer? How did she also know childbirth?

"That's so dangerous. Wasn't there a doctor? Did you consider what would happen if something went wrong?" Xu Xiuhe felt his wife was too daring.

"No, look at the rain outside, it's extremely heavy," Shen Yin pointed the camera outside.

"The ambulance was in an accident on the way. When I saw the pregnant woman in pain, I didn't think too much about it," Shen Yin said. Now that she thought about it, she probably couldn't stand seeing such suffering, or perhaps it was instinct, thinking of how Yue had a difficult labor and faced a similar predicament. Or maybe it was how her grandfather had raised her well since childhood.

"You haven't eaten yet, right? Go eat first. When you're back, Zhengzheng wants to video call you. He's chatting with Huahua now," Xu Xiuhe switched the camera, and Shen Yin saw Huahua and Zhengzheng in the living room.

She vaguely heard Zhengzheng say, "Huahua, Zhengzheng misses mommy. Do you miss mommy too?"

Huahua nodded.

"Then when Zhengzheng's mommy comes back, let's ask mommy to help you find your mommy," Xu Yun Zheng patted Huahua's head.

Shen Yin nearly cried. How could she help Huahua find her mother? Shouldn't that be Xu Xiuhe's responsibility?

Xu Xiuhe joked, "When you're back, help Huahua find her mother."

Shen Yin: "I can't find her. I'll go eat first. I'll call you back tonight."

Zhengzheng suddenly turned and walked over to Xu Xiuhe, asking, "Daddy, who were you talking to on the phone just now? Was it mommy? Zhengzheng wants to find mommy. Why hasn't mommy come back yet?"

"Zhengzheng, mommy just did something very great, so she needs to go eat now," Xu Xiuhe replied.

"What did she do? Zhengzheng wants to do it too."

"Earlier, mommy welcomed a new life into this world."

"A new life?"

"Yes, Zhengzheng, you were once a new life too. So we should be very proud, because mommy is extraordinary," Xu Xiuhe explained bit by bit.

"Will mommy come back tonight?"

"No, mommy is tired, so she needs to rest. Tomorrow morning, daddy will take Zhengzheng to find mommy, okay?"

Hearing that mommy wouldn't come back, Zhengzheng felt a little sad. But then hearing they would find mommy in the morning, he became happy again.

Xu Xiuhe called for a car at 3 AM.

After helping Zhengzheng wash up, the obedient child didn't cry or fuss, and obediently fell asleep in bed.

At 3 AM, Xu Xiuhe got up, changed Zhengzheng's clothes, picked him up, and went to the entrance, where the driver was already waiting.

"Hey man, you look a bit familiar. Have we met somewhere before?" the driver asked.

Xu Xiuhe didn't answer, only saying, "Drive slowly, my son is asleep."

"Up so early and bringing a child... headed to Yang City?"

The driver was curious.