Shh, Don’t Play a Murder Game on a Dating Reality Show

Chapter 9

As a currently hot director, no one had dared to disrespect him like this before. So the director immediately turned to his assistant and said,

"I remember there are spare keys for each room, right? Bring them over, I'll open the door myself and see just how long he intends to sleep!"

Oh ho, there was a good show coming. Immediately, everyone exchanged glances, wondering about the fate of that bold individual.

You Xichun bit her lip, silently cursing Yuan Shumo as an idiot. How could he drop the ball at such a crucial moment? He was truly a liability.

And so, the assistant brought the spare key, with the director leading the way and everyone else following behind to watch the drama unfold.

[Hiss, I smell the scent of an impending confrontation. I like it.]

[I didn't expect the scumbag to be so useless. Not good enough, little brother.]

[Good job, director. Scold him to death! What kind of person is this, being late and acting like a diva on the first day? Oh, he's not even a big star.]

[And he calls himself Nangong Yi? Absolutely disgusting.]

[Let's watch this unfold! Come to the live stream, I'm handing out sunflower seeds, peanuts, and small stools. Let's all watch how the director scolds this scumbag until he's covered in dog blood.]

The online audience in the live stream was excited, while the group at the villa arrived at Yuan Shumo's door.

"Yuan Shumo, it's me. Open the door."

The director called out twice. If he opened the door now, it would still be considered giving face, and both sides would have a way out.

But who knew that after a while, there was still no sound at all.

At this point, the director's last bit of patience was exhausted. He directly asked the assistant to open the door. As soon as the door opened, the director walked straight in.

The female guests, not comfortable entering, remained outside. The male guests, especially Yu Jieqi, were more eager than anyone else, following right behind the director and his assistant, ready to add fuel to the fire if an argument broke out.

However, when they entered, what met their eyes was a horrifying scene.


Yu Jieqi almost sat on the ground, his hands constantly moving backward until his entire body was seated on the floor, retreating all the way to the doorway.

His face was deathly pale, completely drained of color, filled with terror.

"What's wrong?"

Cen Yueyue grabbed his collar and asked.

"Someone... someone's dead..."


Cen Yueyue, no longer concerned about the propriety between men and women, rushed in directly. She saw the director and his assistant also looking at the bed with terrified expressions.

Yuan Shumo was on the bed, leaning against the headboard. His eyes were wide open in terror, staring straight ahead, unseeing. And in his forehead was an arrow that had pierced straight through, pinning him to the headboard.

On the first day of filming the show, someone had died?

"It's an arrow from the crossbow hanging on the wall. Someone used the wall-mounted crossbow to kill him!"

Cen Yueyue immediately drew this conclusion.

The women who had been outside, unable to resist their curiosity, walked in. Everyone was shocked pale by the scene before them.

At this moment, the danmu (on-screen comments) read:

[What happened? What happened? What exactly occurred?]

[Did Yu Jieqi just say someone died? Could it be that Yuan Shumo is dead?]

[That's impossible, right? Could it be part of the script?]

[Let's see how they react next. Damn, there are no cameras inside the room, we can't see anything. What should we do?]

At this time, inside the room, Zou Yunshu reminded the director.

"Director, call the police quickly!"

Their only way to contact the outside world was through the director's phone. The director, finally snapping out of his shock, immediately went back to his room to get his phone.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Someone had died on the first day - would this reality show still continue? Surely they would postpone it now?

At this moment, the director returned.

"What's wrong, Director?"

Everyone looked over, only to find the director returning with a pale face.

"The phone... it's gone..."

Everyone: !!!!!

"How is that possible? Director, are you joking? Is this how you want to start the show? Alright, you've scared everyone now."

Bi Yuanshang said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm not joking."

The director was very serious. He was absolutely certain.

The director's seriousness made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

If there really was a murderer, and their only means of contacting the outside world had disappeared, it meant they would be in great danger from now on.

"I'm not filming anymore!"

You Xichun screamed in fear, covering her head as she ran out of the room.

"I'll go with her."

Zou Yunshu, worried something might happen to her, followed her out.

"There's still one way - the suspension bridge."

As soon as Cen Yueyue spoke, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. That's right, the suspension bridge. As long as the bridge was intact, they could still return.

"And wasn't the filming crew supposed to arrive today? When they come, we can contact the outside world."

Xie Er'lan also spoke up. After she said this, everyone suddenly felt less terrified.


Cen Yueyue suddenly added, causing everyone's hearts to leap into their throats.

"What I'm worried about is, if the director's phone was deliberately hidden, it means someone intentionally doesn't want us to contact the outside world. If that's the case, doesn't it mean..."

The others nervously swallowed.

"As the only path to the outside world, the suspension bridge might also have been sabotaged by that person. We need to check the bridge now. If it's damaged, we'll be in danger."

They would be trapped beasts, completely confined here.

"Let's go check the suspension bridge!"

At the director's command, they split into groups. Cen Yueyue went with the director and his assistant Huang Ning, along with Nangong Yi, to check the bridge. The rest stayed behind at the villa to wait.

These actions left the audience completely bewildered.

[So, someone really died?]

[What exactly is going on? Damn, we can't see anything.]

[Strange, why aren't they calling the police?]

[Have you considered the possibility that they might not be able to call the police?]

[That's impossible, right? It's not like they're in some remote wilderness without communication. How could they not be able to call the police? Oh right, it must be a script. It must be an act put on for us.]

[Using the name of a dating show to lure us in, and then scare us to death? It's quite creative, I have to say.]

[By the way, I've been wanting to ask, where exactly are they filming this dating show? Why has there never been an official announcement?]

[You're not the only one. We're all wondering too. We didn't know our favorite celebrities would be filming this kind of show, and where exactly is this place? I can't figure it out.]

[Why do I feel like this has turned into a horror movie?]

[I'll say it again, who exactly is filming this? Don't you all think there's something wrong here?]

At this time, Cen Yueyue and the others made their way through the thorny path to the suspension bridge. Seeing that the bridge was intact, assistant Huang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, it's fine. We were just scaring ourselves."

He said this as he stepped onto the bridge and bounced a couple of times. But in the next second, the bridge collapsed. In a split second, Cen Yueyue grabbed him.

"Help... help me!"

The others came to help and pulled him up.

He was so frightened that tears came to his eyes.

"I didn't mean to, I didn't know the bridge was so fragile. What do we do now? We can't go back?"

He was crying uncontrollably.

"The bridge was deliberately cut."

Cen Yueyue pointed to the railing of the bridge. The ropes binding it had clear signs of being cut.

"Who on earth did this!"

The director slammed his fist against a wooden post.