She Live Streams Modern Life to Ancient People After Failing to Conquer the Emperor

Chapter 245

When Pei Changying and Pei Weiqi were previously engaged in internal strife, the Pei Family did not intervene. However, after Pei Changying's downfall, they began to emerge, attempting to constrain Pei Weiqi using moral ethics, ancestral laws, and other traditional rules.

Although Pei Weiqi would not be intimidated by their threats, the constant buzzing of these flies in her ear was undoubtedly irritating.

In modern times, few people identify strongly with their family clans, but in ancient times, clan rules were strictly observed. While one might not always heed their parents' words, when the family patriarch spoke, obedience was mandatory.

This tradition has existed since ancient times, and even in the modern era, some places still maintain it. Currently, the most respected elder in the Pei Family was Pei Weiqi's uncle.

Behind closed doors, he would pound his fist and exclaim, "How can a woman ascend to the throne? Preposterous! This is simply outrageous! How can the Pei Family face our ancestors?"

"How can we allow a woman to make decisions about matters of state? Their minds are filled with trivial household affairs. How can they be qualified to stand above the common people?"

"Let Pei Weiqi choose an infant from the Pei Family clan to be raised as emperor!"

"Her greatest use would be to marry a foreign prince for the sake of diplomacy. How can we allow a woman to meddle in affairs of state?"

"I object!"

Although Pei Weiqi paid no heed to their decisions, the Pei Family persisted, attempting to manipulate her through moral coercion.

Add to this the ministers at court who seemed to thrive on chaos, and even Gu Sang found herself with a splitting headache just thinking about these matters.

But the one-month deadline was tomorrow, and tomorrow she and her grandmother would have to return home. She could no longer offer any help in facing the difficulties that confronted Pei Weiqi.

In the Imperial Palace, night had fallen, but the newly crowned Empress Pei Weiqi was still reviewing official documents, far from rest.

The memorials on her desk were piled as high as a small mountain. This was not due to her laziness or negligence, but because the court officials did not respect her authority. They bombarded her with trivial matters, forcing her to make decisions on even the most minor issues.

These were matters that the officials could easily decide for themselves, but they seemed eager to see the Empress struggle.

Another mountain of documents on the desk consisted of memorials from ministers and the Pei Family, requesting that the Empress adopt an infant.

The candlelight on the desk flickered, and the Shadow Gate Leader appeared before Pei Weiqi.

The Shadow Gate members had all been recalled and secretly arranged by Pei Weiqi in the palace to protect her safety and carry out certain tasks for her.

Seeing Pei Weiqi look up, the leader placed five account books on her desk.

Pei Weiqi picked up the topmost book and opened the first page. Familiar names of ministers and officials greeted her eyes, followed by the amounts of bribes they had received.

She picked up another book, which contained the personal accounts of the Minister of War, detailing how much military pay he had embezzled.

Yet another book held the accounts of the Ministry of Works, showing how much had been spent on palace renovations and how much had been pocketed...

Pei Weiqi's lips curled into a slight smile. The Shadow Gate was perfect for stealing the hidden account books of officials.

It had taken the Shadow Gate several days to search the homes of these officials thoroughly before finding the account books hidden in secret compartments, kept as a lifeline.

These books meticulously recorded the bribes received by both high-ranking and low-ranking officials. The web of corruption was vast, stretching from local county magistrates to the highest ministers of the court.

If she were to uproot them all at once, the entire court would likely collapse. Therefore, she could only employ a gradual approach, slowly replacing these corrupt elements within the government.

Among them, the court officials who had accepted smaller bribes were also easier to win over. Pei Weiqi ordered the Shadow Gate to summon these individuals privately for an audience with her.

Seven or eight important court ministers were yanked from their sleep by members of the Shadow Gate.

Alarmed, the ministers hurriedly dressed before being unceremoniously thrown into carriages. The horses galloped at a much faster pace than usual, and before long, they arrived at the Imperial Palace.

Pei Weiqi looked up from the memorials she was reviewing to see seven or eight dazed ministers standing before her, looking confused and apprehensive.

Upon noticing her gaze, they quickly came to their senses and hastily bowed.

Pei Weiqi waved her hand dismissively. "No need for formalities. I've summoned you here tonight for a little chat."

The ministers exchanged bewildered glances. What kind of chat could be so urgent in the middle of the night? They would much rather be back in their beds.

Just then, one of the ministers yawned.

Pei Weiqi's cool voice rang out, "Have I disturbed your sleep?"

She then deliberately glanced outside before continuing languidly, "I hadn't realized it was so late. I've been reviewing memorials and lost track of time."

"It must have been quite an inconvenience for you all to come here in the dead of night. My apologies for the trouble."

The ministers snapped to attention, not daring to complain about any inconvenience.

One minister quickly replied, "It's no trouble at all, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, it is you who must be exhausted. Please take care of your health."

"Indeed, a woman must not harm her body. How else will you bear children in the future?"

Pei Weiqi pointed to the mountain of memorials before her and chuckled darkly, "Let's dispense with the snide remarks, shall we? I, too, would prefer to retire early like you all."

"But with so many memorials requiring my decision, how can I possibly sleep?"

"Look at these memorials. They're all about trivial matters, yet each one requires an imperial decree."

The ministers lowered their heads, secretly smirking and feeling contemptuous.

However, Pei Weiqi suddenly changed her tone and said, "But not all of these memorials are filled with such drivel. Some are quite interesting."

"For instance, this one. Lord Wang, on such and such a date, received fifty thousand taels of silver. Lord Zhang, on..."

With each name Pei Weiqi uttered, the color drained from the corresponding minister's face.

By the time she had leisurely finished reciting the list of bribes for all the ministers present, their backs were drenched in sweat, their clothes clinging uncomfortably to their skin.

"Your Majesty, have mercy!"

Hearing Pei Weiqi recite even the dates and locations, they realized that the matter had been thoroughly investigated and evidence had been gathered.

Therefore, they wisely refrained from denying the accusations and immediately kowtowed, admitting their guilt.

Pei Weiqi let out a cold snort but said nothing more, nor did she fly into a rage.

Yet this deathly silence was even more terrifying, leaving them unable to gauge her thoughts or predict whether they would be dragged out for execution in the next moment.

However, among the ministers were some particularly astute individuals who quickly guessed the Empress's intentions in summoning them in the middle of the night.

One such minister immediately began to plead his case while pledging his loyalty.

"Your Majesty, please understand. It was truly a desperate situation at the time. I had my reasons..."

"Your Majesty, I now realize my mistake. I beg you to grant me a chance to redeem myself."

"From now on, I will serve Your Majesty with unwavering loyalty, even unto death."

Seeing this, the other ministers also caught on and began to declare their allegiance one after another.

Pei Weiqi's expression finally softened, and she spoke in a gentler tone:

"You may rise. I understand that you all had your circumstances."

"For officials of your rank, the amounts you embezzled are not commensurate with your positions. It seems you are not the worst of the corrupt elements plaguing our court."

"While I detest corruption and wish to eradicate it entirely, I am not without compassion."

"As long as you do not repeat your offenses and serve me loyally, I am willing to let this matter rest."

"However, if you accept bribes again in the future, I will not hesitate to punish you for both past and present crimes! When that time comes, do not accuse me of being merciless."