
Chapter 38

The break time passed quickly, and Bo Yan returned to the backstage again. Several boys were doing warm-up exercises vigorously backstage, doing push-ups, running in place, and hanging from the door to do pull-ups...

Bo Yan's pitch-black eyes were filled with laughter as he shouted, "Attention!"

The few boys immediately lined up in neat rows and jogged onto the stage, standing in a tidy line on the stage with standardized actions, looking identical.

This aura immediately attracted the audience's eyes over.

The staff played the accompaniment music, and as the majestic melody played, they recited in unison -

"Tonight. After turning over seventy-three pages of historically significant doors, we should remember that bone-chilling desolate era, following the swaying red trajectory, a cry like galloping horses and armored soldiers, it starts exploding beside my eardrum..."

Everyone's voices faded away, and the entire auditorium was filled with the sonorous recitation of the boys.

Jin Xi looked at Bo Yan on stage. His brows and eyes were lofty and solemn, his eyes filled with fortitude and solemnity.

Everything around seemed to have turned black and white, only his touch of green became the most striking existence.

"The sky at that time had not awakened, the land at that time was covered with scars, the faces at that time only had numbness, wandering on the edge of national subjugation and destruction of their race..."

"Let all oppressors understand, let all peoples of the world understand, our China, never lacks upright backbone!"

Their voices were sonorous yet mellow, arousing the most high-spirited masculinity of men.

Jin Xi also felt her blood boil up, national sentiment was not only for boys, but also for girls, it was something buried deep in the bloodline of the entire nation.

It was as if she was brought by them into that passionately burning era, and walked onto the streets with the youth students in Beijing and Shanghai, running about and shouting for the rise of the nation.

As the recitation ended, thunderous applause sounded in the venue, and many students even shed tears. Those simple and unadorned faces were filled with the most sincere and ardent emotions.

He looked at Jin Xi, and Jin Xi clapped desperately for him, her little paws clapping rapidly.

Bo Yan's group did not have much recitation skills, but they won the favor of the judges and teachers with their sonorous momentum and sincere emotions, taking first place.

Compared to them, Jian SiXun's recitation, while having undulating rhythms and techniques, lacked momentum.

After the competition ended, Bo Yan and a few others walked out of the auditorium. Jin Xi rushed over eagerly and hugged Bo Yan tightly, "My god, first place in points! You guys were amazing!"

Bo Yan had an unruffled composure between his brows, "Don't underestimate your senior brother."

Jin Xi laughed, "Getting arrogant already. Weren't you the one asking me just now if I would feel inferior to others..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bo Yan suddenly pressed her into his embrace, leaning over with his head resting on her shoulder, his strong arms wrapped tightly around her back.

It was a forceful, lasting embrace.


She patted Bo Yan's back and congratulated him again, but he did not seem to want to let her go.

"There are so many people watching."

Jin Xi had originally wanted to politely hug Jing Chi and Xu Chaoyang as well, but Bo Yan had her wrapped up the entire time, not letting those brats touch a finger on her.

Bo Yan saw Jian SiXun across from him, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Jian SiXun also smiled back at him, "You won."

If it were someone else, they might have politely said something like "I concede defeat.", but Bo Yan was nonchalant, simply saying, "You lost."

"Although I'm not very convinced, a loss is a loss, there's nothing more to say." Jian SiXun tidyed his sleeves and said expressionlessly, "But Bo Yan, this does not mean you are necessarily stronger than me."

A hint of coldness flashed in Bo Yan's eyes, "Is that so?"

Even the dumb Jin Xi sensed the undercurrents flowing between the gazes of the two men. She really could not understand why Bo Yan was always targeting Jian SiXun. His personality did not seem like someone who would hold grudges with others.

What confused her even more was that Jian SiXun, who was usually such a gentle and peaceful boy, would actually take Bo Yan's bait and secretly clash with him.

What on earth was going on with these two?

The competition video was uploaded to the school forum and caused quite a stir. In the past, the National Defense Academy had never had students participate in this kind of cultural and recreational activity, and Bo Yan and the others' poetry recitation really made many students look at them in a new light.

Compared to other boys' sissy recitations, Bo Yan's group was simply rampaging testosterone on stage.

After watching the competition video, the dean of the National Defense Academy was extremely satisfied. He bellowed in his office, saying this was exactly what good boys from their National Defense Academy should be like! The youth of China! The pillars of the motherland!

The top three in the final round were taken by Bo Yan, Jian SiXun, and another female student from the broadcasting department. Thanks to the sponsorship of Ruida Company, in addition to the generous bonuses, the top participating contestants would participate in a 4 day and 5 night outing organized by the Literature Club.

Jin Xi and Chu Zhao, as the outgoing clubs organizing the outing, would of course accompany them. At the same time, as thanks, the judging senior sister Qu XuanXuan was also invited to participate in the outing.

The night before departure, Jin Xi and Chu Zhao went to the supermarket for a big shopping trip, and coincidentally ran into the boys from the dorm next door who were also going to the supermarket, so they went together.

Bo Yan pushed the shopping cart next to Jin Xi. She lingered between rows of shelves, looking up and looking down without much of a plan, just buying whatever caught her eye.

"Hm, need to buy potato chips, we have so many people, need to get several bags."

"Instant noodles too, in case there's no time to eat..."

"And and, let's get some fruit too."


She was wholeheartedly focused on selecting goods, while Bo Yan patiently followed her, watching her pick and choose, occasionally reminding her, "Don't buy too much, we're not going far."

Girls are just natural-born shopping experts, taking care of everything meticulously and properly.

Bo Yan casually picked up a towel and threw it into the cart.

Jin Xi quickly stopped him, "How can you just randomly grab something without comparing?"

"Compare what?"

She helplessly bent over, carefully selecting towels of different textures, flipping them back and forth, comparing prices, feeling them again and again, and finally selected towels with reasonable prices and relatively soft textures, placing them in the cart.

The towel's color changed from the dark blue Bo Yan had originally chosen to a cartoonish light pink.

Bo Yan had no choice but to say, "Are you sure?"

Jin Xi nodded solemnly.

Bo Yan could only take this light pink towel, even though he might get laughed at for eight hundred years when he brought it back, he conceded.

There had never been a woman in the house, Bo Yan's quality of life was like that cold hard lead, living very crudely without caring much. He never compared goods when shopping, let alone knew that just browsing and picking could get you better things at more suitable prices.

Looking at the snacks and supplies in the cart, he suddenly realized that life could also become so exquisite and warm, become soft and fluffy and comfortable.

He was almost starting to love the feeling of shopping at the supermarket with Jin Xi, when life was arranged by a beloved girl, that sense of happiness was indescribable.

Jin Xi stopped in front of a shelf of men's underwear.

Bo Yan watched dumbfounded as she took down several pairs of underwear, looked at the sizes, then her gaze oddly fell on Bo Yan's waist and hips.

Bo Yan was horrified, "You can't be serious."

Jin Xi said matter-of-factly, "When you boys are lazy out and about, who knows how long you go without changing underwear."

She threw several pairs of large sized underwear into the cart, then walked away casually.

Bo Yan pushed the cart to catch up and explained casually, "I'm different from them."

Jin Xi asked, "What do you mean?"

Bo Yan's mouth quirked up, "Your senior brother showers every day, absolutely clean."

Jin Xi blinked, reacting after a short while...her ears turned red.

Humph! Whether you shower or not, what's it to me.


Early morning, the tour bus arranged by the school was parked at the entrance of the third cafeteria.

As the executive members of the Literature Club, as well as the organizers of the outing, Jin Xi and Chu Zhao set off early to get on the bus and wait for the arriving contestants.

Bo Yan and his roommates left morning drill and returned to their dormitory bathhouse for a scalding hot shower. They put on casual, relaxed clothes and came to the canteen entrance.

All the way they joked and fooled around, a completely different mood from their solemn training.

The originally quiet bus instantly came to life with the arrival of these boys, brimming with youthful energy.

Jin Xi felt they were like the sun - radiating light and warmth wherever they went.

Jian SiXun indifferently said, "They're quite spirited so early in the morning."

Jin Xi said, "They get up at 5 every morning for training."

For some reason, she felt really proud.

The boys took empty seats and sat down casually.

As lead organizers, Jin Xi and Jian SiXun sat in the front two seats side by side, for easy communication with the tour guide.

Bo Yan glanced at Jin Xi as he got on the bus, then sat in the very back row.

Jin Xi couldn't help looking back at him. He sat casually in the middle of the last row, wearing camo shirt and jacket. His legs were slightly apart, backpack next to him.

Phoenix eyes slightly raised, sharp as blades. The instant she looked over, he gave her a teasing nod.

For some reason, Jin Xi felt strangely embarrassed.

Jian SiXun discussed work arrangements with her, "Since we're the hosts, you'll need to keep an eye on things. Don't let anyone get lost."

"Don't worry, I'll do a good job."

"I believe you."

Jian SiXun glanced back at Bo Yan, gaze faintly challenging.

Bo Yan's expression instantly darkened.

Chu Zhao deliberately sat in a two-seater near the back, taking the inner seat and leaving the outer one empty.

With a glimmer of hope, perhaps the man of her dreams would sit next to her.

After getting on the bus, Xu Chaoyang looked around and saw Qu Xuan Xuan still wasn't there. Wanting to do the same as Chu Zhao, he chose an empty two-seater and left the seat next to him vacant.

Seeing him sit up front, Chu Zhao was somewhat disappointed.

Jing Chi naturally sat down next to Chu Zhao with a "Good morning."

"Oh, good morning to you too."

Jing Chi called out, "Xu Chaoyang, let's switch seats. I get carsick and want to sit up front."

Xu Chaoyang looked back, unsatisfied. "There's so many seats up front, why do you have to switch with me?"

"I want your seat, got a problem?"

"What the hell, no way!"

Jing Chi insisted, but Chu Zhao suddenly grabbed his hand to stop him. Don't say any more!

Helpless, Jing Chi gently patted her hand.

Just then, Qu Xuan Xuan and another female broadcaster got on the bus.

Qu Xuan Xuan wore a light white dress as always, long black hair flowing past her waist. Her hourglass figure was elegant and graceful. At 5'7", she had an extraordinary temperament.

Xu Chaoyang's eyes lit up. "Sis Xuanxuan, good morning!"

Qu Xuan Xuan smiled politely. "Good morning, Xu Chaoyang."

"Have a seat here, Sis. I have some questions about pronunciation I want to ask you."


Qu Xuan Xuan sat down beside Xu Chaoyang with ease.

Jing Chi rolled his eyes in disdain.

Once everyone was seated, the bus slowly departed.

Xu Chaoyang brought out questions he'd prepared in advance to discuss with Qu Xuan Xuan. The two chatted animatedly.

The atmosphere on the bus was strange. No one else talked, only Xu Chaoyang and Qu Xuan Xuan's voices could be heard.

Qu Xuan Xuan: "Your recitation is really good. Not professionals, but very emotional performances that move people."

Xu Chaoyang: "We've spent almost all our free time practicing recitation these days, other than training. The instructor even found us a teacher."

Qu Xuan Xuan: "Your morale is your biggest advantage. Boys with such positive energy are rare these days."

Xu Chaoyang smiled shyly. "You really think so, Sis?"

"Of course, you're all outstanding."

As she spoke, she stole a meaningful glance at Bo Yan.


Chu Zhao tilted her head, gaze fixed out the window.

Her heart filled with sadness, eyes brimming with tears.

Jing Chi felt frustrated. "Xu Chaoyang, let's switch seats."

Xu Chaoyang was chatting excitedly with Qu Xuan Xuan and had no intention of switching with Jing Chi, ignoring him completely.

"Xu Chaoyang!"

Xu Chaoyang grew angry. "What's your problem, Jing Chi! Just looking to oppose me?"

"I don't like you sitting there!"

"How did I offend you?"

Just then, Bo Yan's angry voice shouted from the back. "Take it outside if you wanna argue, come back when you're done!"

His irritated tone carried undeniable authority. Jing Chi and Xu Chaoyang shut up awkwardly.

Though not the oldest, Bo Yan was undisputedly the leader, in skill and temperament.

When he spoke, they would give him face.

Chu Zhao pulled Jing Chi's sleeve, looking at him gratefully. "It's okay, you don't have to do this for me. I'll sit with you."

Jing Chi took noise-cancelling headphones from his black backpack and gently put them on Chu Zhao's ears. He connected them to his phone and played some music.

He skipped through several songs before selecting a sweet, upbeat pop tune, avoiding anything too emotional.

Chu Zhao was surprised the casual boy's phone contained such sweet tunes. Of course she didn't know he'd chosen it hoping to cheer her up.

Chu Zhao looked up at Jing Chi. His irises weren't pure black, but a chocolatey hazel that shone clear and transparent like glass beads in the sunlight. Very good-looking.

The corners of his mouth curved up slightly, as if smiling at her, or perhaps not.

Chu Zhao closed her eyes, immersing herself in the music.

Up front, Jin Xi was starting to doze off, but soon a warm sensation below jolted her awake.

No way! Please no! Not now... Surely it was just her body playing tricks on her.

Jin Xi became anxious. She asked the driver, "How much longer?"

"Still a ways, at least two hours on the highway."

"Is there a rest stop ahead?"

"Yes, coming up soon, twenty minutes."

Jin Xi curled up nervously, not daring to move.

Seeing her state, Jian SiXun asked, "Feeling unwell?"

Jin Xi shook her head. "I'm fine."

She texted Chu Zhao: "SOS, sanitary pads?"

But Chu Zhao seemed to be napping with headphones on, head leaning against Jing Chi, not checking her phone.

Hard to make a fuss about this, Jin Xi didn't even have the courage to get up right now.

Most passengers were male, the only other girl was Qu Xuan Xuan, and Jin Xi didn't have her number.

Soon, Bo Yan's WeChat message popped up.

"Look back."

Jin Xi turned around. He leaned on one knee, looking at her worriedly. Silently mouthed: "What's wrong?"

Perhaps her restless fidgeting had caught his attention.

Jin Xi lowered her head, hesitating a while before replying:

"Aunt Flo might be visiting."

Bo Yan stared at the message a few moments, puzzling it out based on their prior misunderstanding.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Jin Xi thought, what good are you, a guy?

Finally they reached the rest stop and the bus halted. Bo Yan strode up, quickly taking off his camo jacket and draping it over Jin Xi's lap. He stood behind her with one hand on her shoulder, shielding her from view.

Faced with everyone's bewildered looks, Bo Yan yelled, "Xi Xi, go buy some stuff with your senior."

He was always so overbearing and unreasonable, so no one thought much of it. Only Jian SiXun said, "Jin Xi may not feel well. You should go buy what you need yourself instead of making her get off the bus."

Bo Yan glared coldly at him without saying a word, but Jian SiXun could still read his unspoken words from his aggressive gaze:

Mind your own business.

After getting off the bus, Bo Yan took Jin Xi quickly to the service area's restroom.

Jin Xi, wearing his jacket, jogged into the restroom.

Meanwhile, Bo Yan paced back and forth outside like an anxious young father waiting outside the delivery room, rubbing his hands nervously.

Soon, Jin Xi sent Bo Yan a text message from inside the restroom: "Senior, I'm doomed qaq"

"Don't, don't panic. I'll think of something," Bo Yan replied.

Bo Yan put down his phone, his heart thumping rapidly. He looked back and saw the convenience store next to him. He sprinted in, found what he needed, and bought several bags of each color without a second thought.

"Dear girl, I got them. I'll bring them in to you."

"No!!! I'll come out and get them myself!!!"



Jin Xi emerged from the restroom again, looking much more relaxed. When she saw Bo Yan, he had broken into a thin sweat on his forehead despite the April chill. Seeing her, he was flustered and had a panicked look in his eyes.

Jin Xi: ...

Do you have to be so nervous? It's not like I'm having your son!

The two got back on the bus. This time, without Bo Yan having to say anything, Jin Xi went straight to the last row with him and sat by his side.

Jian SiXun looked back puzzled, unable to understand what was going on between the two.

Bo Yan put his jacket on the seat for Jin Xi to sit on. Her lips were pale, but her cheeks and ears burned crimson.

Jin Xi noticed that Bo Yan had put the black pouches in his black backpack. That idiot had bought seven or eight bags in one go as if the store was giving them away for free.

Her small bag couldn't fit them, so they had to go in his backpack.

In such a situation, it was unavoidable to have a guy help her deal with it. But since it was Bo Yan, she didn't mind as much.

Bo Yan was as close to her as Shen Ping Chuan. She could tell him things she absolutely could not say to anyone else without any reservations.

Seeing Jin Xi lost in thought, Bo Yan assumed she was uncomfortable and put his warm hand on her belly to soothe her.

Jin Xi pushed his hand away, "Oh, I'm fine."

But Bo Yan looked very anxious as if facing a formidable foe, not daring to be negligent at all. He insisted on reaching over to hold her belly.

Let him keep holding if it makes him feel better, Jin Xi thought as she closed her eyes to rest for a bit.

"Did you bring the hot water bottle?"

"Yes, I did."

Jin Xi had expected Bo Yan to say what he did next. Sure enough, Bo Yan said, "Drink more hot water."

Jin Xi: ...

Don't you have anything else to say?!

Author's note: Happy New Year! Red envelopes for all!

Eat more meat, everyone!