
Chapter 82

Late at night, Liu rushed anxiously into the conference room and called an emergency meeting.

"Border patrol just sent word that Jing Chi crossed the border two hours ago," he said.

This news left everyone completely bewildered as to why he would have entered the country at this critical juncture.

Liu impatiently said, "Send someone to contact Jing Chi immediately and get first-hand information about Wei Xun!"

"No." Bo Yan burst in through the door, "We absolutely cannot risk contacting Jing Chi now, it would get him killed!"

"But this is such a good opportunity..."

Bo Yan's face was cold and solemn: "We don't know why Jing Chi has entered the country this time. If we rashly contact him now, it’s very likely that Wei Xun will no longer trust him and all subsequent plans will fail. We may never get such a good opportunity again to take down this malignant tumor in one fell swoop."

Liu also gradually calmed down and asked Bo Yan, "Then what do you plan to do?"

"Observe for a few days first to see exactly what he wants to do."

Meanwhile, several subordinates who had been following Jing Chi reported to Wei Xun every day.

"Boss Jing hasn't contacted any suspicious people. He's been looking into the whereabouts of the tutor."

"The Chinese police haven't targeted us yet."

Wei Xun's eyes twitched slightly and he said lightly, "Bringing people back now is too risky."

"Boss, you mean..."

"As soon as you find out where the girl is, get rid of her immediately."

"Yes, boss."

That afternoon, under Bo Yan's arrangement, Jing Chi saw Chu Zhao again at a McDonald's restaurant. Chu Zhao pretended to be shocked and fled out the door with Jing Chi chasing after her. The several subordinates behind him also immediately followed, chasing Chu Zhao into a narrow alley, pulling out their guns to shoot her. Jing Chi was shocked and grabbed the man next to him, shouting, "What are you doing!"

"The boss said to get rid of her as soon as we see her. It's too dangerous to take her back alive!"

As the two men spoke, Chu Zhao had already run out of the alley and gotten into a taxi. Jing Chi immediately jumped on a motorcycle next to him and chased after her, leaving his subordinates far behind.

Of course the taxi driver wasn't a real taxi driver, but was being driven by Bo Yan. Jing Chi's motorcycle followed closely behind, chasing the taxi, weaving through the city like this for a few laps before finally shaking off the tail of subordinates far behind.

The taxi drove down from the overpass and stopped by the deserted riverbank. Jing Chi's motorcycle followed and stopped as well.

The river winds howled loudly. After getting off the bike, Jing Chi anxiously ran over to Chu Zhao.

"Are you okay?"

He checked her body nervously, his voice trembling, "Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine, I'm not injured at all," Chu Zhao kept saying. "Bo Yan had me wear a bulletproof vest, so nothing happened."

Only after seeing her bulletproof vest inside did he finally feel relieved, and hugged her forcefully again.

Xu Chaoyang rolled over and stumbled out of the car to hug Jing Chi and Chu Zhao together, crying loudly, "Jing Jing, my Jing Jing! I'm so glad you're okay. Do you know how worried I was about you! You idiot, leaving us in the dark for so long, making everyone misunderstand all this time!"

Jing Chi explained, "I did originally have a chance to come back, but since we'd been lying in wait for Wei Xun for so long without being able to take him down, I thought I might as well go all out and take them all out in one go, and earn some credit for myself too."

"You want to earn credit! You almost...almost became a traitor!"

Chu Zhao was sandwiched between the two boys and could barely breathe: "Hey, you two let go of me first before catching up, okay?"

Jing Chi pushed Xu Chaoyang away, "You're smothering my girlfriend, scram."

Xu Chaoyang reluctantly let her go.

Jing Chi looked back and saw Bo Yan. The two men gazed at each other from a distance for ten seconds before Bo Yan strode over and gave him a tight hug.

He pounded Jing Chi forcefully on the back, "I told you long ago, you lucky bastard."

Jing Chi's eyes grew hot and a surge of emotions rushed up all at once: "I fucking thought I'd never see you again."

When they had parted ways, they were still just innocent college kids fresh out of campus. But now, after surviving the hail of bullets and lead, the traces of youth were gone from their faces, replaced by maturity and hardship, as well as composure and refinement.

"We can't delay too long," Jing Chi said to Bo Yan. "Those subordinates will find me again soon. Let's talk business first."

He briefly explained the situation. Chu Zhao immediately said she could go back with him.

But Jing Chi shook his head, "No, I can't take you back."

The scene just now of those subordinates shooting at Chu Zhao would probably become Jing Chi's lifelong nightmare. Even if it cost him his life, he absolutely would not let Chu Zhao risk herself again.

"You just stay with Xu Chaoyang," Jing Chi told her earnestly. "It's safest for you to stay."

"But what about you!"

Jing Chi glanced at Bo Yan and said lightly, "It's not that I don't want to bring her back, it's that I can't. I'm injured."

Bo Yan understood his intention from his deep-set eyes and fell silent as well.

After a moment, he turned to Xu Chaoyang and said, "Take Chu Zhao away."

The tacit understanding between the three brothers was unmatched. Before Chu Zhao could react, Xu Chaoyang grabbed her arm and slung her over his shoulder.

"Let go, Xu Chaoyang, let me go!" Chu Zhao bit Xu Chaoyang's hand hard and he nearly dropped her in pain.

"Damn woman, you part dog or something!"

Chu Zhao cried and rushed at Jing Chi again. Xu Chaoyang grabbed her from behind, one arm held across her chest, clasping her shoulders tightly, while his other hand covered her eyes.

"Don't look."

Chu Zhao called out weakly, her voice nearly hoarse. Tears flowed from beneath Xu Chaoyang's fingers.

The river winds howled. Under the bridge, Bo Yan had taken out his gun and aimed at Jing Chi's heart.

Jing Chi slowly closed his eyes, "Do it."


After being injured, Jing Chi did not immediately treat his wounds, but instead crossed the border by water and returned to Nidan. By then, he had lost so much blood that he was in critical condition and unconscious.

Wei Zhaozhao threw a huge tantrum in Wei Xun's study.

Wei Xun had heard the gist of the situation from his subordinates - Jing Chi found the tutor but alarmed the Chinese police while chasing her. Jing Chi was shot by police but not fatally, and miraculously escaped. Despite his injuries he didn't hesitate for a minute and crossed the border by water.

Wei Xun's face was dark as he went to Jing Chi's room. His private doctor had treated the chest wound, saying, "He's lost too much blood and didn't get timely treatment, so the wound is badly infected now. His condition is very dangerous."

"When will he wake up?"

"Hard to say," the doctor replied. "Let's see if he can make it through the most dangerous period tonight."

Wei Zhaozhao was furious at her dad now too: "It's all your fault! You sent Xu Chaoyang to China knowing there would be danger, but you still made him go! And for a mere tutor, you nearly killed him! You almost killed my husband!"

Wei Xun was annoyed by her yelling and went out to the balcony with the doctor, asking in a low voice, "Tell me honestly, was Xu Chaoyang's gunshot self-inflicted or did someone else do it?"

The doctor answered, "Based on the location of the wound and depth of the bullet, it was likely shot from a distance by someone else. It missed his heart by just a few millimeters - extremely dangerous. It looks like the shooter really wanted him dead."

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully and then added, "Use whatever means necessary for him to fully recover within three months!"

"Three months?" The doctor hesitated, "His injuries are very serious. Complete recovery within three months will be quite difficult."

Wei Xun said coldly, "Give him the best imported medicines. He must get better!"


While in a coma, Jing Chi kept dreaming of his college days - those reckless, passionate years, the awkward crushes, the sweet confessions...

He had always been a boy who knew how to strive for himself, because he believed that through his own efforts, his future held endless possibilities. He was confident that he could give the girl he loved a happy life if she followed him.

Even on the brink of life and death, he never gave up hope.

One month later, Jing Chi had recovered enough to get out of bed and walk around.

He healed as quickly as wild grass growing rampant in the fields. This misfortune had brought him good luck, as Wei Xun now completely trusted him and started assigning him important confidential tasks.

Just as Shen Ping Chuan had assessed Jing Chi in the past, his stoicism and patience gave him an aura of tranquility, which made people trust him unknowingly.

Three months later, a transaction took place on Highway 98, with money exchanged for goods - several truckloads of "merchandise."

But in reality, the trucks only contained hundreds of bags of flour as a decoy. As Jing Chi had expected, this deal represented almost all of Wei Xun's net worth, so he wouldn't trust any of his men to handle it. The real goods would be transported by him through the water route, at a secluded spot in the Mekong River rainforest, where the transaction would take place. Jing Chi was there to escort and protect him.

Of course, the counterparty was not the fake Chinese drug lord portrayed by Bo Yan. Instead, it was another major American drug lord.

Wei Xun had kept this secret from everyone except Jing Chi, who was now the only person he trusted.

On the night before the transaction, Xiao Huai delivered this message after managing to escape with great difficulty and almost having a breakdown. No one could believe it until she met with Chu Zhao and tearfully recounted the message Jing Chi had told her to pass on.

Chu Zhao had promised her a free life in China, which gave her the courage to do this.

After getting the message, Bo Yan swiftly took control and coordinated with the border forces to capture Wei Xun red-handed on the Mekong River, seizing both the man and the goods.

As a notorious drug lord who had stirred up chaos for many years, Wei Xun was no pushover. When his fishing boat was surrounded by police, sensing his impending doom, he pointed his black gun at Jing Chi, who was closest to him.

His eyes had turned bloodshot, emanating the dangerous glint of a cornered beast.

In the helicopter above, Bo Yan took aim at Wei Xun with his sniper rifle.

At the last moment, a bullet pierced through the boat's glass and struck Wei Xun's right hand. The huge impact forced his body to stumble back several steps until he fell by the control console.

Jing Chi rushed over swiftly to subdue Wei Xun and cuff his hands before throwing him to the special forces who had boarded the boat.

As Wei Xun watched Jing Chi, he said resentfully, "I treated you so well, but you were deceiving me all along. You said you were poor and unwilling to remain so, and that you wanted to make money, so I gave you the opportunity! But how did you repay me? I even betrothed my daughter to you! What more could you want?!"

Jing Chi looked at him and said flatly, "I did want to make money, but my fiancee prefers seeing me in a military uniform."


A month later, at the medal conferral ceremony, Jing Chi knelt on one knee and proposed to Chu Zhao.

Their wedding was held on the beach, and all their comrades came to attend it and witness their happiness.

Jing Chi wore a crisp military uniform with an honor medal on his chest that he had fought for with his life. Holding the hand of the girl he had secretly admired since his youth, it felt like all the past hardships were meant to lead up to this moment of joy.

On the afternoon of the wedding, the groomsmen and bridesmaids sat casually on the beach in their formal attire, confessing their true thoughts without restraint. Jin Xi asked Jing Chi a question that was on everyone's mind -

"Why did you fall for Chu Zhao? I've always been so curious about this since you pursued her despite knowing her heart belonged to someone else."

Jing Chi thought for a moment before replying, "I liked how she loved Xu Chaoyang."

Lin Luo frowned. "What does that have to do with anything? That's too convoluted."

"You liked how she loved Xu Chaoyang," Jin Xi concluded. "So you must have liked Xu Chaoyang."

This statement made everyone roar with laughter.

Bo Yan rapped Jin Xi's little head in admonishment. She clung affectionately to his hand.

Jing Chi gazed tenderly at Chu Zhao and said, "I admired her courage."

Jin Xi laughed and said, "Are you blind? Courageous? You didn't see how much of a scaredy cat she was in the dorms..."

Chu Zhao kicked Jin Xi's bare feet.

"Alright alright, I'll stop. Wouldn't want to ruin the harmony of your special day!"

But before long, Jin Xi couldn't resist the urge to tease them further. She asked Jing Chi, "Back then during the game of Truth or Dare, some people foolishly dared Xu Chaoyang to kiss Chu Zhao. I wonder if they regret it now?"

As soon as she said this, everyone started hooting excitedly and looked expectantly at the couple.

Chu Zhao knocked Jin Xi's head. "Watch that loose tongue of yours! Ancient history like that should stay buried!"

Jing Chi just feigned ignorance. "Huh, I don't even remember that happening."

"Keep pretending all you want!"

Xu Chaoyang also laughed and said, "And some guy on his 'deathbed' entrusted me to take care of his girl. I wonder if that still stands?"

Chu Zhao looked sharply at Jing Chi. "You asked him to take care of me?"

Jing Chi quickly clarified, "Taking care just means in a very innocent way. What other way is there to take care? You guys think too much, how improper."

"Fine, you always have an explanation for everything."

In summary, the juvenile love triangle was a topic rife with gossip for everyone. Once the parties involved had moved past it, they could look back and laugh.

At dusk, Bo Yan held Jin Xi's hand as they strolled along the beach.

Jin Xi picked up a white seashell and tucked it into Bo Yan's pocket. Soon after, she picked up another and tucked it in...

Before long, Bo Yan's suit pocket was stuffed full of little seashells.

He asked Jin Xi helplessly, "You're collecting so many. Are we gonna fry and eat them when we get back?"

"Why do you only think about eating?"

Bo Yan laughed. "Speaking of which, I kind of miss my brother Shen. I miss his amazing cooking."

"Other than eating and your precious brother Shen, can you think of anything else?"

Bo Yan looked down at the girl's rosy cheeks and smiled. "Are you hoping that I'll ask why you're collecting so many seashells?"

"Wow, baby you're so smart! So tell me, why am I collecting so many seashells?"

"Not to fry and eat them..." Bo Yan pondered. "Could it be... a gift for my brother Shen?"

Jin Xi was angry. "Other than your brother Shen, is there room in your mind for anyone else? You two love each other so much, why don't you just get together and have his babies?"

Bo Yan held Jin Xi's hand and laughed. "That would be beyond my power."

A sea breeze blew by, and Bo Yan's smile suddenly froze. "Xi Xi, what did you just say?"

"I said, why don't you ask him to have your ba..." Her cheeks flushed an even deeper red. "Ah, nevermind, it's nothing!"

Bo Yan seemed excited all of a sudden. He touched the pocket full of seashells. "Who is this gift for?"

"Y-Yeah, it's a gift."

At the moment when the sea met the sky, and day merged into night, Bo Yan suddenly leaned down and kissed his girl.

"Thank you. This is the best gift."