
Chapter 26

"I won't force you, but I will seduce you," Chu Zhao put down the questionnaire: "Oh, I won't read this anymore. What is this mess, it's too dirty."

Hearing this, the few girls also blushed to their ears, their hearts beating quickly. They were all beansprouts who had never fallen in love before. When it came to these taboo questions, they couldn't help but feel shy.

That night, after dividing up the work, they pulled an all-nighter and finally completed the thousands-word social survey report before class.

Under the lamplight, Chu Zhao secretly took out one of the questionnaires while sorting them.

Earlier when collecting the papers, she had left a little trick by folding the corner of Bo Yan's questionnaire.

The tenth question of the survey was: Do you currently have a girl you like or have a crush on?

His answer on the folded questionnaire was yes.


The final exams came as scheduled, and the girls studied like crazy to prepare.

Jin Xi's period didn't come this month, and she was visibly haggard.

The girls were just waiting for the final judgment, and each time they finished an exam, the heavy burden on their hearts eased a little.

Taking advantage of the fact that members of both dorms had not left yet, Jing Chi convened a meeting of the Cat Society members.

Since the daily work of the Cat Society was quite heavy, the members had put collars on the stray cats on campus, vaccinated them, trimmed their claws, fed them regularly at fixed points, and sometimes when they found new cats, they would take them to the pet hospital for sterilization surgery.

So Jin Xi grabbed Shen Ping Chuan to be free labor to order around.

Because the Cat Society was a student-run club without funding, the vast majority of expenses were paid by the 409 boys together. Except for Jing Chi, the families of the other boys were well off.

Jing Chi had various income from his small business, and he would also contribute part of it to the Cat Society. Later, when the girls joined, they also volunteered to contribute part of their living expenses to support the club.

Jing Chi did not agree, he only asked them to contribute effort.

However, when Shen Ping Chuan joined the club, the boys really took him for a ride.

In Bo Yan's words, if they didn't bleed Shen Ping Chuan a little, how could it match the noble status of Young Master Shen, the heir of the prominent Shen family.

Now the Cat Society members no longer called Shen Ping Chuan by his name, respectfully calling him Young Master Shen uniformly.

Shen Ping Chuan felt that he still had to wear sable fur, wear ten jade rings on his hands, inlay a big gold tooth, in order to match this title.

The Cat Society meeting was held in the third cafeteria. When Jin Xi walked into the cafeteria, she saw that Bo Yan had arrived early and was sitting in the southeast corner holding a cat.

The cat's fur was snow white, and its little paws were scratching Bo Yan's gray sweater.

Bo Yan let it frolic and act coquettishly, his eyebrows drooping gently, the corners of his lips raised, and there seemed to be light in the depths of his eyes.

Jin Xi was a little stunned.

Bo Yan like this was really gentle. Even on this below freezing winter day, there was warmth around him.

Bo Yan looked up and saw her. He smiled and waved at her.

Jin Xi immediately ran over and leaned on his shoulder, reaching out to touch the white cat.

"You brought Little White too!"

Bo Yan put the cat on Jin Xi's lap and said, "It just ran to the Octagonal Pavilion entrance to wait for me. After I came out, it kept following me. Guess what's going on."

"I can't guess, do you want to play a game?"

Bo Yan smiled lightly, held Jin Xi's hand, and touched the little white cat's belly: "It's having kittens."

Jin Xi touched it carefully, it did feel a little hard.

She said joyfully, "Little White specially came to give Bo Yan this good news, how magical!"

Jing Chi sat down and explained, "Your Bo Yan naturally emits catnip vibes. The stray cats and dogs on campus all like him. Last year, there was a new floppy-eared puppy. After being fed by him a few times, for the whole semester, it would come to wait below the Octagonal Pavilion every day to accompany him during morning exercises. After we gathered, that floppy-eared puppy would guard him on the playground, rain or shine. Can you imagine how much Little Yellow loved him? If the coach scolded Bo Yan, Little Yellow would bark at him, as if to protect him."

Hearing this, the girls were fascinated: "How touching!"

Jin Xi could feel that when dealing with cats, there was an indescribable gentleness in Bo Yan.

Not to mention little animals, even she wanted to get closer and be affectionate with him.

"How come you don't see Little Yellow dog now?"

"In early March last year at the beginning of the semester, the school security department had a cleanup operation." Bo Yan's voice was a little low: "Many dogs and cats were taken away by trucks, not knowing where they were taken."

Jin Xi looked at Bo Yan. His eyes were very dark, with no visible emotion, but she knew he must have felt bad inside.

Putting oneself in another's position, those little animals liked him so much... How could he not be affected.

"At that time, your Bo Yan almost got in trouble with the security department."

Speaking of this topic, Jing Chi's face was also very solemn: "Our Cat Society was established at that time. For those cats left on campus that were not taken away, we vaccinated them and had them sterilized. The documents from the pet hospital were also filed with the security department, which was a kind of mutual compromise. Now when the security teachers see animals with collars, they won't drive them away."

Shen Ping Chuan said with a smile: "You guys are really loving, with just a few people, yet able to do so much."

"It has nothing to do with having more or fewer people. It depends on whether you want to do it or not," Chu Tang said plainly: "Actually these cats and dogs are very pitiful. Whoever is good to them, they know it in their hearts. The other day during class, that big orange cat carried a mouse over and casually put it in front of me. From that attitude, it seemed to be treating me to a meal."

Shen Ping Chuan laughed out loud: "Then it must think rather highly of you."

"Anyway, Young Master Shen will understand after staying in our club for a while," said Bo Yan.

After all the members arrived, Jing Chi, as club president, announced the start of the meeting—

"Mainly there are a few things I want to say. The winter vacation is coming soon. During the vacation, we still need club members to come to school regularly to check on things, about once a week. It's best for two people to come together each time."

Except for Lin Luo and Jing Chi, everyone else was from City B, so they had time to come to school and look after the animals.

"So just choose your own partners," Jing Chi said. "It's best for new members to pair up with senior members."

Chu Tang said with a smile, "Captain, you might as well just say pair up by gender."

"Alright, you guys discuss it privately afterwards and give me a name list tonight. Dismissed, I still haven't finished reading my Mao Zedong Thought textbook, I'm leaving first."

That night in the girls' dormitory, Chu Zhao asked Jin Xi, "Who are you pairing up with?"

"My brother wants to pair up with me, but he's a newbie rookie, and I'm half a newbie, so I can't lead. I need to pair up with a senior member."

"Then are you with Bo Yan?"

Jin Xi shook her head: "I don't know, he didn't say he wanted to pair up with me."

So Chu Zhao looked up at Chu Tang again: "Dear, who are you pairing up with?"

Sitting on the bed reviewing her homework, Chu Tang slowly put down her book and asked back, "Who do you want me to pair up with?"

Chu Zhao's face reddened: "Whoever you want to pair up with, just pair up."

Chu Tang smiled and said, "Then I'll pair up with Chu Yang."

Chu Zhao: "..."

She hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything. She silently went back to her desk and took out a book.

That night, Bo Yan called Jin Xi out. Without any small talk, he said directly, "I'll take you over winter break."

Jin Xi said with a smile, "Shen Ping Chuan also wants to pair up with me. Just now Xia You also said he'd pair up with me. I'm truly a sweet steamed bun!"

Bo Yan pinched her soft cheek and said gently, "Yes, you're a sweet steamed bun."

Jin Xi stretched out her arms to pinch Bo Yan back. He tilted his head to dodge her attack, and took the opportunity to grab her wrist and press her against the wall. The corners of his mouth curved up as he lazily smiled, "Still getting physical with me?"

"Oh, let me go."

"Promise to pair up with me and I'll let you go." His knees parted her legs and his whole body pressed against Jin Xi, making it a little hard for her to breathe.

"Senior Bo Yan, isn't this coercion?" She still had a bit of a fearless spirit: "With this attitude, I can't agree."

Bo Yan released her and tidied his collar calmly, "Little White's expected delivery is during winter break. I was planning to take you to see the kittens after they were born, but since you're so unwilling, forget it."

He said this and turned to leave.

"Hey!" Hearing this, Jin Xi hurried to catch up: "Senior, I'll go with you!"

Newborn kittens weren't something you could easily see. The mother cat would hide the kittens. Unless you were an extremely close person, you wouldn't be able to see them. That white cat was usually aloof. Even Jing Chi and Chu Yang, it loved to ignore. It only liked Bo Yan.

"Senior, take me, okay?" She pleaded, pulling his hand: "Please, I beg you."

Bo Yan could feel her soft little paws gripping his wrist tightly, the touch of her soft palm.

"Sweet steamed bun?"

"No no, what sweet steamed bun am I? My Bo Yan is the real one." At this moment, Jin Xi's little mouth was smeared with honey, doing her utmost to please him: "My Bo Yan is the best. He's always thinking of me and taking special care of me. This time he will definitely take me to see the kittens too."

Bo Yan was tickled by her sweet words, he crooked his long fingers at her, and Jin Xi tiptoed closer to him.

Bo Yan whispered in her ear, "I can take you, but you have to promise me one thing first."

Jin Xi would agree to anything, even a hundred things, if it was for him.

"Tell me."

"You need to be more careful with your feelings. Don't fall for so many people in the future." His voice had a certain sexy raspiness to it. His fingertips brushed back a lock of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Just one person is enough."

The hot breath on her ear made her heart tingle. She couldn't help but shrink her neck back, her body trembling lightly.

"Who...who is it?"

Bo Yan smiled faintly, he didn't answer, and sauntered back to the dorm-

"Think about it yourself."

Jin Xi's ears were red, her heart thumping loudly. She called after his retreating figure, "You haven't agreed to help me yet!"

Bo Yan didn't look back, but lifted his hand in an OK gesture.


The practical skills assessment at the Military Academy ended early, while the liberal arts exams overlapped with other colleges.

Students had different elective courses, so exam times differed. Some finished and left campus early to go home for the New Year.

Jin Xi finally finished her last major exam, packed up, and prepared to go home.

"Goodbye, Jin Xi."

"Be safe on the trip back."

"You too, Luo Luo. Be careful on the way home, don't leave anything behind."

After saying goodbye to her roommates, Jin Xi went out the door, luggage in hand. Just then, the door across the hall opened.

Bo Yan, holding a milk bottle, glanced at her and smiled, "Going home?"

"Yup, bye Senior Bo!"

Bo Yan shuffled over in slippers. He casually picked up her huge red suitcase in one hand, and her girly backpack in the other, slinging it over one shoulder.

It looked like he intended to carry them downstairs for her.

Jin Xi happily followed behind Bo Yan, like a young wife, thoughtfully asking: "When are you going home, Senior?"

"Still have two liberal arts exams left."

Bo Yan carried the luggage downstairs. Girls they passed looked at Bo Yan enviously, seeing him carrying a girl's luggage and backpack.

"Are you going back to visit relatives over the New Year, Senior?"

Bo Yan murmured: "Same as every year, going to Grandpa's place, keeping the elders company for New Year's."

"Oh." Jin Xi nodded.

Arriving at the dorm building entrance, Jin Xi saw her stepfather Shen Shishan's black Mercedes sedan. Shen Shishan had just gotten off work, dressed neatly in a black suit, waiting by the car door for Jin Xi.

"Senior Bo Yan, my uncle is here to pick me up. Bye!"

Bo Yan handed over the luggage handle and ruffled her hair: "Remember to message me during break."

"I will." Jin Xi was a bit reluctant to part. After a few steps she turned back: "Senior, don't forget your promise about the kitten."

Bo Yan smiled silently. "Of course."

Shen Shishan took Jin Xi's luggage and put it in the car, smiling: "That boy just now was quite handsome."

"Yes, he's my senior. He takes good care of me."

Shen Shishan started the engine, and asked again: "What does his family do?"

"Oh, I'm not too clear on that."

"Then you can invite him over to our house as a guest during break."

Jin Xi nearly spat out her milk: "Turn left. The building furthest inside is my brother's dorm."

She deftly changed the topic. If this kept up, her gossipy stepfather would really start talking to her about relationships.

The Mercedes stopped below Shen Pingchuan's male dorm building #12. Shen Pingchuan was already waiting with bags and bundles of luggage.

The car stopped and he opened the trunk, putting all his things inside.

His roommate stood at the roadside to see Shen Pingchuan off. He ran over to remind his roommate of a few things, telling him to remember to clean up before leaving.

Unexpectedly, when he turned back, the Mercedes zoomed off with a "whoosh".

Shen Pingchuan quickly chased after it, shouting-

"Dad, I'm not in the car yet!"

"Dad! Wait a moment!"

Shen Shishan wasn't paying attention either, driving the car off campus, saying to Jin Xi: "Better leave early, or else it'll be rush hour later and we'll get stuck in traffic."

Jin Xi felt her bag, and found that Bo Yan had even slipped her a bottle of milk. Happily, she poked in a straw: "Yes, we should hurry."

Somehow, it felt like something was off.

In the rearview mirror, Shen Pingchuan sprinted madly, chasing the Mercedes halfway across campus.

Finally, Shen Shishan's phone rang. The caller ID showed it was his son.

Shen Shishan looked back in surprise: "Where's your brother?"

Jin Xi nearly spit out her milk: "That's right, where's brother?"

The Mercedes pulled over at an intersection. Shen Pingchuan walked over, phone in hand, panting heavily as he got in the car. Out of breath-

"I'm not your real son! Not worthy of Father Shen's car!"

Shen Shishan had really forgotten about his own son. Somewhat awkwardly, hearing him cursing, Shen Shishan scolded: "Disrespectful! I was only here to pick up Little Xi, and bring you along."

Shen Pingchuan was very angry, yelling: "Just a stepdaughter yet you treasure her so..."

Jin Xi kicked Shen Pingchuan. He kicked back. The two scuffled in the back seat.

"You son of a b*tch!"

"You son of a b*tch!"

"I'll beat you to death!"

"I'll f*ck you up!"

"Ow, you're pulling my hair!"

"You fight like a cat! And you're scratching me too!"

"Uncle Shen, look at him!"

Shen Shishan was extremely vexed, rubbing his forehead. Both already in college yet at the slightest disagreement they were rolling up sleeves to brawl - what bitter enemies were they in their past lives?

Finally Shen Pingchuan settled down first, after a lethal kick from Jin Xi. Holding his crotch, bruised face in the corner, he sat silently without a word.

Jin Xi knew her kick had hit somewhere it shouldn't. Seeing Shen Pingchuan's pained expression, eyes shut, she felt guilty. Scooting over, she gently asked: "Are you okay, brother?"

Author's note: Getting kicked in the balls must be so infuriating.