She Live Streams Modern Life to Ancient People After Failing to Conquer the Emperor

Chapter 49

That slap used up all of Gu Sang's strength, directly slapping The Man's face until he saw stars.

Around them—

Dead silence!

Everyone stared at Gu Sang, standing by the window.

She seemed like a beam of light, a light that could break through The Man's dark secrets, boldly exposing the squalid true thoughts in the hearts of these worms!


There were women dressed even more provocatively sitting nearby, so why didn't he dare touch them?

Instead, he went to touch the normally dressed Gu Sang?

Because he didn't dare!

He was timid!

He was a coward who bullied the weak but feared the strong!

It had nothing to do with how much or how little you wore. It was The Man's filthy mind, it was them finding excuses for their vile behavior, it was them thinking you looked honest and wouldn't resist!

That's all there was to it!

"You... you! You wait, vile woman, pah!" The Man covered his face, wanting to strike back, but found that everyone was looking at him like he was trash.

He swallowed his saliva.

Gu Sang's words had stripped away his shiny facade of excuses, exposing his stinking inner heart. He didn't dare retaliate anymore and scurried out of the train car in a panic.

"Clap clap clap clap—"

"Well said! Well said!"

"This kind of man simply disgraces us normal men! We actually detest this kind of behavior too, it's too vile and shameless."

"Miss, you really hit that creepy man's sore spot, huh? Kept claiming it was because of how she was dressed, tsk tsk, just making excuses, isn't it?"

"Exactly! We girls should be free to wear as much or as little as we want. It's these pieces of trash who have to find excuses for their invasive behavior, only then can they shift the blame onto the women!"

"Get lost, trash man! Pah!"


Applauded loudly by the entire train car, even the gorgeous woman sitting in the aisle gave Gu Sang an approving look and nodded at her politely.

This scene that occurred on the high-speed train once again stunned the ancient people.

Whether commoners, officials, or Imperial Concubines, they were all dazed on the spot, their minds buzzing from these words!


So a woman's manner of dress should never be an excuse for harassment?

The shocked ancient people opened their mouths wide in astonishment and muttered, "I saw it very clearly, the woman sitting next to Miss Gu Sang was indeed much more provocatively dressed."

"That's right, she's right, if it was just about dressing revealingly, why didn't he harass that woman? Wasn't it because The Man didn't dare?"

"So being harassed really isn't the woman's fault, it's just The Man making excuses for his disgusting behavior?"

"But... but why did Miss Gu Sang dare to resist? Why did all those people dare to speak up and help her? Weren't they afraid The Man would take revenge afterwards?"

"What if, what if he resented the lady and did something terrible afterwards?"

In this ancient place,

It wasn't uncommon for entire families to be wiped out for meddling in other's affairs!

So it was only natural for commoners to keep their doors tightly closed. Unless it involved close relations, they wouldn't risk their lives by meddling!

But why did so many people help Gu Sang in the modern world?

And the ones helping the most were even girls?

Gu Sang sat back down and calmly explained to the ancient people, "Actually, in the modern era, there are still a few who suffer consequences for helping others."

"But being harassed by a man is considered an especially vile, unanimously condemned act in our world, so anyone who witnesses it will be furious."

"Girls in particular would be able to empathize deeply, and even if they didn't speak up on the spot, they would report it to the police or voice support online afterwards."

"Moreover, in our world, if a man harasses or assaults a woman, once reported to the police, the serious cases would result in imprisonment. In the country beneath my feet, women's safety is protected. Whoever dares to harass will face consequences!"

"Let alone taking revenge afterwards, that would definitely land him in jail!"

The ancient people listened to these words as if struck by thunderbolts, and after coming to their senses, they could only feel endless envy and sighs of admiration.


Because of safety, every face bore a happy smile.

Because of safety, they dared to stand up against injustice without harming their own interests!

Women didn't need to suffer in silence!

If anyone dared to have ill intentions towards a woman, she could speak out loudly, she could report it to the police, she could condemn it, she could resist!

Only in backward countries and among stubborn people would all sins be pinned on women.

If a woman caught a man's eye and was defiled, was that the woman's fault?

Was it because she was beautiful?

No! Rather, it was because women were the weaker party!

Among the crowd, some ancient women began to sob softly, "Wuuu......"

"The immortal is right! We women, what sin have we committed? Why is it our fault if we catch someone's eye and are defiled? Why are we the ones locked in pig pens instead?"

"I understand now, it's not my fault, it's the fault of this era."

"If only my sister had been born in the future, she wouldn't have been slandered and drowned herself! Wuuu......"

"My sister clearly didn't agree to marry that man, but he slandered her, saying they had an affair."

"My sister didn't even have a chance to explain herself. Her reputation was ruined, her only choices were to marry him or drown herself. Wuuu......"

Such incidents were all too common in ancient times!

Those slandered women had tried to defend themselves, to struggle, to scream their innocence at the top of their lungs! But no one was willing to listen to their explanations!

The mothers who gave birth to them scolded them as shameless.

Their lofty fathers would sneer coldly: If you didn't deliberately entice him, why would he harass you and not others!

Did you do something inappropriate to give him the wrong idea!

An egg without a crack isn't stung by flies. If you were a chaste woman, why would anyone come for you?

You're not that great a catch either.

These words, every phrase like a knife, slicing back and forth in their hearts.

When these ancient women saw that there were actually so many people helping the harassed woman, no longer blaming the woman, their hearts cried out in excitement!!

The rise of women!

Long live women!


After an hour's journey, the high-speed train arrived, and next was a transfer to a flight heading to an out-of-province military base.

Ever since Gu Sang entered the airport, the ancient people's mouths had been hanging open in astonishment.

"This, this is the airport the immortal has mentioned many times?!"

"This airport is way too... too huge!"

"It's as vast as the entire city of Beijing! So many people! Bright and dazzling, and so many bright panels, just like this livestream screen."

The ancient people had already lost count of how many districts Gu Sang had wandered through. They felt dizzy from all the sights and were almost spun around by Gu Sang.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that they saw Gu Sang sitting down at a boarding gate.

The ancient people hurriedly closed their gaping mouths.

They quickly looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the legendary aircraft and see what it looked like, but there was nothing but people in front of them, and no large object in sight!

They watched with their own eyes as Gu Sang queued up, then walked down the jetway.

"So this jetway is the aircraft? It looks so plain, not even as big as a high-speed train."

"Yes, The Man spoke as if this aircraft could travel faster than a high-speed train, covering thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. Surely that's an exaggeration?"

"The aircraft can't be deceiving us—"

However, before they could finish their sentence, the slap of reality struck swiftly!

As soon as Gu Sang took a seat by the window, they saw one enormous winged behemoth after another parked on the boundless expanse of the plaza outside.

Though not as massive as a high-speed train carriage, these things, they—they had wings!!