Shh, Don’t Play a Murder Game on a Dating Reality Show

Chapter 2

A month ago...

"In a month's time, it will be the second anniversary of the actress Fu Zhitao's demise, her fans have started to organize mourning events on their own, reflecting the influence of Fu Zhitao."

"It is rumoured that the cinema will release the last film she made before her death, in commemoration of the short-lived genius…"

The radio announcer's voice echoed through the room. Cen Yueyue lay on a chair, with her eyes shut, asleep.

"Cen Yueyue, have you lost your mind!"

The voice of Elder Sister Lin, her agent, was shrill and disrupted the quietness of the room. A magazine was thrown straight onto her.

"What's up, Elder Sister Lin?"

Cen Yueyue opened her eyes, smiling cheerfully at her, completely unaffected by the magazine thrown at her.

Seeing her like this, Elder Sister Lin felt utterly helpless.

"Explain to me why you splashed wine all over a sponsor at last night's banquet?"

Ah, just remembering last night made Cen Yueyue displeased.

"That old pervert still can't control his desires despite his age. I was doing him a favor, saving him from getting overly excited and passing out on the spot."

Elder Sister Lin: …

"Do you treat me like this after I introduce resources to you in good faith? Cen Yueyue, are you really planning to be put on ice by the company? You have nothing left but a pretty face and youth. You should take advantage of it now before you turn into an old woman that no one wants."

As Fu Zhitao's news still played on the radio, Elder Sister Lin scoffed.

"Do you really think you'll be the next Fu Zhitao? Dream on. Fu Zhitao was already a superstar in her youth. Only one genius appears in several decades, and people will remember her long after she's gone. Meanwhile, you don't even have a single fan. You're delusional."

Oh, Cen Yueyue remained indifferent, entirely unfazed.

As the saying goes, when someone decides to be passive, nobody can force them to stand up.

"Elder Sister Lin..."

Cen Yueyue rubbed her ears.

"Last night, I overheard the wealthy businessman saying that he was actually interested in our company's prized asset Zhao Shengmo, right? How come I ended up being the substitute? I'd really like to know that too."

Faced with Cen Yueyue's question, a flicker of guilt passed through Elder Sister Lin's eyes.

"Zhao Shengmo had to attend to something urgently that night. Why should such a great opportunity go to waste, why shouldn't it go to you? I just want you to succeed, don't be ungrateful."

So, the wealthy businessman's status wasn't worth attending to Zhao Shengmo, and she was the stand-in to deal with him, right?

This is just to ruin her, a noboby.

"Now, the opportunity is right in front of you. Apologize to him; I've left the hotel card here. Otherwise, be ready to be neglected by the company."

After issuing her threats, she took one last disdainful look at Cen Yueyue before she finally left.

After she left, Cen Yueyue picked up the card, playing with it in her hand...

Not even a five-star hotel...


After leaving Cen Yueyue's room, Elder Sister Lin immediately made a call.

"Don't worry, Shengmo, I've already instructed the wealthy businessman. He can do whatever he likes, make sure she walks out bruised and battered, better yet if she never comes out."

After ending the call, Elder Sister Lin looked back at Cen Yueyue's room one last time.

Who knows what bad luck Cen Yueyue ran into, offending Zhao Shengmo like that. She had it coming - no one even knows how she died.

When the time comes, Cen Yueyue gets dressed, puts on sportswear, and heads out with her golf bag on her shoulder.

Spending the last twenty bucks she had on her for a taxi fare, she walked straight up to the room they arranged.

She brought out a golf club and knocked on the door.

"Why are you only just arriving? Didn’t I give you the room key?"

The rich businessman, his face full of wrinkles, brightened up at the sight of Cen Yueyue.

Hmm, what Cen Yueyue would describe as…

A dying flame reignited.

"What are you doing with a golf club in your hand?"

Cen Yueyue grinned and laughed.

"Of course, it's to serve you."


Music was playing on the sound system. The rich man, like a beaten dog, is battered and bruised, finally lying on the ground, with Cen Yueyue sitting on his back rummaging through his wallet.

"Is that all you've got?"

A rich man, casually investing millions, only had a few hundred in cash?

Such a damn miser.

The rich man lay on the floor, in extreme pain, not saying a word. Cen Yueyue kicked his face to face upwards, then stomped on his chest.

"See this? I slapped you. If you dare to report me or tell my company that I didn’t serve you well so I get blacklisted…"

Cen Yueyue squinted her eyes and showed him the middle finger.

"I’ll let everyone know about this shame, and I bet you'll get laughed at by all male counterparts, right?"

Rich man: ......

"Old and ugly, and this…"

She waved her middle finger in front of his face.

"The internet is so advanced nowadays, you won't mind being socially dead, would you?"

Rich man: ......

"Face is to a person what bark is to a tree. Would you choose to be a formidable general or a little piece of trash? I know you'll make the right choice, won't you?"

Cen Yueyue laughed with a demonic grin. Her palm landed heavily on his face with each slap. His heart trembled in fear.

He'd lived for so long but had never been so scared as today.

She wasn't a delicate flower. She was a man-eater.

It seemed the spilled wine incident last night was relatively mild. He should thank everyone there last night since, if they were alone, she might just kill him.

"All right, sweetheart. You've just been beaten up. At least no one knows you're a chicken. Of course, things might become worse, if you're looking for trouble. I promise, everyone who sees you will want to gouge their eyes out."

She stood up and grabbed her golf club again.

"So, sweetheart, see you."

Rich man: ......

Bang! She slammed the door shut. The rich man couldn’t endure it anymore and started to cry. He missed his mom...

Meanwhile, at the company, in the vice president’s office.

"Why!? Why is this dating reality show given to Cen Yueyue? I am the most popular artist in the company. Why does it have to be her?"

Zhao Shengmo angrily sat on the vice president’s laps, clutching his arm unwillingly to let go.

"Shengmo, it's not that I don't want to, I do wish to give it to you. After all, we have best actors and actresses around, all of them top-notch, but... the program team personally invited her."

The man was clearly helpless. Of course, he cherished his little sprite, but there was nothing he could do when she was specifically named.

"What if her health doesn't suit the event?"

The man gently pinched her face in a loving manner,

"You little mischief, what are you up to now?"

A hint of loathing flashed in Zhao Shengmo's eyes.

"It's nothing to do with me. It's her own actions. If something happens to her, it would make sense for the company to put me forward, wouldn't it? You won't stop me from going! Besides, I am only there to mingle with the best actors and actresses, not to fall in love. So, don't get jealous."

The man was left with no choice but to nod his agreement.

"Alright, alright. We'll do as you say."

Just then, the man's phone rang. Looking at the contact information, it read 'wife'.

"Not answering?"

"Nothing is more important than you."

"That's more like it..."