Replacing Sister to Marry into a Wealthy Family

Chapter 63

"Bai Yin, stop messing around," said Chen Huaixiao.

Before Bai Yin could say anything, he covered her lips with his, kissing her for a very long time, something he had been enduring for a very long time.

Bai Yin could feel the man's moist breath as his lips pressed against hers, prying open her tightly closed teeth, leaving her with no way to retreat except to intimately entwine with him.

Chen Huaixiao had felt no taste for food and been unable to sleep soundly for half a month now. It was as if he had been ill for a very long time.

Only at this moment could the shackles around his heart relax even slightly. Only when he held her in his embrace did Chen Huaixiao feel there were a few things in this world worth liking and lingering for.

Bai Yin felt dizzy from his kisses. Her body went limp, but her arms were still stubbornly held in front of her, blocking any further action on his part.

If she hadn't blocked him, this man would probably have picked her up already.

"Chen Huaixiao, stop," said Bai Yin.

Chen Huaixiao still kissed her intensely, as if possessed, with an expression as deep as an abyss, seeming about to devour her.

Bai Yin pushed him away and said, "I want a divorce from you."

The next second, Chen Huaixiao ruthlessly bit her lip and ground it fiercely. "Like hell you're getting a divorce."

Bai Yin could feel this man had endured for a long time, so she could only patiently let him vent his frustrations, kissing her until her lips swelled slightly before he calmed down a bit.

Bai Yin looked at him and said, "Chen Huaixiao, I've made up my mind."

"You've made up your mind to leave me?"


Chen Huaixiao sat back in his seat and straightened his clothes that she had clutched into disorder. "Because of Qin Yao?"


She looked at the man before her, afraid that if she didn't leave now, she would never be able to leave.

Whoever cares more, loses.

"Bai Yin, let me say it again. You are my wife. From the moment I decided to marry you, you have been my only spouse. No matter who comes back, it will not change this established fact."

"Chen Huaixiao, can you say you've never had feelings for her?"

Chen Huaixiao was silent for a moment before answering honestly, "She accompanied me during my most difficult times when I was young, but that was a long time ago."

Bai Yin clenched her fists. "Chen Huaixiao, I don't care anymore. Now we've both gotten what we wanted, it's time to part on good terms."

Chen Huaixiao looked at her cold black eyes. She had always been like this, cold-hearted.

"You don't care about me and any woman. You never cared about me, right?"

"That's right, I never cared."

Chen Huaixiao's heart gradually cooled. This arranged marriage game was lost from the start by whoever fell in love first.

From the very beginning, he had thoroughly lost.

Bai Yin pushed open the car door, preparing to leave. Chen Huaixiao tried to take her hand but failed to grasp it, his hand falling through the air.

Bai Yin took two steps then turned back and said to him, "Oh right, see you next Monday at the civil affairs bureau entrance."

Chen Huaixiao's expression was icy. "I'm busy next Monday."

"Then Tuesday."

"I'm very busy next week."

"Then the week after next."

"I'm busy every day this month."

Bai Yin frowned, forcing herself to be patient. "Then Mr. Chen, when do you have time?"

Chen Huaixiao slowly raised his eyes to look at her and enunciated word for word, "The day I die."


During that time, Bai Yin devoted all her energy and thoughts back into her own career.

She took on a new drama called In the Third Year After You Left.

This was a highly anticipated fantasy romance drama that investors were also optimistic about.

The male lead, Cheng Nian, had been a world champion in alpine skiing, creating one miracle after another on ice and snow. Later, during a ski competition, he was involved in an accident and left this world.

Three years after his death, his girlfriend Gu Qing committed suicide.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qing did not die after committing suicide, but instead traveled back in time to before Cheng Nian's accident.

That year, Cheng Nian had not yet won the world championship. His most brilliant moment had yet to arrive. He hadn't even met Gu Qing yet.

Gu Qing went back to his youth and got to know him and fall in love with him again. At the same time, she clearly knew that if Cheng Nian continued skiing, he would definitely meet with an accident. So she tried her best to stop him, even forbidding him from participating in the dangerous sport of alpine skiing.

To save his life, Gu Qing thought of every possible way to make Cheng Nian lose interest in skiing, sabotaging his training in every conceivable way.

In this process, they argued and fought countless times, experiencing unprecedented trials in their relationship.

But in this process, they were also able to resolve one emotional crisis after another because of their love for each other.

For anyone, having to choose between ideals and love is an extremely cruel decision.

In the end, after much struggle, the male lead Cheng Nian chose to be with Gu Qing, avoiding that accident.

After accompanying Cheng Nian and living a happy and fulfilling life, Gu Qing suddenly woke up one day back on the cliff where Cheng Nian had his accident, also where she had planned to commit suicide.

It was three years after Cheng Nian's death.

When Gu Qing woke up and looked at the steep, snowy cliff, tears streamed down her face.

She didn't know if that dream where she accompanied her beloved through the rest of his life...was Cheng Nian's gift of a perfect ending to her.

Or was it to tell her that if given another chance, between dying for his dreams or living for love, he would choose the latter, and hoped Gu Qing could be a little braver and choose to live for love.

In the Third Year After You Left ended with Gu Qing waking up, leaving endless room for the audience's imagination.

After reading the script, Bai Yin was lost in thought for a long time. She really liked this story.

Although it wasn't a traditional happy ending but rather had a slightly tragic flavor, the concept of this story was very innovative. If it could be shot well according to the script, it should get pretty high ratings.

She signed the contract without any hesitation, taking on this drama.

Since the investment for this drama wasn't high, the pay wasn't great either. Sun Lili had intended to negotiate for more, but Bai Yin stopped her.

It was so difficult for an actor to come across a good script. Let alone low pay, even for a potentially classic, award-winning film, she would be willing to act in it for free.

Bai Yin's refreshing attitude allowed preparations for the drama to proceed smoothly.

The male lead was quickly cast as well, the hugely popular new idol star Lu Qi Ran.

Lu Qi Ran was a top-tier male star with great resources and a considerable fanbase that adored him.

But the main reason the director chose him was that he could ski.

Alpine skiing was a dangerous sport. If the male star had no skiing skills whatsoever, it would be impossible for him to handle the role even with stunt doubles, since many scenes would require the male lead to perform himself.

The male lead's technical skill was crucial.

It would be hard to convince audiences this was a world champion if a complete newbie's clumsy skills were shown.

Lu Qi Ran had loved alpine skiing since childhood and was extremely skilled, able to perform very difficult maneuvers.

He was the obvious choice for the male lead.

However, just as the crew was preparing intensively for the start of filming, Lu Qi Ran's studio suddenly sent word that they wanted to postpone the start date.

After communicating with the crew for an afternoon, an irate Sun Lili came to the office and told Bai Yin, "I asked around, and the reason they want to postpone filming is because Lu Qi Ran's side wants to change the female lead."

"Why?" Bai Yin couldn't recall ever offending Lu Qi Ran. She hadn't even had any contact with this popular idol.

Sun Lili typed rapidly on the computer and solemnly said, "Lu Qi Ran's studio was just established, and I heard it's funded by the Chen Corporation."

"Chen Corporation...Chen Huaixiao?"

"Of course it's not Chen Huaixiao." Sun Lili leaned back in her chair. "The Chens are the biggest financial tycoon family in Beicheng. Very large, with Chen Huaixiao's business mainly in the entertainment industry, but his other brothers and cousins have their own footholds in finance, esports... They're all under old Master Chen in the Chen Corporation."

Bai Yin understood now. This was why Chen Jingye was always harping on about inheritance rights. In the end, old Master Chen had to choose someone to take over the entire Chen Corporation empire.

Chen Huaixiao was his most hopeful descendant.

So Lu Qi Ran's sudden refusal to work with Bai Yin was in fact engineered by old Master Chen behind the scenes.

Old Master Chen wanted to block her path. Even Chen Huaixiao probably didn't have the power to contend with him.

Bai Yin finally understood what she had gotten in exchange for insisting on old Master Chen telling her the truth back then.

Even so, Bai Yin didn't regret it.

If not for that matter, she might never have known old Master Chen was using her as a pawn, and still be gratefully pouring her heart out to him.

Yes, there was no such thing as uncalled for love and kindness in this world, especially for a financial tycoon like old Master Chen.

"What does the crew think?" she asked Sun Lili. "Are they choosing me or Lu Qi Ran?"

"I just spoke with Director Xu on the phone." Sun Lili gnashed her teeth. "They feel it's easy to find a good actress, but a male actor who can ski is hard to find. So they lean more towards choosing Lu Qi Ran."

The male lead Cheng Nian's skiing scenes took up a considerable portion of In the Third Year After You Left. Even with stunt doubles, it was impossible for every scene to use them. Many scenes required the male lead to perform himself.

The male lead's technical skill was crucial.

Bai Yin naturally understood the crew's concerns, but she didn't want to give up so easily. She really, really wanted to play Gu Qing in In the Third Year After You Left. It was a drama she had high hopes for.

"How long is the postponement?"

"They have to choose the cast and start filming next month at the latest."

Bai Yin calculated - there were still over ten days left. "The timing is a bit tight, but it should be doable."

Seeing she already had a plan, Sun Lili asked puzzledly, "They've basically confirmed Lu Qi Ran as the male lead and that won't change. What do you plan to do?"

"There are no absolutes in life," Bai Yin said as she waved the script in her hand, suppressing her voice, "What I want, I will do my utmost to obtain."

Sun Lili looked at her stubbornly departing back and softly sighed.

If it really was someone from the Chen Group making a move, I'm afraid even Chen Huaixiao wouldn't be able to protect her.


Ten days later, Bai Yin arrived at the auditions for "The Third Year After You Left" at the production company's third floor.

Seeing Bai Yin arrive, Director Xu was somewhat surprised and also a bit embarrassed, because he was currently auditioning actresses for the female lead role.

Bai Yin entered wearing a long black windbreaker, carrying a hint of aloof and chilled spring cold. She took off her sunglasses, "Director Xu, long time no see."

Director Xu hurriedly got up to greet her, "Bai Yin, why are you here, you should have given me a heads up."

"I came to see the auditions for the female lead."

"This..." Director Xu's embarrassment was almost uncontrollable, "Bai Yin... you know, I really wanted to cast you. Your previous auditions were great. But you know, it's hard to find a male lead better at skiing than Lu Qi Ran in the industry. He's adamant about not wanting to work with you. I really can't do anything about it."

"I understand, Director. But if there are no well-known male stars in the industry, perhaps we could look at the performing arts universities. I believe there are probably many up-and-coming male actors who love skiing and are good at it."

Some of the actresses auditioning couldn't help but let out a quiet snort, thinking Bai Yin was being far too brazen and confident.

"Up-and-comers are still up-and-comers. How can they compare with a top-tier star like Lu Qi Ran?"

Bai Yin turned around and saw the speaker was Tang Qianqian, also considered a rather well-known actress.

Among the auditioning actresses, she also saw Qin Yao dressed in a white midi dress, smiling gently at her.

If Old Master Chen was really pushing for Qin Yao, then the female lead role would surely go to Qin Yao.

This audition... was just going through the motions.

Bai Yin walked up to Director Xu and said in a low voice, "Director, that's true, newcomers can't compare with popular stars. But everyone starts out as a newcomer. I believe this drama has the potential to raise up newcomers, even make them wildly popular overnight."

"Bai Yin, is it appropriate for you to say that?" Tang Qianqian bluntly interjected, "Just to keep your female lead role, you want to force the director to change male leads and use a newcomer. Times have changed. Do you think you're still the Bai Yin that top studios used to fawn over?"

Director Xu chimed in, "Bai Yin, your requests really put me in a difficult position. I personally admire you a lot. Unless you can give me a reason to convince me to give up Lu Qi Ran, I really have no way to explain it to the investors."

Bai Yin picked up the script in front of her, casually flipped to a page, eyes fixed on Director Xu as she calmly read, "Act 1, exterior, Mingfeng Mountain, daytime, 3pm. Gu Qing has come to the site of the high mountain skiing competition where Cheng Nian had his accident. She sits on the icy snow ground, gazing into the distant snow-capped peaks. Her eyes no longer have tears, only unwavering determination."

"Gu Qing: Cheng Nian, it's the third year since you left. I will come to accompany you every year, but this year, I want to accompany you forever."

Director Xu looked at her in shock, unable to believe she had actually memorized the entire script.

He randomly flipped to another page, "Act 3, interior, bedroom, evening 6pm."

Bai Yin fluently continued, "Gu Qing and Cheng Nian walk into the room one after the other. Cheng Nian angrily turns around and grabs her shoulders. Gu Qing struggles free."

"Cheng Nian: I really don't understand why you want me to give up my dreams. You always fully supported me before."

"Gu Qing: If this continues, you'll lose your life!"

"Cheng Nian: Gu Qing, don't you believe I can break the world record?"

"Gu Qing scoffs coldly: I don't care about anything, world champion, world records... The only thing I care about is you, just wanting you to live on well."


Director Xu closed the script. The entire audition room fell silent.

The gazes of the actresses auditioning looking at Bai Yin were also full of disbelief.

What kind of devil actress was she to actually... actually memorize the entire script!

Simply... too frightening!

That night, #Entertainment Industry Overachiever Queen# became a trending topic at #7.

Because the video of Bai Yin reciting the script, recorded by a newly hired assistant director and posted online, instantly went viral across the net -

"Damn, has the entertainment industry become this competitive?"

"It's just Bai Yin overachieving, the rest... no comment."

"Wasn't there a popular star recently who was reading his lines during filming: 1 2 3 4, not even bothering to memorize."

"Bai Yin is truly a role model for the industry, entertainment's #1 overachiever queen."

"This is what a real actress looks like."

"The female lead of 'The Third Year After You Left' can only be her!"

"I can't imagine any other actress being able to achieve what she has in professionalism."


With the surge of online public opinion, the production team really had no choice but to reconsider their decision to replace Bai Yin.

Indeed, what she did greatly boosted her goodwill.

Any actress taking this role would likely be compared negatively against Bai Yin.

The start of filming was postponed another 10 days. The production team was probably reconsidering their choice of male lead.

When Old Master Chen received the call from the producer, his aged thumb was tightly clutching the porcelain teacup.

That girl Bai... really lived up to being someone he had personally nurtured.

"The female lead cannot be her," after a long pause, the old master gritted his teeth to say this one line: "Anyone else will do, just not her."

"But Old Master..." The producer said with difficulty, "Now the online..."

"Do you believe I can kill this project with one word?"

In the end, the producer chose to offend fans rather than capital, and finalized Lu Qi Ran as the male lead of "The Third Year After You Left", while Qin Yao would be the female lead.

Sun Lili angrily argued with the producer, still fighting for Bai Yin.

At this moment, Bai Yin sitting in the audition room was actually quite calm.

This result wasn't too unexpected in fact.

A stubborn man like the Old Master, how could he admit defeat; her fighting against him alone, how could she possibly win.

Success in the entertainment industry isn't just about effort. She had already done her utmost, and since she really couldn't get the role, she could only let it go.

"Forget it, Lili, let's go."

Sun Lili glared at the director and producer, angrily threatening them, "From now on, don't expect our Xingxing Agency's artists to ever collaborate with you again!"

The two left the room, and happened to see Qin Yao coming over for make-up tests.

Qin Yao gave Bai Yin a slight smile, the standard smile of a victor.

Bai Yin did not meet her gaze, eyes looking straight ahead as she left.

Just then, the assistant director rushed over, out of breath as he urgently said to Director Xu and the producer, "Found him! I found him!"

"Found who?"

"The male lead! Someone is willing to take the male lead role! And he's great at skiing, has won world championships!"

"The male lead is already confirmed to be Lu Qi Ran."

"No no no, this person, Lu Qi Ran can't compare at all! With him as the male lead, our drama will explode for sure!"

Bai Yin also turned back in surprise, looking curiously at the assistant director, wondering who this mystery male star was.

Who in the industry would dare to jump out at this juncture to contend with the Old Master.

Before the assistant director could even finish his water, the impatient Director Xu grabbed the cup from him, "Who exactly are you talking about?"

"Chen Huaixiao!"


The people present, including Qin Yao, had looks of utter shock appear on their faces.

Chen Huaixiao was going to take the male lead in "The Third Year After You Left"!

Chen Huaixiao was actually going to start acting???

The assistant director nodded repeatedly, then looked at Bai Yin with a strange gaze, "He said, he'll only partner with Miss Bai Yin."