
Chapter 51

"Has Xu Chaoyang been going on dates often recently?"

"Does he stay out all night sometimes?"

"Has Qu Xuanxuan come to see him at the training grounds?"

Jinxi, the intelligence officer, only talked about Xu Chaoyang and Qu Xuanxuan, completely forgetting that today was her rare free time to go on a date with Bo Yan.

Under the shade of the trees, her braids were tied up like little tails, wearing a sleeveless dungaree dress that looked fresh and summery.

Bo Yan reached out a big palm and covered her expectant little face, murmuring in dissatisfaction: "Don't poke your nose into other people's business."

Jinxi was very excited to say: "You didn't see the scene at the time, Qu Xuanxuan was in top form! She got a bunch of onlookers so excited...some people didn't even put on slippers, just ran out barefoot to watch."

Bo Yan didn't react much, facing the sunshine, a few strands of hair fell on his forehead, looking calm and composed.

He was lazy by nature, and casually asked: "Then what?"

"Then, then the climax came!" Jinxi was so excited that her eyes were shining: "Jing Chi appeared out of nowhere, like divine help, instantly pulled back the score!"

She was talking with great interest, completely unaware of the traffic lights at the zebra crossing.

Bo Yan grabbed the back of her collar and effortlessly pulled her back, gently saying: "Watch the road."


Bo Yan held her hand, his palm was warm, dry and soft, leading her across the road.

So Jinxi didn't make any noise, and obediently followed him.

Noticing the silence of the person next to him, Bo Yan lowered his head and asked, "Why did you stop?"

"I'm the only one talking, like a chatterbox." Jinxi pouted, and immediately gossiped, "You haven't answered my question yet, has Xu Chaoyang stayed out all night recently?"

"Stay out all night, he wants to alright." Bo Yan chuckled lightly: "No chance."

"What happened?"

"His relationship is a bit troublesome, his girlfriend is cold and indifferent, always canceling dates." He let go of her hand, rubbed her bangs: "Not like a certain clingy person, can't shake her off."

"Of course, it’s said that Qu Xuanxuan was only with him for ulterior motives, wait, who are you calling clingy!"

Bo Yan didn't answer, just quickened his pace with a faint smile.

Jinxi chased after him and hugged his arm coquettishly: "I'm clingy, so what."

Bo Yan was going to the mountains for military training in a few days, so Jinxi cherished the time she could spend with him.

She wasn't the kind of coy girl, she liked Bo Yan, open and aboveboard, not hiding it at all.

Although Lin Luo often taught her that she shouldn't be like this, everlasting affection seldom remains, only by being scheming can you win someone's heart. You can't let Bo Yan get tired of you so quickly, you have to restrain yourself, conceal yourself...

But Jinxi just couldn't restrain herself, when she liked someone her eyes would shine when she saw him, how could she conceal that?

Most of the time, Bo Yan was silent, he didn't talk much to begin with, but he would listen to her attentively, with a serene smile on his face, gazing at her contentedly.

As they walked, her little mouth chattered on, talking about trivial and interesting things that had happened in the past few days, and casually scolding Shen Pingchuan again.

The man suddenly stopped, Jinxi almost bumped into him from behind in surprise, looking up to see Bo Yan's eyes falling on the entrance of a silver jewelry store.

It wasn't a big silver jewelry store, but it had its own unique style.

He paused for a few seconds, then pulled Jinxi in with him.

Through the glass display case, he spotted a pair of earrings that caught his eye, a silver big rabbit wearing a suit and tie, and a pure silver carrot.

Bo Yan asked the clerk to take down the pair of earrings and tried them on Jinxi's ears.

Jinxi's eyes darted to the side warily and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I like them, I'll give them to you."

Bo Yan was a decisive person, he directly went to the checkout counter to pay, Jinxi followed him and saw that the price was not cheap, over a thousand, but he swiped his card without blinking an eye.

"Wasting money, I don't have pierced ears." She said gloatingly.

"Is that so."

From Bo Yan's slightly upturned fox eyes, Jinxi could tell something was off.

Jinxi turned and ran off, but Bo Yan had already anticipated it, reaching out to grab her collar, saying to the clerk -

"Come on, please help pierce this young lady's ears."

The clerk at the silver jewelry store took out an ear piercing gun and alcohol swabs from the cabinet.

"You can't be serious! Are you really doing this?" Jinxi was stunned: "Baby, are you really doing this?"

"Who's playing pretend with you."

"I don't...I don't want to pierce them, it hurts a lot."

"It doesn't hurt at all, just like a mosquito bite."

With his coaxing and misleading words, Jinxi believed him for the moment that it didn't hurt at all. The needle pierced her ear with a "pop", and goosebumps broke out all over Jinxi.

It hurts like hell!

Her ear was painfully stinging, and Jinxi kicked him a few times in protest: "It hurts so bad!"

Bo Yan laughed so cunningly, placing the two earrings in front of her: "Pick one."

Jinxi unhesitatingly chose the suited silver rabbit, and put it on her left earlobe.

Since Bo Yan couldn't pierce his ears, he carefully pinned the remaining silver carrot earring to his collar.

"There, now we match."

Guys wearing earrings always gives off a hint of sophistication, some people match it with flamboyant clothing for an in-your-face look, while others wear it discreetly, with taste.

Bo Yan clearly belonged to the latter. With such a cute carrot earring hanging from his collar, paired with his aloof straight-guy aura, it oddly gave him a contrasting cuteness.

Several female clerks came out to secretly check him out, some even wanted to sneak a photo with their phones.

Military academy students couldn't wear earrings, if the instructor knew they might just slice his ears off.

Jinxi's slender fingertips fiddled with his collar, smiling: "My baby is so cute."

Bo Yan looked at her red blushing ears, the shiny silver little rabbit was reflecting a bright luster in the sunshine.

She herself was cute incarnate alright.

His heart was filled with warm sunshine, and he suddenly felt that the distant mountains, rivers and ideals seemed less important than her radiant smile.

Bo Yan walked forward, the corners of his mouth curled up in a gentle smile.

"Why are you walking so fast, what are you doing?" Jinxi chased after him.

"It's you who's too slow, little short legs."

"Who are you calling short legs!" Hey, stop, you're not listening to me again..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bo Yan suddenly lowered his head and pecked her lips.

His warm, soft lips lightly touched hers, and Jinxi instantly froze as if petrified.


Caught off guard by his sneak attack kiss, her small face flushed red, her mind suddenly blanking out.

She'd forgotten what she wanted to say.

She used the back of her hand to cover her mouth: "Jerk..."

Bo Yan laughed, tenderly rubbing her forehead: "Little fool."

Jinxi anxiously stamped her feet: "Bastard."

Bo Yan shrugged, acting all innocent: "Let's go, dawdling around we'll miss the movie."

Jinxi kept some distance from him, maintaining a safe range.

Bo Yan just smiled, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Kissed someone then denies it." She muttered to herself like a little pigeon: "How can he..."

Although she said that, her mood was like honeyed wine, the sweetness slowly fermenting at her heart, until she laughed at herself in the end.

During the movie, Bo Yan casually held her hand and kissed it.

Jinxi turned to look at him, the bright lights cast a halo on his chiseled brows, his gaze fixed on the screen, completely oblivious to his actions, purely unconscious.

Jinxi's little paws kneaded his palm, then threaded her fingers through his, tightly interlocking.

When they left the theater, the night sky was filled with neon lights.

Jinxi stood at the roadside hailing a taxi, seeing Bo Yan dawdling, she looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

The streetlamp lights cast shadows on his face, dividing it in half.

He slightly frowned, seeming to have something to say.

She sensed his mood and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Bo Yan walked over, pressed down her hand that was hailing a taxi, held it in his own palm, stayed silent for a moment, and earnestly asked: "Can we not go back tonight?"

"If we don't go back to school, where will we stay?" Jin Xi was completely oblivious to the implication behind his words.

There was light shining in Bo Yan's jet-black eyes. He answered solemnly and reverently: "My place."

Jin Xi laughed lightly: "Why do we need to go to your..."

Suddenly, her words got stuck in her throat, and an unnatural flush crept up her fair cheeks.

His intentions were crystal clear.

"I'm leaving soon. I want to spend more time with you," he explained further: "Nothing else meant."

Of course, this was like "I'll just snuggle, I won't come in," one of the most frequently used lies men tell. Jin Xi would be silly to believe him.

Bo Yan was always a man of action. Seeing Jin Xi was too shy to agree but didn't reject either, he decisively took her hand and walked towards home.

Jin Xi was like a broken kite, letting him drag her along, walking towards the unknown road ahead.

Bo Yan's pace was urgent. She could clearly feel the impatience of this man.

On the contrary, she dragged her feet. Bo Yan even hated that he couldn't directly carry her back.

At the door of the convenience store, Jin Xi suddenly stopped: "I want to buy a toothbrush."

"Oh, okay."

The two walked into 7-Eleven.

Jin Xi came to the shelf of toiletries and picked her usual soft bristle one. Turning back, she realized Bo Yan didn't follow her.

She took the toothbrush to the checkout counter, ready to pay, but saw Bo Yan standing in front of the sanitary products shelf, holding two boxes of condoms, comparing and carefully selecting them, his brows slightly furrowed...

He was quite serious.

Jin Xi felt her hands and feet go soft, unable to exert any strength. She turned her head back, pretending she saw nothing.

The cashier asked Jin Xi: "Pay now?"

"Wait, there's more."

Bo Yan chose and walked over. Seeing she was waiting for him, the corners of his mouth tilted up slightly. He put a box of condoms on the counter.

Jin Xi continued to pretend she didn't see it. On the surface, she nonchalantly paid the bill, but her mind was in total chaos.

At the door, Bo Yan used the key to open it.

Jin Xi lingered at the door, unwilling to go in. Bo Yan held the key and looked back at her: "Come on."

She mumbled unclearly: "I didn't think of doing that with you..."

Bo Yan smiled lightly, his voice rising: "It's not a must. Up to you."

"Your motive is not pure."

Jin Xi felt her tongue couldn't even straighten out. How could she stand at the door and discuss this with him!

"Come in, don't be afraid."

He leaned against the door, his eyes raised with a lazy smile, like an old fox luring prey into a trap: "Let nature take its course."

After hesitating for a moment, Jin Xi still slowly walked over.

They were already at the door. Not going in seemed a bit too melodramatic. She still trusted Bo Yan very much. If she didn't want to, he wouldn't force her.

Bo Yan welcomed her in, closed the door without even taking off his shoes, and pressed her directly against the wall.

Jin Xi was forcefully pressed against the wall by him. Her shoulder blades hurt from the impact.

The man's actions carried a kind of impatient clumsiness, not very gentle at all. He held her jaw, lifted up her face, and his warm, soft lips immediately covered hers.

This time, he didn't even wait for her to close her teeth. He drove straight in, found her soft tongue, and gently licked and ground it.

Jin Xi held her breath and looked at him with wide eyes.

He didn't give her any chance to react. It was as if a beast lived inside this man's body, and now the beast was slowly awakening, eager to devour her.

His tongue was soft and agile, teasing her. A burst of tingling crept up her spine, and her originally stiff body softened.

But Bo Yan didn't seem to think this was enough. He put his hand around her waist, lifted her up, spread her legs with his knees, and pressed her against the wall with her feet off the ground, sitting on his left knee.

He lifted her face again, lowered his dark eyes, and appreciated her moist, flushed lips.

He licked his lips, his eyes full of some bewitching meaning.

Listening to her hurried and chaotic breathing, Bo Yan kissed her again. His left hand took her hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Jin Xi instinctively hugged his neck, tilted her head back, and opened her mouth to welcome him.

Their breaths intertwined in the dark.

Jin Xi's back accidentally hit the button on the wall, and the bright ceiling light fell from above. She could clearly see a flush on Bo Yan's face too, his dark eyes buried under his deep brow bone, surging with churning lust.

With a "snap", Bo Yan pressed the switch and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

Jin Xi moved slightly: "Bo...Bo Yan, let me go."


"It hurts down there."

His knee was hurting her.

Bo Yan suddenly laughed, and his knee seemed to deliberately move again. Jin Xi's body shook uncontrollably.

"Ah, don't."


His hand fell on her waist, his knee gently nudging her, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened as he did bad things.

Jin Xi's face and ears turned red, too ashamed to look at him. Head lowered, eyes averted to the side, hands weakly on his shoulders, her whole body limp.

Bo Yan pecked her red lips again, reluctantly let her down.

Jin Xi swiftly slid away from under him like a fish, then turned on the air conditioner after entering the house.

Fooling around with him at the door just now, her undershirt was already soaked in sweat.

Bo Yan lowered his head and touched his knee, somewhat wet, not knowing if it was sweat or something else...

Jin Xi stood in front of the air conditioner vent, a sudden gust of cold air blew away the flush on her cheeks. Turning back, she saw Bo Yan sprawled face down on the soft sofa, burying his face in a cushion.

"Don't look at me, I'm a bit shy."


Jin Xi was speechless.

He was the one who suggested coming home, the one who forced the kiss and did bad things. And now he was pretending to be coy...

What a devilish boyfriend.

Jin Xi crawled to the edge of the sofa, hugging her knees and curling up, using the remote control to turn on the TV.

She pursed her lips. Her mouth still had the lingering tingling from the kiss.

Bo Yan moved the pillow away, peeked at her with one eye. His little eyes were quite shy. Where did the swagger from doing bad things go?

Jin Xi ignored him and turned up the TV volume.

Soon, Bo Yan moved to her side again, put his arm around her and hugged her into his arms.

So Jin Xi nestled obediently in his chest, as docile as a soft kitten.

"Xi Xi, I really don't want to leave."

His breath fluttered lightly on the top of her head, moist and hot: "I'll miss you like crazy."

Jin Xi turned back, lying on his hard chest, holding his soft hand, caressing it bit by bit, touching the coarse calluses on his fingertips. She said lightly: "Oh."

"Just oh?"

My passionate confession, and you just say "oh"?

Jin Xi raised her brows and laughed: "Hurry up and get lost!"

Bo Yan pressed her under him accordingly: "Damn."

Jin Xi felt the man's rugged body, hard as a mountain, weighing down on her. It was heavy, but a weight she could fully bear, the weight of her man.

Her breathing was a little hampered.

But Bo Yan didn't hurry to make any moves. He carefully brushed aside the messy bangs on her forehead, then gently touched her with his tall nose.

"Bo Yan, you smell."

"I'm a man, of course I smell."

"Smells like sour milk."

"You used to say it was milky, now it's gone sour?"

Jin Xi laughed: "Yes, sour, go take a shower."

"Let's do that later." Bo Yan very naughtily nudged her neck with his head. His hair, strand by strand, fine and soft, tickled her neck.

Jin Xi opened her eyes and looked at the man's features up close. It was impossible to hide fondness for someone. Jin Xi saw the deep light in his eyes.

The two looked at each other silently for a moment, tacitly aware of what was going to happen next.

"Will it hurt?" she asked him.

"Alright." His voice was low and sweet as he kissed her lips lightly: "You need to mentally prepare yourself. Your boyfriend is will definitely hurt."

A tingling sensation washed over Jin Xi.

As his hand slid lower, each place it passed sent a strange electric current through her body, making her tremble.

But just then, the ringtone from Doraemon's phone rang out inharmoniously.

Bo Yan's hand landed on her pants but didn't continue, as if patiently waiting.

Jin Xi fished out her phone from her bag with difficulty and looked at the screen. She cried out in surprise, "Shen Ping Chuan!"

"Are you going to answer it?"

Jin Xi knew Shen Ping Chuan too well. If she didn't answer for an unclear reason, he would definitely keep calling persistently. If he really couldn't get through, her hot-tempered brother would truly call the police.

Jin Xi answered the call. Shen Ping Chuan's voice sounded normal on the other end: "Why did it take so long for you to answer?"

"Um...I was just...taking a shower." She made up a reason on the spot.

"In your dorm?"


"I'm downstairs from your building. Come down quickly."


"What do you mean 'oh'? Come quickly. Old Shen brought back delicious food for you from my business trip. If you don't come down, I'll eat it myself."

Bo Yan's long fingers fiddled with her hair, his narrow eyes smiling at her.

"You can eat it. I won't eat it." Jin Xi said in a fluster: "I've already changed into pajamas, it's not convenient."

"It doesn't take much effort to change clothes. Come quickly, I'll wait for you."

"I really won't come down."

Shen Ping Chuan was silent for a moment on the other end. Jin Xi's little heart thumped loudly. After a while, she heard him say: "Alright."

She suddenly felt relieved.

"Then come out to the balcony so I can see you."


"What do you mean 'oh' again? I'm right under your building, just let me take a look then I'll leave."

Jin Xi panicked: "What's there to see?"

"Jin Xi, where exactly are you?"

Bo Yan stopped teasing her and sat up, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked at her.

"I'm at..."

After a long while, she finally told the truth: "I'm with Bo Yan."

"Jin Xi, it's already ten o'clock now." Shen Ping Chuan's voice was low and melodious. "Are you still reviewing your homework with him?"

"No, we weren't reviewing homework. We were..."

Bo Yan grasped Jin Xi's icy cold hand and fiddled with her glossy fingernails.

Jin Xi took a deep breath and said: "I'm at his place."

The wind blew past on the other end, bringing scratchy noises through the receiver.

Shen Ping Chuan didn't speak for a long time, so long that Jin Xi thought he might have hung up.

After a while, Shen Ping Chuan finally came to his senses and asked: "Are you two together now?"

"Yes." She said softly: "We're in love."


Afterwards, Jin Xi didn't say anything more. She blankly put down the phone.

"What did Shen Ping Chuan say, did he scold you?"


Seeing her like this, Bo Yan grabbed the phone and said in a low voice: "I'm calling that bastard."

Jin Xi pressed his hand and shook her head. Her pitch black pupils and fair complexion appeared so vivid and bright. She shook her head -

"Shen Ping Chuan only said to be careful and stay safe."

Author's note: I forgot to set the draft box time, sorry.