She Live Streams Modern Life to Ancient People After Failing to Conquer the Emperor

Chapter 58

Gu Sang pulled the woman's hand from behind and said, "This is because you haven't exercised enough. First, adjust your breathing, take steady steps, and run slowly. Don't give up."

The woman found that it didn't hurt as much anymore, and she couldn't help but look at Gu Sang gratefully.

One or two kilometers was already the limit for the actress.

When they wanted to give up, the instructor brought a ferocious dog from somewhere and started chasing everyone.

At this, everyone panicked and ran desperately.

"Ah!!! This is a Pitbull! It's ranked as the most ferocious dog, capable of biting people to death!"

"Woo woo woo~ If I had known it would be this difficult, I wouldn't have taken this role."

"Instructor, this is just the first day, and we're not real female soldiers. Ah! It's catching up, run faster!"

The instructor caught up with them, "Precisely because you're not real female soldiers, that's why it's only three kilometers for the first time. They start with ten kilometers on their first day!"

"All of you, get running! Either reach the finish line or leave. I don't train cripples!"

Seeing these women scared into fleeing, the ancient people felt their hair stand on end.

That line about ten kilometers being the starting point made even the warriors frown.

The ancient people debated, "Ten kilometers? That's impossible. Even for ordinary men, there's no way they could run that far without stopping to rest."

"How could the future treat women so harshly? This is practically not treating them as women but as men!"

"That's right, soldiering is a man's job. Why are women interfering with it?"

Outside the city walls, in front of the livestream.

A man heard the discussions around him and smugly said to his wife, "See? That's how cruel that world is!"

"You keep going on and on about wanting to go to the future. With your body that gets winded after just three steps, even if you went to the future, you wouldn't last an hour."

"From now on, stay at home obediently. Stop watching these livestreams!"

Hearing the man's belittling words, the woman immediately lowered her head in shame.


The women of the future were all so capable. Whether in knowledge or physical strength, they could rival men.

What did she have that could compare to men?

This was ultimately not the future, so she shouldn't have such a frightening thought that women could also become strong...

"I... I understand..."

Her meek and cowardly voice prompted the man's more joyful mockery, "That's right! Stop going out to watch livestreams and letting your mind run wild!"

"Look at your figure and face – uglier and more bloated than the mud in the fields."

"If it weren't for me providing for you, who would dare take you? And you still dare to talk to me about how men should respect women and dream of going to the future. It's simply laughable."

The ancient man mocked his wife shamelessly in front of everyone.

The woman's tears of anger swirled in her eyes.

The mocking gazes of the people around her made the woman even more unable to raise her head. Every word was like an arrow piercing her heart, shattering all her hopes.

Gu Sang had already overexerted herself physically, intending to have a peaceful livestream, but she heard the man publicly insulting his wife.

A cold, mocking voice immediately came from inside the screen, "What's so funny? Only an incompetent man would mock and put down his own wife."

"Aren't you just afraid that once she experiences a broader world, she'll have better choices and won't look up to a good-for-nothing like you anymore?"

"Sure enough, whether it's modern or ancient times, there are scum like you!"

"Sister, don't listen to your husband's words. He's stopping you from learning, from seeing the outside world, oppressing you, while claiming it's for your own good. That's absolutely not for your benefit – it's to control you, bind you to stay by his side forever as a maid and servant!"

"This isn't a good marriage. A good marriage should involve working together, me being proud of your excellence, and you taking pride in me."


In an instant!

The women watching the livestream, upon hearing Gu Sang's words, felt their blood ignite.

Their hearts pounded fiercely, and even their breathing became increasingly rapid.

"You are all excellent, wonderful. You're no worse than your husbands. I think you're the best, so you don't need to doubt yourselves. Believe in yourselves."


In an instant, every woman's mind echoed with the sound of shattering.

It was the shackles restraining their thoughts, being broken!

It turned out they weren't unexcellent – it was the men who denied their excellence.

Their husbands disdained their figures and looks, but hadn't they been graceful beauties before marriage?

Giving birth to their husbands' children, doing laundry and cooking, working in the fields – ancient peasant women had to do it all, yet men never mentioned these contributions.

They only complained that their wives were ugly and useless after growing old...

The woman who had just been mocked by her husband slowly raised her head.

Her body was still trembling slightly, but she was no longer afraid! For the first time, she mustered the courage to look straight at the mocking gazes around her, then turned to her husband.

"This figure of mine changed after marrying you."

"My face became ugly and dark from tending the fire, cooking, and taking care of the household."

"Before... you said the ladies from the Brothel had delicate, soft, and smooth white hands, unlike my rough, calloused ones. I wished mine could be like theirs too, but I have to work the fields from dawn till dusk every day, while they don't!"

"For so many years, every penny you earned went to those ladies. When I tried to stop you, you put me down by calling me ugly, saying if I was as beautiful as them, you wouldn't go to the brothels? In the end, you blamed me for being ugly and useless, unable to keep you."

"I'm ugly? Hahaha..."

At this point, the woman suddenly laughed through her tears.

She fiercely wiped her tears and said in a tearful voice, "I'm ugly! But in the end, it's because you're useless – if you had money to spend on me, how could I have ended up like this?"

"The Immortal Being was right. A pathetic, raging man like you is someone no one wants, mere trash. You're clearly afraid that if I improve, I won't want you anymore, so you keep trampling me down."

"I'm great, I'm not inferior! For so many years, I've never relied on you!"

"I've had enough of you! From today onwards, I'm divorcing you!"

When an ancient woman uttered the words "divorce" in those days, the onlookers outside the city walls gaped in astonishment.

It was the first time they had heard of a peaceful separation, and it was through a modern livestream.

But this was not the future!

How could a woman utter such words of peaceful divorce? How dare she!

If divorce was to be spoken of, it should have been the man abandoning the woman. The abandoned woman would then be ridiculed and shamed by countless men, eventually leading her to despair and suicide by drowning...