
Chapter 14

Jin Xi brought several bags of snacks to Bo Yan in order to increase her "price". Bo Yan had always regarded these puffed foods as "junk food" that caused constipation.

Bo Yan discussed with Jin Xi about taking these snacks to the dormitory building to resell them. At night, those strong guys were often hungry after the dormitory was locked. Reselling snacks could double the price. They planned to split the profit fifty-fifty.

Bo Yan hit Jin Xi's head with a book: "Dream on."

For the next few days, Xu Chaoyang could hear the "crunch, crunch" sound from under the table every night.

He lowered his head to see Boss Bo's long legs on the table, reading a book while crunching on chips, eating with great relish.

Xu Chaoyang leaned over and said with great sadness: "Boss Bo, I know you don't like to eat this junk food. As a brother, I can share your worries..."

After saying that, he stretched his evil paws towards Bo Yan's potato chips. Bo Yan didn't stop him. Xu Chaoyang was overjoyed to grab the potato chips, only to find the bag empty.

"Fuck! What kind of appetite do you have to finish it so quickly!"

Jin Xi mocked Xu Chaoyang: "If it wasn't finished, it wouldn't have fallen into your hands."

"He doesn't usually have a big appetite and hates snacks the most."

"It also depends on who gave the snacks."

Xu Chaoyang was so angry that his teeth itched. He felt Bo Yan was too much.

Ever since he and Shen Ping Chuan reached a tacit gentleman's agreement, Jin Xi's status in Xu Chaoyang's eyes had surpassed him, her nagging mentor.

Now the two of them were getting along very well.

Every night, Bo Yan would take Jin Xi for a night run, under the guise of strengthening the body. But it was just an excuse to spend time alone with her.

In addition to running at night, Jin Xi had to report her daily life and study to Boss Bo every day.

Most were trivial things. As Bo Yan looked at the messages popping up on his phone from time to time, his eyes would gentle a lot.

Two days later was the National Day holiday.

Lin Luo had it the worst. She was suddenly taken by her family on a spur of the moment trip to Mount Tai.

She sent a video in the group chat. The video was crowded with people, bustling and impenetrable at a glance.

The poor Northeastern girl was stuck on the crowded cloud ladder, looking completely hopeless as she was squeezed like a meat patty.

She could only move up one step every ten seconds. Maintaining this frequency, she climbed for a full two hours before finally reaching the ticket counter.

However...the photos Lin Luo posted on Moments were of the morning glow and clouds framing Mount Tai's pines, with the caption:

"The place where emperors performed the Fengshan sacrifice since ancient times, the rich cultural heritage and stunning natural scenery make one feel carefree and elated. The body and mind are both on the road, hehe!"

Jin Xi: ...

Chu Zhao: Fucking bitch

Now only Chu Zhao and Jin Xi were left. They didn't have enough people to play escape room.

Chu Zhao: "Call your brother too."

Jin Xi: "Uncle Shen grounded Shen Ping Chuan and won't let him go anywhere during the National Day."

Sitting on the sofa in a dog squat, Shen Ping Chuan said to Jin Xi: "Why don't you ask Uncle Shen to let your brother out to mess around for a day?"

Jin Xi: "The likely result would be Uncle Shen, moved by the deep affection between us siblings, would ask me to stay and accompany you during your grounding."

"That works too. Watching horror movies together at home is not bad either."

Jin Xi lifted her bare feet and kicked her brother, deliberately provoking him: "Watching horror movies alone creates more atmosphere. I'm going to the escape room with stupid Chu Zhao!"

"Hey! How can you two girls play with so few people?"

"I just called to make a reservation. The owner said he could help match us with other players."

Shen Ping Chuan was a little worried: "Call Bo Yan to go with you. It's better with more guys."

"Bo Yan, huh." Jin Xi hesitated. "Should we really call him?"

"Who do you think sent you two boxes of milk for no reason? From now on, feel free to order him around, don't be shy at all!"

Jin Xi sent a text message to Bo Yan.

At that time, Bo Yan had just finished showering in the side room of the spacious and empty Sihe courtyard. His hair was still a little wet and a white towel was draped over his shoulders.

In the yard, Elder Bo was practicing Tai Chi.

Bo Yan leaned against a carved fence pillar and watched for a while. He smiled and said, "Sir, stop doing Tai Chi. Master Liu is still waiting for you to go clubbing together."

After retiring, Elder Bo's days were carefree and comfortable, teasing birds, playing chess, and occasionally going out to dance in the square.

The old commander snorted lightly through his nose: "Just because your bones have hardened you dare mock your grandfather, thinking I can't flip you anymore."

"Of course not, sir. You are still hale and hearty. I'm no match for you."

A few words were enough to make the old man smile. He was Elder Bo's beloved eldest grandson.

Bo Yan's phone dinged with an incoming WeChat message. The contact was Little Fart Jin Xi.

"Escape room tonight, want to join, senior?"

Bo Yan's mouth curved into a faint smile. Just as he was about to reply, the old commander said lightly, "The National Day is the time to gather with your uncles and cousins. Keep tonight open."

Bo Yan was slightly surprised and stood up straight: "Tonight?"

The old commander looked at him: "The uncles in the yard all miss you very much. They were your father's comrades-in-arms and colleagues. You don't see them often since starting university. Take this chance to meet them, it will also benefit your future."

"It has to be tonight?"

The old commander stopped his movement and looked at Bo Yan: "Do you have plans?"

Bo Yan scratched his head and smiled gently: "My friends asked me out."

"You're grown now, you should know there are priorities and urgencies in matters."

Bo Yan's fingertips hovered over the screen, very reluctant to press reject.


He had been sensible since childhood, raised under the old man and lived a militarized family life. He seldom went against the elders' wishes.

For something that made him so attached, it surely wasn't an ordinary bastard's gathering.

"A girl asked you out?"

Surprise rose in Bo Yan's eyes: "You even know that."

Elder Bo snorted coldly: "Just like your father, once he has a woman, nothing else enters his eyes. No ambition!"

Bo Yan's eyes curved into a charming smile: "Can't support women without ambition. I'll go tonight, but...can I leave early, grandfather?"

The old commander also doted on his eldest grandson and didn't make things difficult for him, only saying, "At least after eight."


Elder Bo paused, then asked again: "Is she a good girl?"

Bo Yan said helplessly: "Sir, please don't worry, I know my limits."

"As long as you have limits." The old man said heavily: "Once you put on this uniform, you must not take a single wrong step. Any stain could ruin your future. I don't care who you date, but absolutely no fooling around."

Bo Yan acknowledged the old man and went back to his room to text Jin Xi: "Is 8pm okay?"

Jin Xi: "Wouldn't that be too late? An escape room takes over two hours. Uncle Shen wants me home by 10pm."

Bo Yan typed a few words then quickly deleted them. He retyped, deleted again... After doing this repeatedly, he said: "Then I'll help you ask Xu Chaoyang and the others."

Jin Xi: "You're not coming, senior?"

Bo Yan: "I'll probably be done late here. Let Instructor Xu take you to play."

The screen showed the other party was typing...

But the message Jin Xi sent back only contained a few words: "Oh, okay then."

Bo Yan didn't know if those words contained a hint of disappointment, or if he was overthinking.

Jin Xi still booked an 8:15pm slot and had Xu Chaoyang relay to Bo Yan that if he could get away, he was welcome to join.

However, after going through Xu Chaoyang's mouth, the message Bo Yan received directly became: "8pm tonight, come if you want, we're not waiting!"

At the banquet, Bo Yan wore a proper white shirt and politely toasted the uncles and elders. In front of the seniors, he behaved very properly, speaking tactfully and insightfully.

Elder Bo looked at his well-behaved grandson with satisfaction, his eyes and brows full of joy.

Since Bo Yan had agreed with the old man on 8pm, when the time came, he promptly bid farewell. Elder Bo waved his hand and said to everyone: "The brat's got himself a girl at university. He's absent-minded all day, staring at his phone."

The elders laughed amiably: "Yan'er has grown up."

Bo Yan hurriedly left the reception hall and texted Jin Xi: "Can I come over now?"

Jin Xi: "I'll wait for you, senior."

Bo Yan's mood was elated. He jogged all the way over.

Luckily the dinner place wasn't far from the commercial district. He arrived in less than ten minutes.

Jin Xi sat on a high stool at the milk tea shop, tapping her feet on the ground sporadically. When she tapped the twenty-first time, she looked up to see Bo Yan.

The shirt outlined his well-proportioned figure. His shoulder and arm muscles were slightly prominent. The hem was tucked loosely into his pants, revealing a bit and making him look much more steady.

Bo Yan in a dress shirt was clean and refined.

When Bo Yan arrived, he happened to hear Xu Chaoyang yell in his loud voice to the girls: "I'll let you all in on a secret, Bo Yan is scared super easily! If you want a brave guy, he's out. But don't worry, Instructor Xu will lead the way for sure!"

Bo Yan: ...

Who was the one who always covered his eyes and screamed when watching horror films?

Bo Yan leaned his elbow on the table, looking straight at Jin Xi's fair little face. He asked gently: "Did Jin Xi have a happy National Day?"

Jin Xi: "Hmm..."

He stood so close beside her that she could even smell the faint minty scent of his body.

Jin Xi thought for a moment, looked at him with clear eyes, and said earnestly: "Reading, studying, walking, and exercising. I feel every day is meaningful and fulfilling."

That was the standard teacher's pet response.

Seeing her so serious, Bo Yan smiled lightly and reached out to rub her head.

"Silly girl."

Chu Zhao and Xu Chaoyang: ...

How did "silly girl" sound so doting?

Xu Chaoyang said to Bo Yan with a smile: "I was just telling the girls that Bo Yan is the bravest! We'll definitely be fine with you around."

Chu Zhao: “Huh? Didn’t you just say Senior Bo Yan was timid as a mouse...”

Xu Chaoyang gave Chu Zhao a light kick under the table. “Ow!” Chu Zhao yelped.

“It’s about time, let’s head in!”

Jin Xi squeezed the straw of her milk tea regretfully. “There are still lots of chocolate boba in my milk tea, I don’t want to waste it.”

Chu Zhao said: “Don’t drink too much, or you’ll need the bathroom later. Once we enter the escape room, we can’t get out until we solve it.”

Jin Xi poked at her straw: “But there’s still so much left.”

Bo Yan’s gaze slid over to Jin Xi’s milk tea cup.

The light almond colored paper cup looked comforting, emanating a soothing warmth.

“I heard it’s very scary, I’m going to buy a bottle of milk to calm my nerves.” Bo Yan said.

Xu Chaoyang immediately saw through this sly old fox’s nefarious intentions. He contemptuously rolled his eyes and pushed his own milk tea over. “Where are you going to buy milk here? Just drink my milk tea, Bo Yan, I’ve barely had any yet, it’s all yours.”

Bo Yan didn’t take it, haughtily rolling up his sleeve to reveal a fair forearm—

“I don't drink other men's milk tea.”

The last vestige of a straight man's stubbornness.

Xu Chaoyang: ...

Damn you, you didn't say that when you were stealing my soda!

Jin Xi’s curled, lush lashes fluttered as she looked at the warm milk tea cup in her hand, then back at Bo Yan.

Bo Yan idly examined the ceiling, fully adopting the guise of an old fox waiting to pounce.

After a moment, the kind little bunny pushed her own milk tea towards Bo Yan—

“Senior, would you like mine?”